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wù huì
  • misunderstand;mistake;misapprehend;misconstrue
误会 [wù huì]
  • [mistake;misunderstand;misconstrue] 误解

  • 当你认为我在讥笑你时,你误会了

误会[wù huì]
  1. 别误会,我并不是说他所做的是好事。

    I 'm not saying what he did was good , don 't misunderstand me .

  2. Mary小姐恐怕这是个误会我只是开玩笑

    Lady Mary , I hope u didn 't misunderstand me . I was only joking .

  3. 我以为他是她丈夫——我一定是误会了。

    I thought he was her husband ─ I must have misunderstood .

  4. 我不希望任何人有所误会。

    I don 't want anyone getting the wrong idea .

  5. 他无意中引起了这一切误会。

    He was the unknowing cause of all the misunderstanding .

  6. 这场误会使得他们七年互不往来。

    The misunderstanding had caused a seven-year estrangement between them .

  7. 我完全误会了她的意图。

    I completely misunderstood her intentions .

  8. 我相信这个误会将很快得到纠正。

    I am hopeful this misunderstanding will be rectified very quickly

  9. 并无引起误会的可能性。

    There was no fear that anything would be misunderstood

  10. 别误会我的意思,这个工作很有意思,可惜不是长期性的。

    Don 't get me wrong , it 's interesting work . But it 's not permanent

  11. 也许我误会你了。

    Maybe I misunderstood you .

  12. 人们对埃里克误会很深。

    Eric is very badly misunderstood

  13. 别误会,我的意思是乔安妮是我最好的朋友,但她有时候可能有点儿招人烦。

    I mean , don 't get me wrong . Joanie 's my best friend , but she can be kind of a pain sometimes .

  14. 我们之间的误会涣然冰释。

    The misunderstanding between us has been cleared up .

  15. 老萧觉得她是在挑字眼儿,误会了自己的意思。

    Old Xiao thought that she was trying to pick faults and misinterpreting his meaning .

  16. 这容易引起误会。

    This is liable to cause misunderstanding .

  17. 你误会他了。

    You are mistaken about him .

  18. 别误会我的意思!

    Now no mistake .

  19. 当人误会我们、苛待我们,我们如何回应呢?

    When we are mistreated or misunderstood , how do we respond ?

  20. 现在误会已经消除,我们可以回去工作了。

    Now that the misunderstanding is cleared up , we can get back to work .

  21. 此口角由误会引起。

    The quarrel originates in a misunderstanding .

  22. 你误会那事了。

    You are mistaken in that .

  23. 你对他有误会。

    You are mistaken in him .

  24. 她完全误会了我的意思。

    She mistook my meaning entirely .

  25. 他们彼此误会了。

    They misunderstood each other .

  26. 你一定是误会了。

    You must have misunderstood .

  27. 面对周围人的误会,他觉得真是百喙莫辩。

    Surrounded by people 's misunderstanding ; he was at a loss what to say to justify himself .

  28. 别误会,是作为朋友的那种喜欢。

    Don 't take this the wrong way , I mean as a friend .

  29. 不要误会我。

    Don 't get me wrong . Do

  30. 好尴尬……菲尔还给我招手呢,他真是误会了。

    Awkward ... Phil waved back to me as he was caught in a whoopsie wave .