
yǔ jìng
  • context;language environment
语境 [yǔ jìng]
  • [context] 语言环境。话语或文句的意义所反映的外部世界的特征

语境[yǔ jìng]
  1. 或许稍微脱离语境来看,皮亚杰的话有些过火。

    Perhaps , taken slightly out of context , Piaget 's statement seems harsh .

  2. 做出这种手势之前通常会说一句“Givemefive”或者“Highfive”。击掌代表的意思随不同的语境而有所变化,不过基本都是问候、祝贺或者庆祝的意思。

    The gesture is often preceded verbally by a phrase like " Give me five " or " High five . " Its meaning varies with the context of use but can include as a greeting , congratulations or celebration .

  3. 甚至看似毫无恶意的言辞在某些语境下都会引起冒犯。

    Even seemingly innocuous words are offensive in certain contexts .

  4. 在特定的语境中,litmustest也可以翻译成“试金石”。例句今年期末考试的结果将是检验该校招生新政策是否奏效的试金石。

    The results of this year 's final exams will provide a litmus test for the school 's new admission1 policy2 .

  5. Hattip在网络语境中表示“致敬,感谢”,缩写为HT或h/t,感谢某人让作者注意到某些信息或者激发了作者创作某个作品的灵感。

    Hat tip is ( often abbreviated to " HT " or " h / t " in online contexts ) used as an acknowledgement that someone has brought a piece of information to the writer ’ s attention , or provided the inspiration for a piece of writing .

  6. 该词最初指在狂欢节等场合为了吸引人们注意而配合骗子积极对其表演做出回应的同伙。后来,这个词逐渐用于不同的语境。比如,在市场营销中,shill指受商贩雇佣,假装成顾客给其好评的“托儿”。

    Its original use was to describe a person who acted as a swindler 's accomplice , a shill is a person who gives the impression that they are a satisfied independent customer of someone they 're in fact secretly working for .

  7. 这个动作多用来表达沮丧或者尴尬,不过,在对话语境中,也可以用来表达厌恶或失望的情绪。在常识、判断或者逻辑短暂缺失的情况下,我们通常会做出捂脸的动作。

    Although a facepalm is usually used to express frustration in common sense , judgement , or logical behaviour .

  8. 至少从1912年起,草根一词就大量用于政治语境,用来指代普通选民、某个政党或者某个政治组织。

    Since at least 1912 the word " grassroots " has been used mostly in a political context , where it refers to the rank-and-file of the electorate .

  9. 定义链接全局Cloudscape数据源的默认语境。

    Define a default context that links to the global Cloudscape data source .

  10. 语境可分为三大类,即语言环境(linguisticcontext)、副语言环境(paralinguisticcontext)和语言外环境(extralinguisticcontext)。副语言交际与文化教学

    Context can be divided into three categories : linguistic context , paralinguistic context and extralinguistic context , which are closely related with each other . Non-verbal communication and culture teaching

  11. 在实验2A中我们首先对前人的研究进行了验证,发现读者可以即时意识到中央凹信息与文章语境信息之间的冲突性。

    Firstly in the sub-experiment 2A-1 and 2A-2 , we validated the previous research and found that the integration of foveal information very immediately .

  12. 内涵语境下替换失效问题及其解决

    On the Issue of Substitution into Intensional Contexts and Its Solutions

  13. 发音人和语境变异与声调知觉

    The effects of the speaker and contextual variation on tone perception

  14. 后现代语境下的汉字新比较优势

    New Comparison Superiority of Chinese Characters under Latter Modern Linguistic Environment

  15. 情景语境与广告语篇的语言选择

    The Choice of Language in Contest of Situation and Advertising Discourses

  16. 大学英语词汇教学中的上下文语境研究

    A Study of the linguistic context in teaching College English vocabulary

  17. 世俗化语境与世纪末中国文学

    Secular Context and the End-of - the - Century Chinese Literature

  18. 而且这种反本质的观点,又是一种标准的后现代哲学语境。

    And the anti-essence view is a standard post-modernist philosophy context .

  19. 一组相关联的因素构成一个特定语境。

    A group of relevant factors constitute a particular context .

  20. 非传统安全维护的边界、语境与范式

    Non-traditional Security Keeping : Boundary , Setting , and Paradigm

  21. 再次,在翻译过程中,语境有两个主要功能。

    Two contextual functions are performed in the translation process .

  22. 尊重、交流与沟通&多元文化语境下的翻译

    Respect , Exchange and Communication : Translation in the Context of Multiculturalism

  23. 全球化语境中民族文学的时代价值选择

    The Time Value Choice of National Literature in Globalization Context

  24. 基于语境理论的学生猜词能力的研究

    A Study on Students ' Word Guessing Ability Based on Context Theories

  25. 终身学习语境下的人格教育

    Personality Education under the Circumstances of Life - long Study

  26. 广告传播语境的文化探讨

    A discussion of cultural factors in language context of advertisements

  27. 对马克思主义哲学本体论语境的再澄清

    Clarifying the Context of the Ontology of Marxist Philosophy Again

  28. 文化全球化语境下的当代中国文化建设

    Contemporary Chinese Cultural Construction in the Context of Cultural Globalization

  29. 隐变量理论与语境选择&一个语境分析方法的案例

    Hidden-variable Theory Selecting Context A Methodological Case about Contextual Analysis

  30. 全球化语境下的价值冲突与整合

    On the value conflict and conformity under the global background