- root;radical

[root] 词的主要组成部分,词义构成的基础部分
The word ' secretary ' comes from the same Latin root as the word ' secret ' .
The root of this word is kinein , Greek for to move .
A micropark refers to a small , usually temporary , public park set up in a street parking spot .
The Greek kathizein means to sit down .
An affixation compound is composed of a substantive morpheme and an empty morpheme .
This word comes from the Greek amaxa , meaning wagon4 – which suggests the vehicle that first inspired this fear .
At the root of this word lies an iconic pointed object of the ancient world : the Greek aikhm ē means " spear " or " javelin3 . "
In English context , the root of evaluation is value .
When we take a closer look at the word responsibility we find its roots come from the two words ; response and ability .
After consulting many references , especially " Webster 's Third New International Dictionary ", the author finds more conversion prefixes to change nouns or adjectives into verbs .
They learn the Latin root later , or side , and construct such English words as bilateral and quadrilateral .
The root X is divided into 4 categories : transitive verbs , intransitive verbs , verbs that are both transitive and intransitive , non verbs .
Nation concluded learning words by the analysis of each word in terms of affixes and roots as one of the three major strategies to learn English words .
I mentioned in the podictionary episode on recruit that an Indo-European root ker meant to grow .
Chronic is originally a medical term meaning " long term " ; it has the same root as " chronometer . "
Not for nothing does the root of the word credit come from the Latin credere , meaning to believe .
This article also explores specific features of DB2 full-text search , such as searching for keywords or phrases in the XML document structure with fuzzy search , proximity search , and stemming .
Secondly , the variants of English verbal roots before - t ( us ) of the suffix of the past participle , in the variation , except several roots letters have the variants of vowel letters , the rest have the variants of the consonant letters .
to change direction or course of the wind : to shift in a clockwise direction a change in course or direction
For example , searching for the name of a product with the stemmed form of the term " disappointing " in the " message " element of its comment can be expressed as follows
In cases where no advanced search functionality , like stemming , is used , it is possible to use a workaround using the contains () XQuery built-in function that was previously introduced .
The stemmed search returns documents having terms like " creamer ,"" creamed ," or " cream " in their textual content .
The word television , derived from its Greek ( tele : distant ) and Latin ( visio : sight ) roots , can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance .
The word " television , " derived from its Greek ( tele : distant ) and Latin ( visio : sight ) roots , can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance .
From the view of the basic word order sentences , Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .
By investigating the examples , we know that the basic syntactic function of the affix word " Hua " is to be verb or adjective or distinguished words . There is regularity between semantic meaning of the affix word " Hua " and " X " .
When given a word fragment like incl , they converted it into a " relationship word " such as include , instead of a neutral term , like incline , because the dish stirred a sense of connection 。 5 .
This same root turns up as crescere in Latin and was then applied to the growing moon .
The Machine Word Roots Dictionary Research of Contemporary Uighur Corpus Processing
Essentiality and Feasibility of Root Teaching Method in College English Teaching