
sù sòng fǎ
  • procedural law
诉讼法[sù sòng fǎ]
  1. 众所周知,证据制度是诉讼法的核心内容。

    As we all know , the evidence system is the core of procedural law .

  2. 许多行政机关举办了《行政诉讼法》学习班。

    Study classes for the Administrative Procedural Law have been organized by many administrative organs .

  3. 新刑事诉讼法的出台也使系统的效率有所降低。

    The introduction of a new code of criminal procedure has also slowed up the system .

  4. 程序法上,应该建立消费者经济公益诉讼法。

    At the same time , we should establish consumer protection procedure law .

  5. 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法


  6. 第一条中华人民共和国民事诉讼法以宪法为根据,结合我国民事审判工作的经验和实际情况制定。

    Article 1 The Civil Procedure Law of the People 's Republic of China is formulated on the basis of the Constitution and in the light of the experience and actual conditions of our country in the trial of civil cases .

  7. 德国、意大利等国将强制执行制度纳入民事诉讼法中。

    Germany and Italy bring the enforcement system into civil procedure .

  8. 不真正连带债务的诉讼法研究

    Research on the Procedural Law of Non-essential Joint and Several Liability

  9. 证据的概念是一个学者多有论争的问题。我国刑事诉讼法规定:证明案件真实情况的一切事实,都是证据。

    The concept of evidence is an agonistic question among scholars .

  10. 因此,必须对现行刑事诉讼法进行修订。我国刑法对单位犯罪中犯罪单位的处罚只规定了罚金刑。

    So , we must revise current criminal procedure law .

  11. 我国刑事诉讼法需要确认沉默权

    The Silent Right Need Be Affirmed in Criminal Lawsuit Law

  12. 弱势群体的民事诉讼法保护

    The Protection for Feeble Group in the Context of Civil Procedure Law

  13. 证券投资者利益保护的诉讼法视角&论证券民事赔偿诉讼制度

    How to protect the investors of securities in civil procedure

  14. 论《行政诉讼法》在药政案件中的适用

    Application of Administrative Procedure Law to Cases of Drug Administration

  15. 多媒体教学法在民事诉讼法教学中的运用

    The Utilization of Multimedia Teaching Methods in Procedural Law of Civil Affairs

  16. 这些法律规则体现了民事诉讼法上的当事人主义与诉讼公平理念。

    These rules materialize the idea of party autonomy and litigant justice .

  17. 我国现行的民事诉讼法未对自认制度作明确规定。

    Self-admission system is seldom discussed by our civil law .

  18. 客观真实与法律真实浅析&以我国刑事诉讼法案件事实为视角的分析

    An Analysis of the Proof Standard in the Criminal Procedure

  19. 《民事诉讼法》增设法律责任一章的必要性探析

    Probing into the Indispensability Necessity of Adding the Section of Legal Liability

  20. 浅谈我国民事诉讼法基本原则的修正完善

    On the Amendments of the Basic Principles for Civil Procedure Law in China

  21. 民事诉讼法修改的基本走势

    Basic Trend of Amendment for Code of Civil Law

  22. 构建刑事诉讼法基本原则体系的一种思路&以公正审判原则为核心

    A Proposal on Constructing the System of Criminal Procedure Law 's Basic Principles

  23. 关于民事诉讼法基本原则的评析

    Comment on and Analysis of Basic Principles in Civil Procedure Law in China

  24. 对刑事诉讼法再修改的几点建议

    Several Suggestions to the Revision of Criminal Procedure Law

  25. 简论修改《民事诉讼法》的宏观思路

    The Macroscopic Thinking on the Amendment to the Civil Procedure Law in China

  26. 简论刑事诉讼法修改的基本理念及原则

    Ideals of and Principles for Amending the Criminal Law

  27. 刑事诉讼法个别条款的合宪性探析

    Discussions on constitutionality of individual clause of criminal procedure

  28. 对在我国民事诉讼法中确立诚实信用原则的思考

    Consideration on the Establishment of Good Faith Doctrine in Our Civil Procedure Law

  29. 论民事诉讼法的控权法属性

    On the Controlling Power Attribute of Civil Procedure Law

  30. 修改刑事诉讼法,建章立制;

    Two , to revise the criminal law and to build up systems .