
yì lùn
  • comment;talk;discuss;speak at great length;exchange views on;talk over;remark;bandy
议论 [yì lùn]
  • [comment;disucuss;exchange views on;talk over] 对某问题进行评议讨论

  • [remark] 评议讨论时表示的意见

议论[yì lùn]
  1. 对他的行为举止有很多的议论。

    There was a lot of comment about his behaviour .

  2. 他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端。

    His comment when he heard the news is not printable .

  3. 议论的焦点是她是否应对自己的行为负责任。

    What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions .

  4. 她真的越来越猜疑别人对她有什么议论了。

    She 's getting really paranoid about what other people say about her .

  5. 对整个事情议论得越少,我越高兴。

    The less said about the whole thing , the happier I 'll be .

  6. 全镇的人都在议论这件事。

    The whole town is talking about it .

  7. 知道大家都在议论我们也于事无补。

    It doesn 't really help matters knowing that everyone is talking about us .

  8. 各家报纸都在议论他言行不一。

    Newspapers were talking of a credibility gap between what he said and what he did .

  9. 注意点!你从没见过的人,不要这样议论人家。

    Steady on ! You can 't say things like that about somebody you 've never met .

  10. 没有我的命令,不准议论这件事。

    I want nothing said about this until I give the word .

  11. 你会听到有关美国经济发展无序、后劲乏力的议论。

    You hear talk about American business being flabby .

  12. 人们会有议论,但日子还得过下去。

    People will talk , but you have to get on with your life .

  13. 最大的罪过不是通奸而是公众议论,是它导致了丑闻的发生。

    The ultimate sin was not infidelity , but public mention which led to scandal .

  14. 人人都在议论他。

    Everyone is talking about him

  15. 她喜欢议论邻居们的是非长短。

    She loves to gossip about her neighbours .

  16. 大家听到这个消息,乱哄哄地议论起来。

    The news set them arguing heatedly among themselves .

  17. 他的晋升引起了大伙儿沸沸扬扬的议论。

    His promotion has provoked much discussion among us .

  18. 不要在背后议论别人。

    Don 't talk about others behind their backs .

  19. 别人背后议论,他毫不在意。

    He doesn 't care at all what people say behind his back .

  20. 人多议论多,热气高,干劲大。

    More people mean a greater ferment of ideas , more enthusiasm and more energy .

  21. 有许多人“下车伊始”,就哇喇哇喇地发议论。

    There are many people who “ the moment they alight from the official carriage ” make a hullabaloo .

  22. 家长们纷纷议论着谁谁的孩子考上了大学。

    The parents are talking about whose children are admitted to college .

  23. 但愿你别再议论我的错误。

    I wish you would stop going over my mistakes .

  24. 跟这种没有知识的人议论严肃音乐本来就没有意思。

    There 's no point discussing serious music with such ignorant people .

  25. 背地里议论别人长短是不应该的。

    It is not right to gossip about a person behind his back .

  26. 人们开始一组一组地聚在一起议论。

    People began forming into little talkative groups .

  27. 我们议论他们,他们也议论我们。

    We gossip about them and vice versa .

  28. 一个人一提头儿,大家就议论起来了。

    When someone had set the ball rolling , everyone joined in the discussion .

  29. 我不会去理会那种议论。

    I shall let that remark pass .

  30. 她以为我们在议论她,直朝我们翻白眼儿。

    She kept glaring at us , thinking that we had been gossiping about her .