- cognition;-gnosis

[cognition] 认识、思维或知觉的自身发展,包括理解和推理的意识官能或过程,靠它获得关于感觉或理念的知识
Such attitudes are valueless unless they reflect inner cognition and certainty .
This description of roller-skating illustrates the three components of an attitude : affect , cognition , and behavior .
Each increment of knowledge tells us more of our world .
As children grow older , their cognitive processes become sharper .
She can know the world only at several removes .
Fourth , we must avoid both protectionism and false pieties .
Over an average of five years , however , those who were more socially active showed reduced rates of cognitive decline .
After revelations by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden in 2013 that the government both cozied up to certain tech companies and hacked into others to gain access to private data on an enormous scale , tech giants began to recognize the United States government as a hostile actor .
To cognitive researchers like Piaget , adulthood meant the beginning of an occupation .
The knowledge we have about the object constitutes the cognitive component of an attitude .
In addition , you can take a cognitive break every 90 minutes to charge your batteries .
AI pioneer Margaret Boden , professor of cognitive science at the University of Sussex , praised the progress of such discussions .
New research says that those who can 't seem to keep their inner monologues in are actually more likely to stay on task , remain focused better and show improved perception capabilities .
Early childhood experiences can be very consequential for children 's long-term social , emotional and cognitive development , said Sean Reardon , professor of poverty and inequality in education at Stanford University . "
Robots capable of social engagement help with loneliness as well as cognitive functioning , but the robot itself doesn 't have to engage directly — it can serve as an intermediary for human communication .
Research shows that when we absorb information in order to teach it to someone else , we learn it more accurately and deeply , perhaps in part because we are engaging our social cognition .
But if it was known that " Black " people were viewed differently from " African Americans , " researchers , until now , hadn 't identified what that gap in perception was derived from .
And lack of recovery — whether by disrupting sleep with thoughts of work or having continuous cognitive arousal by watching our phones — is costing our companies $ 62 billion a year in lost productivity .
" Risk taking in an educational context is a vital skill that enables progress and creativity , " wrote Sarah-Jayne Blakemore , a cognitive neuroscientist at University College London , in a review published last year .
Our study will use a large corporate dataset from a major medical company to examine how technology extends our working hours and thus interferes with necessary cognitive recovery , resulting in huge health care costs and turnover costs for employers .
More than a decade ago , cognitive scientists John Bransford and Daniel Schwartz , both then at Vanderbilt University , found that what distinguished young adults from children was not the ability to retain facts or apply prior knowledge to a new situation but a quality they called " preparation for future learning . "
The researchers are currently analyzing the study participants ' health and lifestyle to see which factors might influence age-related cognitive changes .
The researchers speculate that craft activities promote the development of nerve pathways in the brain that help to maintain cognitive health .
In general , Salthouse and his colleagues found , certain aspects of cognition generally started to decline in the late 20s to 30s .
And the best defense against memory loss is to try to prevent it by building up your brain 's cognitive reserve , Daffner says .
However , online CBT programs have been gaining popularity , with the attraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer .
But even if people are able to economically support a retirement at 65 , over thirty years of potential inactivity is harmful to cognitive and emotional vitality .
After four months , the patients using the computerized CBT programs had no improvement in depression levels over the patients who were only getting usual care from their doctors .
Although it is possible that only people who are cognitively healthy would pursue such activities , those who read newspapers or magazines or played music did not show similar benefits .
" By following individuals over time , " Salthouse said , " we gain insight in cognition changes , and may possibly discover ways to slow the rate of decline . "