
  1. 大多数客户会通过Internet连接用家庭计算机访问应用程序。

    Most customers will access it via home computers with Internet connections .

  2. 或者单击“跳过”,不设置该计算机访问internet并继续。

    Or click skip to continue without setting up this computer for Internet access .

  3. 必须能够从驻留FM的计算机访问这两个URI(见2.1.3节)。

    Both URIs must be accessible from the machine hosting the FM install ( see also 2.1.3 ) .

  4. 学生可以通过远程计算机访问和进行虚拟验证并对实验设备进行实时操作控制,还可以利用MATLAB环境编写自己设计的控制器,通过网络实现对实验设备的控制,并得到实验结果。

    Students can operate the remote devices via Internet . Students can code they control strategy by programmable environments ( in MATLAB ), then control the real remote device and get the experiment results .

  5. DB2install和fixpak镜像必须能够被所有参与分区的计算机访问。

    The DB2 install and fixpak images must be made available to all the participating machines .

  6. 计算机访问文档或数据集的方式。

    The manner in which files or data sets are referred to by thecomputer .

  7. 只能从本地计算机访问站点,减少了安全漏洞。

    The site can be accessed only from the local computer , reducing security vulnerabilities .

  8. 因为您正在使用“远程访问”简要表,您可以从其它计算机访问您的简要表信息。

    Because you are using a Remote access profile , you can access your profile information from other computers .

  9. 也可以从网络中其他计算机访问客户端。因此要设定新的固件规则。

    You can also access the guest from other computers on your network , so you may want to set up new firewall rules .

  10. 最后一个功能非常不错,可用于您的朋友在不要求使用服务器帐户的情况下使用其计算机访问您的网络。

    This last feature is great if friends visit with their computers and want access to your network without requiring an account on the server .

  11. 现在全世界成千上万的大小公司和政府机构都装了一种特殊的软件,用来封锁其雇员的计算机访问那些特殊网站。

    Across the whole world , thousands of large and small firms and government agencies are installing special software that can block access to individual Web sites from employees'computers .

  12. 网络信息和控制交换系统协议,能使各种数字式计算机访问同一网络中远程网点的信息和控制设备。

    The network information and control exchange ( NICE ) protocol that enables various DIGITAL computers to access information and control facilities of remote nodes on the same network .

  13. 还有其他几家公司对用来对付民主党全国委员会的恶意软件的代码和被盗文件的元数据进行了分析。这些公司的工作人员找到了这些文件被多台计算机访问的证据,其中有些带有俄罗斯语言设置。

    Officials at several other firms that have examined the code for the malware used against the Democratic National Committee and the metadata of the stolen documents found evidence that the documents had been accessed by multiple computers , some with Russian language settings .

  14. 数字图书馆采用Web技术对外提供服务,用户可通过任何一台接入互联网的计算机进行访问。

    Users can access the digital library with computers connected to the Internet .

  15. 也能用于监视校内计算机是否访问了Internet上的一些不良资源,并可以记录访问内容。

    The software can also be used to monitor if any campus computer access some bad resources on Internet , and record the contents of the accesses .

  16. 一般来说,只有直接连接到这台路由器的计算机才能访问这个MAC地址。

    Normally , only computers are directly connected to the router can gain access to the MAC address .

  17. 当出现“安装windows”页面时,单击“立即安装”开始安装过程,或者单击“修复计算机”访问系统恢复选项。

    When the install windows page appears , click Install Now to begin the installation process or click repair your computer to access system recovery options .

  18. 设置为通过NAT方式连接的一台虚拟机能像一台真正的计算机一样访问互联网,主机就是一只路由器。

    A virtual machine with NAT enabled acts much like a real computer that connects to the Internet through a router .

  19. jUSBAPI和JSR-80API都为应用程序提供了从运行Linux操作系统的计算机中访问USB设备的能力。

    Both the jUSB API and the JSR-80 API provide Java applications with the capability to access USB devices from a machine running the Linux operating system .

  20. 您应该注意这些风险并采取适当的预防措施,比如使用TCPWrappers、xinetd选项或iptables防火墙来限制对计算机的访问。

    You should be aware of these risks and take appropriate precautions , such as using TCP Wrappers , xinetd options , or iptables firewall rules to limit access to the computer .

  21. 具体实现内容如下:(1)实现了手机、计算机共同访问WAP网站,使胶农可以通过手机、计算机两种渠道都能获取到涵盖橡胶树栽培技术、病虫害防治、风寒灾害等信息。

    Specific content is as follows : ( 1 ) Implement of the mobile phone and computer access to a WAP site , and make farmers know more rubber tree cultivation techniques , pest control , cold disaster and other information .

  22. 供来宾访问计算机或访问域的内置帐户

    Built-in account for guest access to the computer / domain

  23. 此计算机用于访问主机上的信息。

    This computer is used to access information on the host computer .

  24. 这些模块提供额外的身份验证规则,保护对计算机的访问。

    These modules provide extra authentication rules to harden access to your machine .

  25. 将使用此计算机来访问主机中的资源。

    This computer will be used to access resources on the host computer .

  26. 您需要限制对这些计算机的访问。

    You need to restrict access to those machines .

  27. 计算机试图访问服务器%1时出现无法解释的错误。

    An unexplained error occurred while your computer tried to access server % 1 .

  28. 现在,通过流式服务,用户即可从计算机服务器访问大型音乐库,本人无需再拥有这些歌曲本身。

    Streaming services now allow users to access large music libraries from a computer server instead of owning the songs themselves .

  29. 计算机在访问网络时发生未知错误。详细信息,请洽询网络管理员。

    An unexplained error occurred while your computer tried to access the network . For more information , contact your network administrator .

  30. 域中的此用户名或密码无效,所以拨入方计算机拒绝访问。

    The computer you have dialed in to has denied access because the username and / or password is invalid on the domain .