
yán tán
  • speech;the way one speaks or what he says
言谈 [yán tán]
  • [ way one speaks or what he says] 谈话;谈论

  • 言谈大有缘。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

言谈[yán tán]
  1. 年轻人,注意你的言谈!

    Watch your language , young man !

  2. 她的幽默言谈和坚定决心对其他人来说是一种鼓舞。

    Her humour and determination were a source of inspiration to others .

  3. 45岁的达芙妮·法洛外貌言谈都还像个稚气未脱的小女生。

    Daphne Farlow , at forty-five , still looked and spoke like an overgrown schoolgirl .

  4. 他讲起故事来言谈风趣。

    He is an amusing story-teller .

  5. 言谈微中。

    One 's speech is subtle .

  6. 言谈之间可以看出他很懂行。

    It 's clear from the way he talks that he knows the subject well .

  7. 不过谁都没在态度和言谈方面,露出茫然木然的神情来

    But neither girl by word or gesture revealed her blankness .

  8. Johnson远不只是唯一一个在对言谈的喜爱上和常常是艰难的科学上两者上有着两项媲美的声誉的英国人。

    Johnson was far from the only Englishman to have matched a love of conversation with a reputation for occasional difficult silences .

  9. Johnson博士被认为是如此伟大的一位言谈家,其会话与同一时代的Titan的绘画一样伟大。

    Dr Johnson was considered so great a talker that a contemporary compared his conversation to Titian 's painting .

  10. 这些中的最后一条为Johnson所捕捉到,在他对会话的定义中言谈,必须是超越商业实务目的之上的。

    The last of these was well caught by Johnson when he defined conversation as talk beyond that which is necessary to the purposes of actual business .

  11. 这些中的最后一条为Johnson所捕捉到,在他对“会话”的定义中“言谈,必须是超越商业实务目的之上的”。

    The last of these was well caught by Johnson when he defined conversation as " talk beyond that which is necessary to the purposes of actual business . "

  12. Brown和Levinson(1978)认为,人们言谈中的言语行为都是一些威胁面子的行为。

    According to Brown & Levinson ( 1978 ) , nearly all the speech acts are face-threatening acts , as they intrinsically threaten the face needs of hearer and / or speaker .

  13. 鉴于关联理论和Grice的会话含义理论的密切关系,文章在解释随意言谈时,选择了从Grice的会话含义理论及其合作原则开始。

    As relevance theory is developed from Grice 's conversational implicature theory , the understanding of loose talk is firstly viewed in Grice 's sense .

  14. 创建纽约市智库人才创新中心(CenterforTalentInnovation)并任总裁的休利特(SylviaAnnHewlett)说,风度可归结为三个元素:你的行为举止、你的言谈和你的外表。

    Sylvia Ann Hewlett , founding president of the Center for Talent Innovation , a New York City think tank , says it comes down to just three elements & 'how you behave , how you speak and how you look . '

  15. 旧法国政权下的知识分子和伟大的言谈家MmedeStaël就将会话称为“一种交互的快速的给予对方快乐的途径;一个人的谈吐就如他的思考一般的敏捷;一个人对自我的自发陶醉;

    Mme de Sta ë l , a great talker and intellectual of the French ancien r é gime , called conversation " a means of reciprocally and rapidly giving one another pleasure ; of speaking just as quickly as one thinks ; of spontaneously enjoying one 's self ; of being applauded without working ... [ A ]

  16. 正如Rawson(1995)所述,委婉语渗透到我们的语言深处,没有哪一个人包括那些自诩言谈最为直截了当的人没有一天不使用委婉语的。

    As Rawson ( 1995 ) puts it , euphemisms " are embedded so deeply in our language that few of us , even those who pride themselves on ( in ) being plain-spoken , ever go through a day without them " .

  17. 言谈可能是银子,可“沉默是金子”。

    Speech may be silver but " Silence is Golden " .

  18. 她聪明且善于言谈。

    Her clever and is good at the may one speaks .

  19. 她的言谈,她的发型,她的眼镜都竞相传开。

    Her texts , her hairstyles , her glasses went viral .

  20. 随意言谈中不合作现象研究

    A Study on the Non-observance of Cooperative Principle in Loose Talk

  21. 我是从他的言谈中判断出来的。

    I can tell from the way he spoke to us .

  22. 我在言谈方面,行为方面,从来都没对您露过。

    I have never implied to you by word or deed .

  23. 我的言谈作息都要行在圣灵当中;

    My whole life and conversation must be in the Spirit .

  24. 黑狗让我消极的思考和言谈。

    Black dog could make me think or say negative things .

  25. 他不善言谈,生活圈子也很小。

    He is reserved , so he has limited friends .

  26. 他的言谈粗俗,简直就是亵渎神灵。

    His language was irreverent , not to say blasphemous .

  27. 一句话怎样会在言谈中忽然出现的?

    How does a phrase crop up in a dialogue ?

  28. 在他得罪人的言谈之后,紧跟著的是尴尬的沉默。

    His offensive remarks were followed by and embarrassed silence .

  29. 从她的言谈话语中,我能听到我自己话语的回音。

    In her speech I could catch echoes of my own speech .

  30. 年轻人应该在举止及言谈上学习彬彬有礼。

    Young people should learn to be urbane in department and speech .