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  1. 时间经纱~一条缎带被被剪成几断,马上复原。

    Time Warp ~ A ribbon is displayed and cut into pieces , then visually restored .

  2. 我了解被被遗弃的妻子、单身的母亲以及寡妇很可怜,可我也知道孤身的男人同样很悲哀。

    I did learn about the wretchedness of abandoned wives , single mothers , widows , but I also learned about the wretchedness of lone men .

  3. 合法性是政治权力被被统治者认为是正当的或自愿承认的特性,它将政治权力的行使变成了合法的权威。

    The legitimacy was a characteristic of political power which was regarded as proper right or accepted willingly by the ruled , and it turned the political power to the legitimate authority .

  4. 教练Green的情感放荡让她感到被暴露被抛弃了,许多年后依然带来刺痛的一个青春的伤心处。

    Coach Greene 's emotional sluttiness left her feeling both exposed and jilted , an adolescent heartbreak that still stings many years later .

  5. 他总是站在被压迫被剥削的人的一边。

    He always sides with the oppressed and the exploited .

  6. 整个地区将一直封锁到逃脱的豹子被重新被抓获。

    The whole area will remain cordoned off until the escaped leopards recaptured .

  7. 被适应被适应的状态。

    The state of being adapted .

  8. 被瓦解被分割后的必然。一滴水尽管具有大海的性质,但它毕竟不能展示出暴风雨的壮观。

    A drop of water has the properties of the sea , but cannot exhibit a storm .

  9. 美国是上帝的熔炉,在这个大熔炉里,来自欧洲的各色人等被融化被改造

    America is God 's Crucible , the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming

  10. 长期以来被一直被视为全球经济宠儿的新兴市场近几周大幅下跌。

    In recent weeks , emerging markets , long seen as the darlings of the global economy , have tumbled .

  11. 内部控制是个古老的研究课题,它的出现可追溯到公元前,但是随着社会经济的发展内部控制被不断被赋予新的特征,致使它一直以来都是管理界的热门话题。

    Internal control is an old and young research topic , it is with the social and economic development continue to be given new characteristics .

  12. 拍摄现在已经在三张新的照片显示被设定被建造的水腊树驾车的哈利波特和凤凰城的次序上停止。

    While filming has currently stopped on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix three new pictures reveal the Privet Drive set being built .

  13. 你虽然被撇弃被厌恶,甚至无人经过,我却使你变为永远的荣华,成为累代的喜乐。

    Although you have been forsaken and hated , with no one traveling through , I will make you the everlasting pride and the joy of all generations .

  14. 在你们每个人的心中,你们内心深处都有一名成功者,等着被觉醒被解开束缚,冲向世界。

    Inside each and every one of you * at the very of your core being * is a winner waiting to be awakened and unleashed upon the world .

  15. 研究设计为前、后测准实验设计。其中,被试被分成三个组,一组接受自我系统脱敏法训练、一组接受自我认知矫正法训练、一组未接受训练(作为对照组)。

    The part of quantitative research adapted pre-post test quasi-experimental design with two experimental groups ( one adapted self-desensitization , the other self-cognitive therapy ) and one control group .

  16. 当代社会道德虚无与道德虚伪的滋生与蔓延表明:道德教育的权威已丧失。而其根源在于道德教育的本真意义可能被歪曲被遮蔽甚或被消解了。

    The birth and spread of the nihility and hypocrisy in morality in modern society shows the authority of moral education has been lost , which results from the true value of moral education may be distorted or hidden or removed .

  17. 为了摆脱被奴役被束缚的状态,马克思恩格斯提出了发展生产力,扩大社会交往和消灭旧式分工与私有制等重要思想,为人的自由全面发展指明了正确的方向。

    To get rid of the sufferings , they came up with some important thoughts such as developing productive forces , enlarging social communication and eliminating the old-fashioned division of work and private ownership , which ultimately indicated the right way to the human-being 's free and full development .

  18. 她被逮捕并被送上了法庭。

    She was arrested and landed in court .

  19. 他们上气不接下气地赶到公司,不料却被告知他们被开除了。

    They reached the company out of breath only to be told they were fired .

  20. 我们正在重新认识杜威和蒙台梭利,以及他们开创的那些被遗忘或被搁置边的实践。

    We are rediscovering Dewey and Montessori and a lot of the practices that they pioneered that have been forgotten or at least put aside .

  21. 宛城很快就被攻下并被朱隽占领了。

    Wan Cheng was overpowered and taken into possession by Zhu Jun soon .

  22. 她的海藻与贻贝一起被养殖,被用作意大利面食和其它食品的添加物。

    Her crop is grown alongside mussels and is used as an additive2 in pasta and other products .

  23. 但我们也应该因此更加关注那些被忽视和被歧视之人的经历。

    But that also should make us more alive to the experiences of others who ’ ve been left out and discriminated21 against .

  24. 研究对象会被询问是否被诊断出患有中风、痴呆或高血压等疾病,以及三个月内的任务完成能力是否有所下降。

    People are asked whether they have been diagnosed with diseases like stroke , dementia , or hypertension and whether abilities to carry out tasks over three months had decreased .

  25. 你可能觉得,如果在试图避免被捕捉并被吞食的命运,那一身醒目的黑白图案可不是最好的办法。

    You might think if you 're trying to avoid being hunted down and eaten , that sporting a striking black and white pattern isn 't exactly the best way to do it .

  26. 那些狗看到不同的动物依次被杀、被吃掉后,便相互诉说:“我们最好快点离开这里,不然就会成为下一个被杀的对象。”

    When his dogs saw the various animals being killed and eaten in turn , they said to one another , " We had better get out of this or we shall be the next to go ! "

  27. 当结果(result)处理器(在operation属性中被引用)被通知Web服务已经执行完毕后,应用程序能处理服务调用的结果。

    The application is able to process the results of the service call when the result handler ( referenced in the operation attribute ) is notified that the web service has finished execution .

  28. 一旦一个安全的Servlet访问该会话,则它会被标记为被该用户“拥有”。

    Once a secure servlet accesses the session , it is marked as " owned " by that user .

  29. 在这个范例中,您将会看到四个SAP测试模块在一个真实的用户场景中是如何被合并和被使用的。

    In this example , you will see how four SAP test modules are combined and used in a real-world user scenario .

  30. CIA还被授权对被拘留者采用昆虫恐惧症,让他和毛毛虫呆在一个盒子里;

    The CIA also approved exploiting one detainee 's fear of insects by putting caterpillars in the box with him .