
  • 网络arc;arcade;Arcade game
  1. 如果你正在策划PC游戏,那么你可以想想,是不是有些潜在的可能性把这个游戏放到其他平台,或者手机或者街机。

    If you 're building the game on PC , you can think about how it 's going to potentially apply to console games , or cellular , or arcade .

  2. 比如,一种机器学习算法可以独立上手和掌握如何玩《超级马里奥》(SuperMario)这样的游戏。一开始算法会随机地玩这款经典街机游戏,但很快算法就能摸清如何操作和通关。

    For example , a machine learning algorithm can learn to play and master a computer game such as Super Mario independently , at first playing the arcade classic randomly but quickly figuring out how the controls work and how to get to the end of the level .

  3. 除了多仿真器超级系统(在其核心使用MAME)以外,多街机仿真器是最有趣的项目之一。

    The Multi-Arcade Machine Emulator is one of the most interesting projects , in addition to the Multi-Emulator Super-System ( which uses MAME at its core ) .

  4. 儿时风靡街机厅的游戏,来一起重温一下吧。

    Office childhood popular arcade games together back into it .

  5. 这是一个扭曲的经典街机游戏。

    It 's a classic arcade game with a twist .

  6. 同样的,大型街机游戏也有各种各样的周边产品。

    Similarly in the arcades there were all sorts of spin offs .

  7. 一个简单而美观的动画街机游戏,将让你上钩!

    A simple but aesthetically animated arcade game that will keep you hooked !

  8. 在一个角落,放着第一代《吃豆人》街机的主板。

    In one corner is the motherboard from the first Pac-Man arcade machine .

  9. 我看着他玩街机游戏。

    And I watch him play arcade games .

  10. 他躲进了一个街机厅。

    He ducked into a video arcade .

  11. 优秀的街机游戏机的弓箭手。

    Excellent arcade game of the archer .

  12. 体验街机的乐趣,55个关卡等你来玩,瞄准,射击!

    Experience the fun of arcade , 55 points waiting for you play , aim , fire !

  13. 击退一大群外国人来破坏这一独特的战略游戏街机您的采矿企业!

    Repel hordes of aliens coming to destroy your mining venture in this unique arcade strategy game !

  14. 例如,机器通过观察屏幕上物体的运动,就能学会玩街机游戏。

    For instance , machines play arcade games simply by observing the movement of objects on the screen .

  15. 俄罗斯黑手党是最好的构建平台的街机射击游戏的战斗行动永远!

    Russian Mafia is the best platforming arcade action fighting shooter ever ! The greatest game with considered gameplay !

  16. 街机模式有两个选项:完全挑战或级别挑战,将增加游戏中额外的重放能力。

    Arcade Mode itself is split into two options-Full Challenge or Level Challenge-that add extra replayability to the game .

  17. 这个名词指的是在屏幕上弹出的评论,以一种街机射击游戏的赶脚。

    The word refers to the commentaries shooting across the screen , in the style of an arcade shooting game .

  18. 许多动作游戏策划是从街机游戏那发展而来的,但它们与街机游戏有着非常不同的策划理念。

    A lot of where our action game design has evolved from is from arcade games , which have a very different design philosophy .

  19. 有一天我和我快四岁大的儿子去了游乐园,我看着他玩街机游戏。

    The other day I went to an amusement park with my soon to be four-year-old son and I watched him play arcade games .

  20. 依靠创造性,我们最终不光得以主宰街机游戏市场,还成了家用游戏机市场的主导者。

    And because of our creativity , we were ultimately able to dominate not just the coin-operated game business but the consumer business as well .

  21. 结合聪明的游戏,智能控制,一个良好的数额戈尔,感染非常接近街机幸福的索尼公司的掌上电脑。

    Combining clever gameplay , smart controls , and a good amount of gore , Infected was pretty near to arcade bliss on Sony 's handheld .

  22. 网络游戏也是如此,用户愿意花些零钱来获得游戏体验,这就像玩街机一样。

    When it comes to online games , users are willing to part with some small change for the gaming experience , just like playing at an arcade .

  23. 迪士尼乐园,游乐场,街机游戏室――我全都喜欢,因为我小的时候总是工作工作工作。

    Disneyland , amusement parks , arcade games & I adore all that stuff because when I was little , it was always work , work , work .

  24. 这是一款街机游戏,顾客手持激光枪,任务是在规定的时间内尽可能多的打中木鸭。

    Created as an arcade game , punters were handed a lightbeam-firing rifle and tasked with shooting as many wooden ducks as they could within a given time .

  25. 街机中的“全国联网”也许对于中国玩家来说是个很新鲜的名词,但在彼岸的岛国日本却已经司空见惯了。

    Arcade in the " national network " Maybe the Chinese players is a very new term , but on the other side of the island nation of Japan has been commonplace .

  26. 日本人大胆创新的研发精神实在值得其他国家去借鉴,更多的新玩法和新的游戏概念与中国玩家传统的街机已产生了巨大的差异。

    Bold and innovative spirit of Japanese R & D in other countries deserve to learn more new ways and new game concept with China 's traditional arcade players have produced a huge difference .

  27. 严格地说,“太空堡垒”游戏不象“光晕”或“刺客信条”之类的游戏,相反,它很象最初的街机游戏,用几何图形代替太空船和建筑物。

    The game isn 't exactly Halo or Assassin 's Creed . Instead , Space Fortress looks a lot like the very first arcade games , with geometric shapes subbing for spaceships and buildings .