
  • 网络administrative office management
  1. 农村行政机关管理人员不仅可以准确掌握日常工作信息的管理还能够快捷方便查找相关共享信息。

    Executive management in rural areas not only grasped accurately the daily work of information management , but also found conveniently relevant sharing information .

  2. 完善国家行政机关收费管理的研究

    Study on Perfecting the Charge Controlling of Administrative Organizations in China

  3. 地方行政机关后勤管理体制创新研究

    The Innovation of Logistic System Reform of Local Administrative Organs

  4. 行政机关以及管理机构的基本法律教义等等。

    Proceedings before administrative bodies as well basic legal doctrines about administrative agencies are studied .

  5. 进而提出了国家行政机关收费管理的概念及强化管理的目的和意义;

    Secondly , the thesis put forward the notion of administrative collecting fees and significance of strengthening it .

  6. 事业单位是我国公共部门的重要组成部分,也按照行政机关绩效管理模式推行了绩效管理。

    As the important component of Chinese public sectors , the public institutions have also implemented the performance evaluation system .

  7. 经过多年的实践,行政机关绩效管理体系已经初步形成,发挥了重要的作用。

    After years of practice , the performance evaluation system has been initially formed in the administrative units and played an important role .

  8. 行政机关在管理国家和社会事务时,其行政行为可能会危及国家和社会公共利益。

    In dealing with national and social affairs , the actions of an administrative organ may jeopardize the public interests of the nation or society to which it belongs .

  9. 本论文主要采取理论和社会调查相结合的研究方法,从法律法规的角度探讨地方教育行政机关如何管理民办幼儿园。

    By adopting the method of theory combined with social investigation , this article discusses that the local educational authorities how to manage civilian-sponsored kindergartens in the view of law .

  10. 它为国土资源信息中心的各专项系统提供了必不可少的基础数据源,为国家行政机关和管理提供了一种全新的技术手段。

    It has offered the essential basic data source for every special system of the territory resource information centre , have offered a kind of brand-new technological means for national administrative organ and management .

  11. 我国并未实现律师的整体独立,司法行政机关在律师管理体制中居于主导地位,因此,我国的律师管理实际上采用的是行政化的管理模式。

    The administrative organization of justice takes the lead in the management of lawyer in our country .

  12. 论行政机关国有资产管理试论行政机关的告知义务

    Management of the State Owned Capital in Administrative Sector Discussion on the obligation of informing for administrative organ

  13. 其次,它的执法行为是税务行政机关对外实行管理的具体行政行为。

    The act of enforcing the law is a concrete administrative behavior that the tax authority implements management to the outside .

  14. 这些问题的存在既不利于学校和教育行政机关的日常管理工作,也侵犯了教师的合法权益。

    Unless we solve them , the issues will effect on the administration of the education services and the schools , and they can also impinge the teachers ' rights .

  15. 但由于行政机关在行政管理中不同程度地存在部门利益或地方利益,近年来抽象行政行为的违法现象呈上升趋势。

    But as the executive administration exists to varying degrees in the departments of local interests or the interests of the executive acts of violations in recent years abstract upward trend .

  16. 作为行政机关行使行政管理和服务职能的重要手段之一的其他行政规范性文件为我国的经济发展和社会稳定作出了积极贡献,发挥了其他行政手段不可替代的作用。

    " Other administrative regulations ", as one of the important measures in administration and public service , have played an irreplaceable role and contributed positively to our economic development and social stability .

  17. 立法上做出这样的规定,主要目的在于保护劳动者的权益,防止用人单位滥用权利,同时便于纠纷发生后的举证和行政机关的监督管理。

    Such legislative measures aim at defending the interests of the laborers and preventing the employing units from abusing the power . Meanwhile , it is convenient for producing evidence after the dispute and the supervision of the administrative organs .

  18. 可以说,职务犯罪严重损害了国家行政机关在社会管理工作中的良好形象,阻碍了社会的进步与发展,损害了公众利益,具有严重的社会危害性。

    It can be said that the crimes committed serious damage to the good image of the state administrative organs in social work , hindered social progress and development , damage the interests of the public , with serious social harm .

  19. 市司法行政机关负责指导、管理面向社会服务的司法鉴定工作。

    The municipal administrative department for justice shall be responsible for guiding and administering the judicial appraising work serving the society .

  20. 没有信息,行政机关便不能从事管理工业、保护环境、起诉欺诈行为、征收税款或授与拨款等活动。

    Without information , administrative agencies could not regulate industry , protect the environment , prosecute fraud , collect taxes , or issue grants .

  21. 第四部分阐述了云南省工商行政机关企业注册登记管理落实建设效能政府的措施及现状。

    Chapter four describes the measures and current status of building efficiency-government of the industrial and commercial administrative organs and enterprises in Yunnan Province registered the management .

  22. 第十四条广告收费标准,由广告经营者制订,报当地工商行政管理机关和物价管理机关备案。

    Article 14 . Rates of charges for advertisements shall be fixed by advertising operators and reported to local administrative departments for industry and commerce and to those in charge of price control for the record .

  23. 对消费者不苛求对欺诈者不放任&对《消法》第49条的认识和理解没有信息,行政机关便不能从事管理工业、保护环境、起诉欺诈行为、征收税款或授与拨款等活动。

    Don t Make Excessive Demands on Consumer ; don t Indulge in the Action of Cheating ; Without information , administrative agencies could not regulate industry , protect the environment , prosecute fraud , collect taxes , or issue grants .

  24. 许可水权在明确界定水权初始分配的同时加强了行政机关对水权的管理,对公共利益与生态环境也做了充分的考虑。

    This water rights system clearly defined water rights in the process of the initial allocation of water rights , while strengthening the executive management of water rights . More importantly , public interests and environmental factors are taken into account .

  25. 在此基础上,设计适合不同层级公务员的激励机制,不仅有利于调动我国公务员的积极性,提高公务员的创造型,还有利于提高行政机关的绩效和管理水平,提升我国行政部门的竞争力。

    The motivation mechanism is not only advantageous in arousing our country servant 's enthusiasm , enhances servant 's creation , but also enhances the administrative organ the achievements and the management level , promotes our country administrative department the competitive power .

  26. 政府信用是指各级国家行政机关在经济社会管理和服务活动中能够履行契约而取得的信任,是社会组织、民众对政府行政行为所产生的信誉和形象的一种主观评价或价值判断。

    Government credit is the trust goverment administrative departments at all levels enjoy by keeping promises in social and economic administration as well as social service activities and the common people 's subjective evaluation on the government 's reputation and image in administrative activities .

  27. 传统的环境保护一般是靠环境行政机关实行强制性行政管理手段,强迫人们按照政府的决策和规定去做,确实起到了一定功效,但是其弊端和负面影响也越来越表露出来。

    Traditional environmental protection environmental administrative authorities to implement a mandatory administrative means , to force people to do in accordance with government decisions and regulations , does play a certain effect , but its drawbacks and the negative impact of more and more to show it .

  28. 行政规定是行政机关进行行政管理的依据,在行政管理活动中发挥着重要作用。

    Administrative management is according by administrative regulations that plays an important role in it .

  29. 依法行政就是行政机关行使权力、管理公共事务必须由法律授权并依据法律规定行事。法律是行政机关据以活动和人们对该活动进行评判的标准。

    Legal administration means the authority of the administrative organs in public affairs must be granted by law and based on law .

  30. 公共行政学认为,行政机关的管理体制是国家制定的关于机构设置和管理权限划分的制度。

    To public administration , the management system of administrative organs is the system concentrated on the agency establishment and management formulated by the state .