
xínɡ zhènɡ shǒu duàn
  • administrative means;administrative measures
  1. 第三,国家对石油行业的监管仍然主要采取行政手段。

    Thirdly , Chinese government mainly utilizes administrative measures to manage petroleum industries .

  2. 但长期以来,其管理方法主要采用的是行政手段。

    But for a long time , its management method is the administrative measures .

  3. 软件配置管理(SCM&SoftwareConfigurationManagement)是指通过技术及行政手段对大型软件产品的团队开发进行控制、规范的一系列方法、工具和过程。

    Software Configuration Management is a set of methods , tools and processes which control and standardize the parallel development of software products by technical and administerial power .

  4. 保障措施是WTO规则允许的成员国用以合理保护国内产业的行政手段之一。

    Safeguard measure is one of the administrative means in WTO rules for members to protect their national industries in reason .

  5. 反倾销税是针对倾销的存在而实施的,是WTO允许其成员国用于保护国内企业和市场,抵制进口产品不正当竞争的主要行政手段之一。

    Antidumping aims at the existence of dumping , and is allowed to protect its members ' domestic enterprises and markets by WTO and is one of the main administrative methods to reject the malfeasance competition of importing products .

  6. 然而,与发达市场经济条件下的政府管理体制相比,与WTO的有关要求相比,我国政府在体制结构、行为方式、政策目标、行政手段等方面还有很大的差距。

    However , compared with advanced countries ' governments and the requirements imposed by WTO , China 's government falls short in many aspects , such as government organization , public administrative management , policy-making objectives , and administrative methods .

  7. 节能降耗既要靠行政手段,也要靠市场手段。

    Energy saving need both administrative means and market means .

  8. 其实现手段主要有:计划、经济、法律、行政手段。

    Their means have the project , economy , law and administrative means .

  9. 另外由于受中国区域发展的历史和行政手段的影响,加大了区域资本市场的发展不平衡。

    And the imbalance was strengthened by the regional development history and administration practice .

  10. 间接宏观调控的手段有经济手段、法律手段、行政手段。

    There are economic means , legal means and administrative means in the means .

  11. 我国经济体制转型期政府行政手段问题研究

    Government 's Administration Means Problem in Transformation Period of Economic System of Our Country

  12. 第三,政府主要依靠行政手段来管理经济和社会事务。

    Third , the government manages economic and social affairs mainly through administrative means .

  13. 拍卖与招标因其巧妙的机制设计和资源配置的高效率效率,能够有效地避免纯粹计划行政手段的弊端,因而是政府市场行为的典型形式。

    Auction and bidding mechanism had ingenious design and high efficiency in allocating resources .

  14. 运用行政手段,建立健全社会保障体系;

    Make use of executive method , to establish and strengthen the social security system .

  15. 本文认为,在传统计划经济体制下,市场秩序的建立主要采取行政手段;

    Under planned economic system , construction of market order was mainly achieved by administrative measures .

  16. 白色证书是一种市场手段和行政手段相结合的能效政策模式。

    White certificate is an energy efficiency policy mode which combines market method and administration method .

  17. 在我国,行政手段是政府管理出版业的主要方式。

    In china , administration is the main way of government which can manage publication industry .

  18. 财政金融动员是依据一定的政策、行政手段筹措和分配资金,有效地支援战争的活动。

    Financial mobilization is an activity of financing to support the war by definite policy and administration .

  19. 若市场发展未臻完善,要有效传递政策,便可能要诉诸行政手段。

    In places where markets are underdeveloped , administrative measures may be necessary instruments of policy transmission .

  20. 这些行政手段没有奏效。

    These administrative measures failed .

  21. 计划生育技术服务工作开展多年,基本靠行政手段,强制措施。

    The technology service of family planning has been basically finished by administration and forcible execution for many years .

  22. 对矿山环境的规制,我国主要实施的是行政手段和经济手段。

    In our country , the main methods in regulation of the mining environment are administrative and economic methods .

  23. 出现了特定时期,地方政府运用行政手段培育、维护区域性市场的独特现象。

    So the local governments chose to cultivate and maintain market with the administrative method in the specific period .

  24. 然而,作为一项新型行政手段,在实践中难免会造成行政侵权。

    However , as a new administrative method , it can unavoidably create the administrative infringement in the practice .

  25. 操作层面存在的问题针对具体的行政手段和税收手段进行了深入剖析。

    Then the dissertation from administrative instrument and tax instrument has a deep discussion of problems on operation level .

  26. 自愿协议是目前国际上应用最多的一种非强制性节能措施,它可以有效弥补单纯行政手段的不足。

    Voluntary agreements are among the non-mandatory energy conservation measures , used for most applications in the developed countries .

  27. 第三,加强引导,趋利避害,把经济手段和行政手段结合起来。

    Thirdly , strengthening the guidance , seeking benefits , avoiding disavantages and combining the economic means with administrative means .

  28. 三是政府以行政手段介入国有土地资产运营,滋生了严重的土地寻租活动;

    Third , government interference in state owned land property operation by administrative means leads to problematic land renting activities .

  29. 减缓是采取措施或手段减少大气温室气体浓度,主要包括经济手段和行政手段。

    Mitigation refers to taking measures , including economical and administrative ones , to decrease the density of greenhouse gases .

  30. 征地补偿采用行政手段,产值倍数补偿作为补偿标准正是这种体制下的产物。

    Land expropriation compensation using administrative means , multiple output compensation as compensation standards is a result of this system .