
xínɡ wéi kè tǐ
  • object of act
  1. 本文将刑法分则中以假币为行为客体的几个犯罪归纳为货币犯罪,作为一个犯罪群在整体上进行全景考察。

    The article sums up several offences whose object of act is false coin in the specific provision of Criminal Law into offence against currency as a group of crimes to review in full view .

  2. 行为客体是虚假广告。

    The object of acts is false advertisement .

  3. 投资客体的法律性质,是指投资客体在法律上区别于其他经济行为客体的本质属性。

    The characteristics of investment objects mean the innate attributes which differ distinctively from other objects of economic activities in law .

  4. 论妨害公务罪的行为客体通过碰撞检测实现了沿楼梯而上的功能。

    On the Action Object of the Offence on Interference with Public Functions And the action up stairs is implemented by collision detection .

  5. 占有的性质体现为法益,是侵权行为之客体,在侵权行为法的救济中居特殊地位。

    The nature of possession is legal interest .

  6. 所谓创新,是指主体通过创造性行为促进客体发展的活动。

    Innovation means that the creative behaviors of subjects can promote the development of the objects .

  7. 虽然债权是一种相对权,但债权本身具有不可侵性,可以作为侵权行为的客体。

    Jus in personam is a relative right , but the right itself bears inviolability and can be regarded as the object of tort .

  8. 而且,通过引入处分行为的客体并将之与权利客体联系起来,实现了这种解释框架的动态化。

    Furthermore , this frame realizes its dynamic state through bringing into the concept of the object of disposal act and connecting it with the object of right .

  9. 英语双及物动词构块以施事论元通过某行为使客体向接受者成功转移为中心意义,除其基本用法外还涉及隐喻和转喻用法;

    The English ditransitive construction , with actual successful transfer as the central sense , typically implies that the ( agent ) argument acts to cause transfer of an object to a recipient .

  10. 状态补语是描写动作行为对客体产生影响的状态,这种描写的前提是动作行为已经发生、完成或状态已经出现。

    State complement means the description of state of impact which act works on object . The prerequisites of the description is that the action has been done , finished or that the state has occurred .

  11. 肯定说认为债的相对性并不能阻碍债权作为侵权行为的客体,债权同其他民事权利一样都应受到法律的有效保护,也就是说债权具有不可侵犯性。

    Positive theory believe that the nature of relative on claims cannot obstruct claims become the object of violations , claims should be protected effectively like other civil rights , claims have the nature of no aggress .

  12. 违反治安治理行为的客体是指《治安治理处罚条例》所保护的,而为违反治安治理行为所侵害的社会关系。

    The object that disobeys action of public security government is to point to " public security management punishs byelaw " what protect , and the human relations in society that runs behavior place enroach on to violate public order .

  13. 其次,行为对犯罪客体产生了现实危险。

    On Reality At the same time the criminal object is facing with a current danger .

  14. 本部分对行政侵权的主体、行为类型、客体等进行的阐释,是第四部分制度构建的基础。

    In this part , there are definitions of the subject , behavior types , objects of administrative tort , which are very important to the fourth part .

  15. 刑法分则将第二种意义的犯罪目的特别规定为犯罪构成要件的价值在于:其一,只有具有第二种意义的犯罪目的,行为才能对客体造成侵害;

    The significances that criminal law stipulate the crime with special motive lies : firstly , only if a harmful conduct has special motive , can it harm the object of crime ;

  16. 归责原则应采无过错责任原则,并与产品制造者承担连带责任,概因其致害行为以及损害客体之特殊性而呈现出责任个性。

    The choices of Imputation principles should be adopted no-fault liability principle , and undertake the joint liable with the product manufacturer . Its responsibility shows personally because of specificity of the virulence behavior or damaged object .

  17. 在这一认识活动中,危害行为是认识的客体,犯罪构成是认识的中介。

    The dangerous act is the object of cognition while the constitution of crime is the intermediate of cognition .

  18. 更确切地说,审美对象仅仅是这些客体对象的现象,也就是在相应的审美直观行为中显现的客体对象。

    Accurately speaking , the aesthetic object is only the phenomenon of the substance or the object in the corresponding aesthetic act .

  19. 该逻辑框架包含了与授权相关的按时间节点预定义的行为、由主客体属性和系统所表达的状态序列及状态谓词。

    The specification of the logic model consists of pre-defined authorization actions , a sequence of states expressed by attributes of subjects , objects , and the system , and state predicates .

  20. 而我国宪法诸多条款也对个人尊重他人的基本权利提供了法条依据。因此,宪法基本权利理应成为我国侵权行为法保护的客体之一。

    Many legal provisions of constitutional law of PRC provide the basis for respecting the other peoples ' constitutional rights , so the the object of Tort Law of PRC should contain the constitutional rights .

  21. 我国新刑法规定的洗钱罪,作为对某些特定犯罪所得及其收益的性质和来源进行掩饰、隐瞒的犯罪行为,侵犯的客体是司法机关追究犯罪行为的正常管理活动;

    In accordance with the New Criminal Law of our country , the crime of washing money refers to the criminal acts of covering up , or conceal the nature and sources of the gains and profits from some specific crimes .

  22. 政治资源是社会资源体系的一个重要组成部分,政治资源是指能够使政治行为主体对政治客体发生作用,从而影响政治变迁、维护政治稳定、推动政治发展的物质与非物质因素的总和。

    An important part of social resources system , political resources refer to the combination of those physical and non-physical elements which lead to the action of political subject on the object and therefore , influence political change , protect political stability and promote political development .

  23. 理论与实务上关于绑架罪的客观方面要件究竟为单一行为还是复合行为、客体要件应当是单一客体抑或复杂客体理解不一。

    Theoretical and practical difference concerning the crime of kidnapping is whether the objective aspects of it is a single act or compound acts , and the object of the crime is a single object or complex object .

  24. 而危害结果是对犯罪客体造成的现实损害,因此,可以得出,应以行为人对行为对犯罪客体造成的现实损害作为罪过判断的标准这一结论。

    Against result is the object of the crime caused damage to the reality , therefore , can be drawn , we should act on the perpetrators of the crime the reality of the object causing damage to the judgment of sin standards this conclusion .

  25. 受贿罪的客体是职务行为的廉洁性(不可收买性),而受贿数额不是体现受贿行为对客体危害程度的主要因素,应是国家工作人员对其职务行为和职责的违背程度。

    The object of the crime of bribery is the integrity of official conduct ( can not be bought ), and the amount of bribery can not directly show the degree of being harmful to the society . It is the national staff who go against their duties and responsibilities .

  26. 第三章在建构主义学习理论、信息加工理论、行为科学理论基础上,分析了网络学习行为的要素构成:学习行为的主体、学习行为的媒介、学习行为的客体。

    In the third chapter , based on the constructivist learning theory , information processing theory , behavioral science theory , we analysis elements of network learning behavior : the main body of learning behavior , the media of learning behavior , the object of learning behavior .

  27. 后者强调具体言语行为的读者接受反应效果,具有主观性,从而导致对等概念作为翻译标准在客观性、描述性、可操作性、以及翻译行为主体,客体之间互动性本质等方面认识的历史局限性。

    The latter emphasizes the readers ' responses to concrete texts , featuring subjective nature , which altogether lead to the historical limitations in the respects of objectivity , descriptiveness , applicability , and interaction between the subjects and objects of translating process .