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kǔ guǒ
  • bitter pill;bad consequences
苦果 [kǔ guǒ]
  • [bad consequences] 比喻痛苦的结果

  • 产销没有衔接好的苦果

苦果[kǔ guǒ]
  1. 在我看来,公有制之所以是个好主意了,是因为我们现在吞下一颗大大的苦果。

    It is a good idea , in my view , once we swallow a large , bitter pill .

  2. 哦,不。那完全是我自己的错误,是我自己为自己种下了苦果。

    Oh , no , It was my own mistakes due , It 's me who planed the bitter pill for me .

  3. 尽管后来他成了事业有成的生意人,以前的犯罪前科终究让他尝到了苦果。

    Although he subsequently became a successful businessman , his criminal past caught up with him .

  4. 瓦文萨先生因为承诺给每个波兰人1亿兹罗提创办企业而尝到了苦果。

    Mr Walesa burned his fingers by promising he would give every Pole 100m zlotys to start a business .

  5. 他想劝秦王痛下决心,解决这一隐患,又不敢明言,只好用这个故事来暗示劝谕,周景王没有理会宾梦故事的含义,不久便亲尝到了这颗苦果。

    He wanted to persuade the king to make up his mind and resolve the hidden trouble . It wasn 't wise of him to say it directly so he used this story to imply his advise . But the king didn 't get the message in this story , and before long he had to eat the bitter fruit .

  6. 上周,雅虎(Yahoo)就尝到了这样的苦果,这家公司的CEO斯科特•汤普森被曝简历造假。

    Yahoo learned this lesson the hard way last week when it was revealed that their CEO , Scott Thompson , padded his resume .

  7. 看看不久前美联储的低息贷款、房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac),以及那些次级抵押贷款给我们造成的苦果吧。那几乎导致整个经济崩溃。

    Just look at what the Fed 's easy money , Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and all those subprime mortgages did to us not too long ago . It almost killed us .

  8. 事实上,正如越来越多的求职者开始品尝这一苦果一样,你在最近一次办公室聚会上拍摄并上传到myspace、facebook或flickr账户上的那些令人难堪的照片,总会回来困扰你。

    Indeed , as a growing number of job applicants are beginning to discover to their cost , those embarrassing pictures that you uploaded to your MySpace page or Facebook or Flickr account after the last office party have a nasty habit of coming back to haunt you .

  9. 不幸的是,现在我们看到了高度集中带来的苦果。

    Unfortunately we are now seeing the consequences of this centralization .

  10. 他说,因为他尝过空气污染的苦果。

    Torres says he has suffered the effects of polluted air .

  11. 不管怎样,我不会吞下这颗苦果。

    Somehow , I hadn 't swallowed the bad pill yet .

  12. 他因撒谎而不得不自食苦果。

    He had to pay the penalties for telling lies .

  13. 失业人员正饱尝市场经济的苦果。

    The unemployed are tasting the bitter fruits of the market economy .

  14. 有时你得默默咽下苦果,扮成一个小蛋糕

    sometimes you have to just eat it and be a cupcake ,

  15. 吸烟迟早会让你尝到苦果的。

    Smoking will catch up with you sooner or later .

  16. 阿萨德承认反政府武装最近在战场上吃到了苦果。

    Assad acknowledges that the rebels have suffered reversals on the battlefield lately .

  17. 他们犯的错让我们尝到苦果世界末日降临,只会剩下我们

    We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes

  18. 在选举中失败是他难以下咽的苦果。

    Defeat in the election is a bitter pill for him to swallow .

  19. 我做出了错误的决定只得自食苦果。

    I had to pay the penalty for the wrong decisions I made .

  20. 当比赛开局糟糕之后,你就必须承受由此带来的苦果。

    When you start a game badly you run the risk of suffering .

  21. 因为有人要承受失败的苦果。

    And since someone needed to take the fall .

  22. 我只是让他们自食苦果。

    I just turned their own monsters against them .

  23. 现在我们正在收获自己种下的苦果。

    Now we are reaping the bitter harvest .

  24. 他忽视身体健康而自食苦果。

    Neglected his health and paid the penalty .

  25. 否则他们只能用一个周末的时间来回味裁员的苦果。

    Otherwise , they may just spend the weekend ruminating over the bad news .

  26. 它会是一种不善巧的意业,有苦果、苦报么?

    Is it an unskillful mental act , with painful consequences , painful results ?

  27. 既体验过取得成功的喜悦,时不时的,还要品尝重头再来的苦果。

    the exhilaration of victorious breakthroughs and , sometimes , the explosive pain of regeneration .

  28. 然而对于同性恋群体来说,这无疑是一枚难以下咽的苦果。

    For the gay community , however , it was a bitter pill to swallow .

  29. 激进的女权主义已经尝到其自酿的果实,但却是非常苦的苦果。

    Radical feminism has tasted the fruits of its labor and it is very bitter .

  30. 不可避免地,正是由新独立的国家来吞食苦果。

    Inevitably it was the new independent states who were to reap the bitter harvest .