
yì shù shè jì
  • Art Design;art layout
  1. 浅谈艺术设计案例教学法的优势特点

    Discusses the Art Layout Case Teaching Method Shallowly the Superiority Characteristic

  2. 浅谈高职教育中艺术设计实践能力的培养

    Discusses in Shallowly the Quality Education the Art Layout Practical Ability Raise

  3. 及格率提高最多的科目是艺术设计、商业研究和音乐。

    Among the subjects for which the pass rate has risen the most are art and design , business studies , and music .

  4. 环境艺术设计与CAI

    Environment Art Design and CAI

  5. 艺术设计专业Photoshop教学的改革与实践

    Reform and Practice of Photoshop Teaching for Art Design

  6. 城市CIS的提出正是基于上述的现实背景与理论背景,是将CIS理论、方法与城市设计相结合,实现城市规划与艺术设计学科的边缘交叉。

    " City-Identity-System " attempt to combines the theories and method of CIS with those of city design , to be an amalgamation of city planning and art on base of the above background .

  7. 民俗风俗与现代建筑艺术设计的结合

    The combine of the folk customs and the building arts design

  8. 学习型领导;管理型艺术设计人才培养的思考

    Learning managers ; Thoughts on the Training of Administrative Art Designers

  9. 艺术设计学科基础课程体系整合研究

    Research on Integration and Optimizing of Basic Curriculum of Design Subject

  10. 对一般本科院校艺术设计专业教学定位的思考

    Thought of Teaching Locating in Art Design Speciality of General Academy

  11. 本文从转变思维方式、增强课程设置的针对性、增强基础课教学的适应性等方面,论述了艺术设计教育的改革措施。

    The article states the measures to reform art design education .

  12. 艺术设计教学与市场实践的互动性研究

    Research on the Mutuality Between Artistic Designing Eduction and Market Practice

  13. 艺术设计教学创新&数码媒体的重要性

    Innovation in Design Teaching : the Importance of Digital Media

  14. 装潢艺术设计专业教学模式改革探索

    Thoughts on the teaching model of the decoration and artistic design major

  15. 城市环境艺术设计及其改造中的问题

    Urban Environmental Art Design and Problems Arising from its Reconstruction

  16. 艺术设计与教学中电脑运用之我见

    On art design and the computer 's application in teaching

  17. 《中国通史陈列》艺术设计的实践和探讨

    An approach to the design for Exhibition of Chinese History

  18. 象征型意象与环境艺术设计

    On the Use of Symbolic Yixiang in Environmental Art Design

  19. 是建筑与艺术设计教育面临的重任。

    Architecture and art and design education is faced with the task .

  20. 怀化学院艺术设计系教师作品

    Teachers ' Works from Art Design Department of Huaihua College

  21. 艺术设计教学方式的新体验

    The New Experience of Education Patterns in Art Design Teaching

  22. 艺术设计专业素描教学中的抽象表现

    The Abstract Expression of Sketch Teaching in Art Design Speciality

  23. 艺术设计美学观系统架构探议

    Discussion of Constructing System of Aesthetic View on Art Design

  24. 艺术设计专业本科毕业设计的定位分析

    Analysis on the Positioning of Art Design Bachelor Graduation Project

  25. 论人文关怀视角下的图书馆环境艺术设计

    Library Environmental Design on the Humane Care from the Perspective

  26. 基于空间艺术设计领域的光艺术研究

    Research on Light Art Based on Spatial Art Design Field

  27. 艺术设计专业教学方法的创新与合理运用

    Artistic Design Specialized Teaching Method Innovation and Reasonable Utilization

  28. 写实素描在高职艺术设计专业基础教学中的作用

    Sketch in Art Design Speciality of Higher Vocational Education

  29. 找寻艺术设计创造力的跳动点

    Search for the Beating Point of Art Design Creativity

  30. 国外唱片包装的艺术设计

    The packaging artistic design of the foreign nations disc