
yì shù xì
  • art department;department of art
  1. 同时涉及了西北师范学院艺术系、西安美术学院油画系等教育教学机构。

    Meanwhile , it also touches upon the educational and teaching institution such as Department of Art Northwest Normal University , Xi'an Art College and etc.

  2. 介于二维与三维空间中的装饰浮雕&河北大学艺术系装饰浮雕课教学散记

    Decorative Relief Sculpture between the " Two-dimensional " and " Three-dimensional " Space - Random Notes on the Teaching of Decorative Relief Sculpture Lessons in the Department of Art , Hebei University

  3. 沃伦的大儿子是圣马丁学院艺术系的学生。

    Warren 's eldest son is an art student , at St Martin 's.

  4. 斯特拉,21岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装设计师的培训。

    Stella , 21 , is at art school training to be a fashion designer .

  5. 比如学校杰出的艺术系教授DOROTHYKELLER博士将亲自带领学生参观纽约。

    For example , the trip to New York City will be led by distinguished Professor of Fine Arts , Dr.

  6. 凯夫后来去了墨尔本的一所寄宿学校,和一伙坏孩子们混在一起,他们多少控制了学校的艺术系,很快就组了一支名叫“邻家男孩”(theBoysNextDoor)的乐队。

    Cave ended up at a boarding school in Melbourne , where he fell in with a crew of degenerates in training who had more or less taken over the school 's art department , and they soon founded a band , the Boys Next Door .

  7. 我是一名艺术系学生,我的绘画。

    I am a art student , I do painting .

  8. 艺术系又增加了两名新教师。

    The art department has added two new members to its faculty .

  9. 艺术系学生每人都被要求画一张树的素描。

    The art students were each told to SketchA tree .

  10. 南昌航空工业学院艺术系教师作品选

    Picks of Works by Art Faculty of Nanchang Aeronautic Institute

  11. 你知道,我刚刚成为圣地亚哥大学艺术系的新生。

    You know I became a freshman of art in San diego .

  12. 西安美术学院建筑环境艺术系

    Construct Environmental Art Department of Xi'an Fine Arts Institute

  13. 关于我院艺术系教学模式的思考

    Thinking of the Teaching Mode by the Art Department

  14. 1965年生,中国美术学院综合艺术系研修班结业。

    Born in1965 , China academy of art integrated art department training certificate .

  15. 此时此刻,我看来是应该进艺术系了。

    Right now , the Art Department seems to be where I belong .

  16. 中国美术学院公共艺术系

    Public Arts Department of China Academy of Fine Arts

  17. 我认识的所有艺术系学生都非常渴望在在这里展出画作。

    Any art student I know would die to have an exhibition here .

  18. 她在艺术系。

    She is in the Arts Department . Hmm. ..

  19. 还可以在喝意大利咖啡的时候欣赏一位二十二岁的艺术系学生

    That is share with a 22-year-old art student while we sip espresso .

  20. 艺术系正在展示学生制作的优良海报。

    The art department is exhibiting the oustanding posters produced in its classes .

  21. 重庆广播电视大学传媒艺术系副主任陈崇刚说。

    Chongqing Radio and Television University Media Arts Department Deputy Director Chen Chonggang said .

  22. 正是基于这样的理念,电子艺术系已经设立了一个奖学金。

    And with that in mind , Electronic Arts has endowed a scholarship fund .

  23. 她是艺术系学生难以置信快去换衣服

    She 's an art student.Unbelievable.Go get dressed .

  24. 任何一个合格的艺术系的学生都会告诉你这张画画得不好。

    Any art student worth the name would tell you that that is a bad painting .

  25. 这里曾设有艺术系,含音乐与绘画之类的专业。

    There used to be a department of arts containing such specialities as music and painting .

  26. 鄂:您是美国威斯康星大学交流艺术系的教授。

    E : You are a professor of Communication Arts Department at the University of Wisconsin .

  27. 赵:你现在是北京大学数字艺术系的系主任。

    Zhao : Now you are the chair of Department of Digital Arts Design of Beijing University .

  28. 每个艺术系学生都需要一件有大口袋的宽松黄衬衫好上艺术课程!

    . and every art student needs a baggy yellow shirt with big pockets for art class !

  29. 如果作品对我们的课程有用,戏剧艺术系将承担材料费用,以便能够保留该作品。

    Theater Arts will pay for materials if it is useful to our program and we can keep it .

  30. 来自赤峰师专艺术系,专业学习长笛。爱好声乐和乒乓球。

    From Art Dept of Chifeng normal special school , study flute and like vocality , table tennis ball .