
  • 网络bicycle traffic
  1. 因此,根据机动车与自行车交通流之间作用机制的解释,建立了混合式UE分配模型及其算法。

    Therefore , a mixed deterministic UE assignment model and its algorithms are developed based on the interpretation of the reacting mechanism between vehicle and bicycle traffic flows in this paper .

  2. 城市自行车交通的现状及未来发展研究

    Study on Present Situation and Future Development of Urban Bicycle Traffic

  3. 荷兰卓越的自行车交通网络都清晰地标有荷兰皇家旅行俱乐部的红白标记以及蘑菇形状的柱子图形,标明A、B两地间的最快路线。

    Holland 's excellent bicycle path network is clearly marked with the ANWB 's ( Royal Dutch Touring Club ) red and white signs and mushrooms-shaped posts , indicating the quickest route from A to B.

  4. 城市自行车交通事故伤害的危险因素研究

    The Study of Risk Factors of Bicycle Accidents in Urban Area

  5. 大城市自行车交通发展的利弊与方向

    Advantages , Disadvantages , and Prospects of Bicycle Transportation in Metropolises

  6. 试论自行车交通在我国大城市交通中的定位

    On the Status of Bicycle Transportation in Big Cities in China

  7. 城市自行车交通发展战略及措施研究

    The Research in City Developmental Strategies in Bicycle Traffic and Measures

  8. 基于行为分析的自行车交通方式选择机理研究

    Research on the Mode Choice of Bicycle Based on the Behavior Analysis

  9. 面对城市交通拥挤问题,如何对待自行车交通?

    How to approach bicycle traffic facing the urban traffic crowded problem ?

  10. 基于平交路口的自行车交通安全特性研究

    Study on the Safety of Bicycle Transportation at Grade Crossing

  11. 自行车交通适度发展的思想与模式

    On the Thought of Moderate Developing of Bicycle Traffic and Its Patterns

  12. 我国自行车交通的未来与发展对策

    Decision-making for the Future Development of Bicycle Transport in China

  13. 公共自行车交通系统在上海和长沙的应用机制研究

    Application Mechanism of Public Bicycle Systems in Shanghai and Changsha

  14. 对天津市区自行车交通的思考与建议

    Consideration and Proposals for Bicycle Traffic in Tianjin Urban District

  15. 桂林市区自行车交通初探

    The Initial Research Into Bicycle Traffic in the Urban District of Guilin

  16. 保护城市自行车交通及建立城市绿色交通系统

    Preservation of Bicycle Transportation and Establishment of Green Transportation System in Metropolis

  17. 我国城市自行车交通发展的对策

    The Counter-measure for the Bicycle Development in Urban China

  18. 上海海港新城自行车交通规划探讨

    On the Transportation Planning for Bicycles in the Seaport New Town of Shanghai

  19. 自行车交通的两种观念比较

    Comparison of Two Kinds of Senses for Bicycle Traffic

  20. 基于视频的信号交叉口行人自行车交通特性

    Traffic Characteristics of Pedestrians and Bicycles at Signalized Intersection Based on Video Analysis

  21. 从能源危机考察自行车交通的战略地位

    Strategic Position of Cycling Traffic Seen From Energy Crisis

  22. 关于北京自行车交通的三个问答

    Three Questions and Answers About Bicycle Traffic in Beijing

  23. 适当削减自行车交通总量,优化交通出行结构;

    Decreasing properly the amount of bicycles , optimizing the configuration of traffic mode ;

  24. 公共自行车交通系统将成为城市公共交通的有力补充。

    Public bicycle transport system will be a of urban public transportation powerful added .

  25. 深圳市自行车交通发展策略及网络规划

    Biking System Development and Network Planning in Shenzhen

  26. 石家庄市自行车交通的研究

    A Study of the Bicycle Transportation in Shijiazhuang

  27. 自行车交通流基本模型

    The Basic Model of Bicycle Traffic Flow

  28. 自行车交通分配研究

    A Study on Bicycles ' Traffic Assignment

  29. 非拥挤路段自行车交通流特性研究

    Properties of Bicycle Flow in Non-congested Road

  30. 哥本哈根自行车交通政策

    The Policy of Bicycle Traffic in Copenhagen