
zì yóu jiào yù
  • liberal education
  1. 通识教育(generaleducation)的概念源自于欧洲的自由教育。

    The concept of general education originated from the liberal education in Europe .

  2. 雅斯贝尔斯自由教育哲学观论析

    A Discussion on Jaspers ' Liberal Education Philosophy

  3. 如何对大学生进行宗教信仰自由教育

    Several Problems in Educating College Students on Freedom of Religious Belief

  4. 新保守主义与美国大学自由教育的危机

    Neo-conservatism and the conflicts about literal education in American universities

  5. 自由教育思想及其对高等教育实践的影响

    Liberalism Ideas in Higher Education and Their Influences on Higher Educational Practice

  6. 自由教育理念及其理想状态的构建

    The Theory of Freedom Education and Building of Ideal Station

  7. 蒙台梭利自由教育思想体系浅析

    A tentative study of Montessori 's free educational system

  8. 猴子审判与美国自由教育原则

    Monkey trials and the principle of American free education

  9. 赫钦斯自由教育思想研究

    Study of Hutchins ' Thoughts on Liberal Education

  10. 赫胥黎认为,自然科学应成为自由教育的重要内容;

    Huxley thought that the natural science should become a part of liberal education .

  11. 阿诺德倾向于古典教育的自由教育,而赫胥黎则提倡科学教育的新自由教育。

    Arnold sticks to the Classical Education , while Huxley tends to the Scientific Education .

  12. 捍卫自由教育造就社会精英&《1828年耶鲁报告》研读

    Defending Liberal Education and Producing Elite & A Careful Study of Yale Report of 1828

  13. 纽曼自由教育反思:理性人教育的价值与局限性

    Reflections on Newman 's Liberal Education : Values and Limitations of Rational Individuals ' Education

  14. 第三部分总结纽曼自由教育思想对英、美教育的影响。

    The third part summarizes the impact of liberal education on England and America education .

  15. 七艺是西方教育史上的核心概念之一,也是西方很长时间内的主要教育内容,与自由教育、通识教育等理念密不可分。

    The conception of the seven liberal arts is very important in western education history .

  16. 这是个体实现自我价值的要义,也是自由教育所不懈追求的主题:为了寻求个体的最佳发展,为了实现自我价值的最大完满,为了倾听每一种来自不同个体的声音!

    That is for individuals development , for best personal value , and for every voices .

  17. 在高等教育的发展历史上,英国所崇尚的自由教育及其精英型、学院式的传统对世界高等教育的发展都产生了深刻的影响。

    British tradition of higer education has a deep influence on higher education in the world .

  18. 自由教育的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thinking of Free Education

  19. 这些对于目前我国学校教育力戒强制或强迫,提倡自由教育具有重要的启发意义。

    These are enlightening to us in our efforts to eliminate coercion and to advocate free education .

  20. 施特劳斯谈自由教育

    Strauss on Liberal Education

  21. 大球理论是在自由教育理论的基础上提出的。

    The " great-ball theory " was put forward on the basis of " liberal education theory " .

  22. 哈佛大学本科教育理念自19世纪以来发生了很大的变化,但是,哈佛大学的本科教育理念仍然继承了自由教育的传统。

    There has been great change in Harvard undergraduate education ideas . But Harvard inherit the tradition of liberal education .

  23. 其中,对自由教育和职业教育关系问题的论述,至今仍具有相当的启示性意义。

    Among them , his exposition about the relationship between liberal education and professional education has certain inspiration to us .

  24. 自由教育的办学理念成就了耶鲁大学世界一流大学的领先地位。

    The idea of liberal education helps Yale University to maintain the leading position as the top university in the world .

  25. 自由教育作为一种重要的教育思潮,它的思想和价值取向深刻地影响到历史和现实中的教育理论与实践;

    Freedom education , as an important educational trend of thought , whose thought and merit affect education theory and practiceofhistory andrealityprofoundly ;

  26. 自由教育体现了教育精神和教育的终极目的,对于当代我国大学办学理念有着很重要的引导作用。

    Liberal education embodies the spirit and ultimate goals of education and is an important guide to the ideas of university management .

  27. 推崇自由教育和精英教育;经典著作的阅读是实现自由教育的主要途径。

    He advocates liberal education and elite education and believes that reading Great Books was the most important approach of realizing liberal education .

  28. 西方人文素质教育的发展历史经历过自由教育、人文教育、通识教育等三个时期;

    The development history of humane quality in western world has experienced three phases : free education , humane education and general knowledge education .

  29. 强调教学职能,传承自由教育传统,以通识教育和整合教育对本科教育进行重建;

    The second is to emphasize the teaching function to follow the liberal education tradition , and to reconstruct undergraduate education through general education ;

  30. 其自然主义教育思想的主要内容是:自然教育、自由教育以及教育要遵循儿童的年龄特征。

    This book represents his naturalism education thought , which introduces naturalism education , freedom education , and emphasizes education should follow characteristic of children .