
  • 网络Nohkan
  1. 有的老师比小学生的父母更能管得住他们。

    Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have .

  2. 可能除了詹姆斯外,公司里都没人能管得了他。

    He 's cut loose from this business except , possibly , where James is concerned

  3. 我们自已的事自己能管,不用这一帮律师来插手。

    We can run our own business without all the lawyers coming into it .

  4. “遥控舞”各有不同,不过大部分都有翻转手臂的动作,直到遥控器正面差不多被翻过来,总觉得这样能管点用。

    All remote dances are different , but most involve twisting your hand around until the remote is almost upside down , thinking that for some reason that will help .

  5. 驼背的儿子知道了,自然要与那个医生评理,那医生却说:“我只管把他的驼背弄直,哪能管他的死活!”

    When the hunchback 's son learned of this , of course he had it out with the doctor . But the doctor said : " My job is to straighten his back . It 's none of my business whether he is dead or alive . "

  6. 我儿子自己能管好自己。

    Believe me ; my boys can take care of themselves .

  7. 没人能管我该做什么

    Nobody tells me when to work and when to play .

  8. 高效能管壳式热交换器的技术进展及应用

    The Technology Development and Application of the Enhancing Tube Shell Heat Exchanger

  9. 这些惟利是图的佣兵能管什么用?

    What can these mercenaries do that we cannot do ?

  10. 我希望他能管的更多一点。

    I would have liked to be managed a little bit more .

  11. 你当然能管,你是他们的老板。

    Yeah , you do ; you 're their boss .

  12. 女人们,你们最好能管好你们的男人。

    So you women , you better take hold of your men .

  13. 相当的多,是吧。再多的人我也能管得了。

    Very many , yes , I can handle many many more people .

  14. 我没死了,但是谁能管这叫生命呢?

    I 'm not dead , but who could call this a life ?

  15. 这件案子不是你能管得了的,纳提奥克斯。

    This case was never yours , nerteaux .

  16. 没人能管的了你!

    No one is the boss of you !

  17. 我是说,你能管邮局一定很不简单。

    I mean , you must have worked very hard to gain this post .

  18. 一个登陆台风的等能管结构

    The constant energy tubes of a landing typhoon

  19. 能管能教:高校干部队伍建设新论

    Capable of Both Teaching and Managing : A New Idea on Constructing University Cadre Team

  20. 我能管好我自己

    I can take care of myself ?

  21. 你能管好孩子吗?

    Can you manage children well ?

  22. 多少人我都能管,全人类我都能管。

    Therefore , I can look after as many people as I want , maybe the entire human race .

  23. 我只能无奈地苦笑,弟弟这个捣蛋鬼,谁能管得住他呀?

    I can only reluctantly wry smile , the younger brother this rascal , who can tube dwelled him ?

  24. 别指望表现怜悯能管什么用:猛男们很少需要经营慈善事业的女士来显露怜悯。

    Don 't dream of showing sympathy : alpha males tend not to want the pity of women who run charities .

  25. 你不喜欢演戏你自己不演就是了,可你不要以为你能管得住大家。

    Don 't act yourself , if you do not like it , but don 't expect to govern everybody else .

  26. 至于新厂长能管成啥样还不得而知,但愿比他的前任强。

    It is not known that the new plant manager can take care of what , we only hope he will be better than his predecessor .

  27. 一个售货员接了电话,汤姆问:“能让管豌豆的副主管接电话吗?”

    A clerk answers and Tom says . " Can I please talk to the Vice President of peas ? "

  28. 当流体为液体、流速的值大于0.3L时,微管道机器人能在管内运动,并且其静止时能从管内流体获得一定的电能。

    When the fluid is liquid and its speed is more than 0.3L , the micro piping robot can move in pipe and obtains some electric power when it stops .

  29. 嘿,你能不能管好这妞?

    Man , piease , can you piease control that bitch ?

  30. 显然有人能在管弦乐四重奏里代替我演奏的。

    Certainly people can take my part in the string quartet .