
  • 网络Stock conversion
  1. 把您的股票转换为现金-非销售。

    Turn your stock into cash – without selling it .

  2. 如果是红筹,所有的股票可转换。

    If it is red-chip , all shares can be converted .

  3. 它打算把这笔钱用于购买美国国债、存入银行,也许还会用其中的一部分来支付将流通受限股(3200名员工持有此类股票)转换为普通股所产生的税额。

    It intends to put the cash into US government bonds and savings accounts , and perhaps use some to pay the tax due on converting into shares the restricted stock units it has given to its 3,200 staff .

  4. 股票收益状态转换在投资组合决策中是否重要?

    Is Regime Switching in Stock Returns Important in Portfolio Decisions ?

  5. 中国的一些银行已宣布,将通过发售股票或可转换债券筹措至少930亿美元资金。

    Chinese banks have announced plans to raise at least $ 93bn from share and convertible bond sales .

  6. 中国平安保险上月宣布了一项计划,可能通过发行股票和可转换债券筹集约170亿美元的资金。

    China 's second-largest life insurer announced a plan last month that could raise about $ 17bn in a share and convertible bond issue .

  7. 国家和地方都要集中一定量的资金,包括通过发行股票和可转换债券、进行产业投资基金试点等直接融资方式,用于解决重点建设项目对资本金的需求。

    Both the central and local governments will try out various direct financing methods , such as issuing stocks and transferable bonds and establishing industrial investment funds , to meet the capital needs of key construction projects .

  8. 除此之外,债券型基金的投资品种还包括可转换债券和少量股票,可转换债券除有债券价值外,还包含看涨期权价值。

    In addition , bond funds investment varieties include convertible bonds , and a small amount of stocks , convertible bonds , besides has the value of their bonds also contains the value of the call option .

  9. 论文采用多目标决策方法,从成本、收益和风险等方面进行股票支付与可转换债券支付的配置研究。

    The multiple criteria have many aspects including cost , revenue and risks restriction .

  10. 指因标的股票的市价跌至转换价下方,转换权的价值接近零的可转换证券。

    A convertible issue of litte value because the underlying stock has fallen below the conversion price .

  11. 但我国可转债市场上却发现价值悖论,即进入转换之前的市场价格始终低于其股票相对应的转换价值。

    But there is enigmas in China 's convertible bonds market , that is to say , market price before convertible is under convertible value correspond to stock .

  12. 据信,花旗集团正考虑一项计划,将超过150亿美元的信托优先股债务和股票的混合体转换成普通股。

    Citi is believed to be considering a plan to convert more than $ 15bn in trust preferred shares a hybrid of debt and equity into common stock .

  13. 可转换债券是一种介于普通债券和普通股票之间的混合型金融衍生工具,其实质是利率较低的公司债券附加上一个转股价格比发行时基准股票价格较高的转换期权。

    Convertible Bond is a derivative instrument between common bond and common share .