
lián huì
  • Federation;association;synapsis;syndesis
  1. 赖草(Leymussecaline)细胞遗传学研究&Ⅱ.二价体的次级联会

    CYTOGENETIC INVESTIGATION IN LEYMUS SECALINE ⅱ . Secondary association of bivalent

  2. 金菱的士车主及司机联会有限公司

    Golden Link Taxi Owners and Drivers Association Limited

  3. PH基因制约减数分裂前染色体的联会。

    Synapsis before meiosis is restricted by PH genes .

  4. 同时对ph突变体诱导部分同源染色体联会的作用等问题进行了探讨。

    In addition We make a study of the effect of ph mutants in inducing chromosomes translocation , etc.

  5. 初步认为,次级联会产生的原因是非同源染色体之间的同祖关系。赖草染色体组J、N可能来自同一原始染色体组X。

    The result showed that the secondary assocition originated from homoeology between J and N possibly originated from same genome X.

  6. rob(13/17)纯合子猪的联会复合体分析

    Synaptonemal Complex Analysis of 13 / 17 Robertsonian Translocation in the homozygous Pigs

  7. 本文较详细地介绍了本室改进的表面铺展-硝酸银染色制备联会复合体(SC)电镜样品技术。

    An improved technique of surface spreading and silver staining for synaptonemal complex preparation was described .

  8. 在梁振英同意对话后,香港专上学生联会(HongKongFederationofStudents,简称学联)准备与香港政府展开对话,周女士称其为部分的成功。

    With the Hong Kong Federation of Students preparing to talk to the government after Mr Leung agreed to dialogue , Ms Chow claimed a partial success .

  9. 香港纺织业联会(HongKongTextileCouncil)副会长林宣武(WillyLin)补充道:客户纷纷要求我们延迟1月份的发货。

    Willy Lin , vice-chairman of the Hong Kong Textile Council , adds : Customers are asking us to delay January shipments .

  10. 同时以界面铺张&硝酸银染色技术,对黑届锦蛇减数分裂精母细胞联会复合体(SC)的结构进行了亚显微观察。

    With a combination of surface spreading and silver staining techniques synaptonemal complexes ( SC ) were studied with electron microscopy .

  11. 联会复合体(SynaptonemalComplex,SC)是真核生物减数分裂前期I同源染色体配对时形成的一种核内临时结构。

    Synaptonemal complex ( SC ) is a transient structure which happened in eukaryotic nuclei during the first meiotic division when homologous chromosomes are pairing .

  12. 一位46,XY,t(11;18)平衡易位携带者的联会复合体分析

    Analysis of Synaptonemal Complex from a Carrier with 46 , XY , t ( 11 ; 18 ) Balanced Translocation

  13. 联会复合体(SynaptonemalComplex,SC)是一种减数分裂特异性超分子蛋白质结构,与减数分裂Ⅰ中同源染色体的凝缩、配对、重组和分离密切相关。

    Synaptonemal complex ( SC ) which is a meiosis-specific supramolecular proteinaceous structure plays a crucial role in condensation , pairing , recombination and disjunction of homologous chromosomes at meiosis ⅰ .

  14. 欧米茄-3脂肪酸也称为称作二十二碳六烯(DHA),举例来说,它能为联会区脂质膜的提供“流动性”。&实现传递信号的功能。

    An omega-3 fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ), for example , provides membranes at synaptic regions with " fluidity " & the capacity to transport signals .

  15. XY染色体的配对起始于早粗线期,成熟于中粗线期,在晚粗线期先于常染色体解联会;XY-SC开始解体于晚粗线期。

    Pairing of the XY starts at early pachytene and completes at middle pachytene . The disappearance of XY chromosome is forestalled as compared with autosomal SC at later pachytene .

  16. (H♀×Y♂)F1雌蚊卵巢营养细胞多线染色体3R的29区、36区及37区,X性染色体的4区和6区出现恒定不联会。

    Ovarian nurse cell polytene chromosomes from ( H × Y ) F1 hybrid females showed constant asynapsis at the 29th , 36th and 37th zones in the chromosome 3R , and at the 4th and 6th zones in the chromosome X.

  17. 研究小组通过遗传工程改造小鼠使其缺乏TEX11功能,结果发现TEX11功能的缺失导致在配子形成过程中染色体不联会。

    The team genetically engineered male mice such that they lacked TEX11 function and found that this caused chromosomal asynapsis during the process of gamete formation .

  18. 以表面铺展法制备棕色田鼠精母细胞联会复合体标本,经硝酸银染色作电镜观察.结果表明,在减数分裂前期IX和Y染色体的形态和行为同常染色体有明显差异;

    The surface spread and silver stained preparation of spermatocytes of Microtus mandarinus have been analyzed by electron microscopy . The results show that behavior and morphology of X and Y chromosome is different from autosomal SC during prophase ⅰ of meiosis .

  19. 运用表面铺展硝酸银染色联会复合体的电镜技术,对中国人精母细胞中XY配对形态和行为进行电镜观察,根据XY配对复杂形态和行为变化将XY配对分为六个阶段。

    The behavior and morphology of sex chromosomes pairing in spermatocytes of human in Chinese have been studied by surface spreading , silver staining TEM techniques . On the basis of the complicated morphological changes of the XY pairing , six morphological types of XY pairs were described .

  20. 后裔试验育性鉴定表明NJS-18H、NJS-19H不育株的雌性与雄性育性均不正常,不能正常结荚,可能为联会异常突变体,其不育性均受1对隐性基因控制。

    It showed that the sterile plants of NJS-18H and NJS-19H performed completely female and male sterile probably due to desynapsis , and the sterility of two mutants was controlled by one pair of recessive gene .

  21. 贝克汉姆曾任英格兰足球队队长,2013年退役。足球解密网站这次对他的爆料来自于欧洲调查合作组织的调查,该机构是由12个欧洲媒体组织组成的联会,包括法国网络媒体Mediapart。

    The former England captain , who retired in 2013 , was the subject of a " Football Leaks " probe by the European Investigative Collaborations network , a consortium of 12 European media organisations , including France 's Mediapart .

  22. 甜菜夜蛾联会复合体侧向单元间发生数目不等的交叉;

    Lateral element of synaptonemal complexes produced different numbers of chiasmata .

  23. 减数分裂联会复合体整体制片的银染技术

    Preparation of Meiosis Integrate Synaptonemal Complex Specimen with Improved Silver-Staining Technique

  24. 黄大仙区老人福利服务联会

    Wong Tai Sin District Federation of Welfare Services for the Aged

  25. 机构负责人会议〔香港社会服务联会〕

    Agency Heads Meeting [ Hong Kong Council of Social Service ]

  26. 天主教修会学校联会学校药物教育国际会议

    Catholic Religious Schools Council International Conference on Drug Education for Schools

  27. 罗伯特托马斯,新的共同联会东区的阅读彩虹之星!

    Robert Thomas , the new co-star of NFC Easts Reading Rainbow !

  28. 联会复合体的研究及其在细胞遗传学中的应用

    The synaptonemal complex and it 's application in cytogen & tic studies

  29. 一般保险总会〔香港保险业联会〕

    General Insurance Council [ Hong Kong Federation of Insurers ]

  30. 大蒜染色体联会行为观察及核型分析

    Observation of Chromosome Pairing Behavior and Karyotype Analysis in Five Garlic Varieties