
kǎo hé
  • examine;check;appraise;assess
考核 [kǎo hé]
  • [examine;check] 考试,考定核查

考核[kǎo hé]
  1. Excel实现教师教学质量评估的考核与统计

    Implementing the Examine and Statistics of the Teacher Teaching Quality Evaluation by Excel

  2. 本文通过分析MIS&管理信息系统的内在结构和计算机专业的培养方向,探讨了计算机专业MIS教学的侧重点、教学方法及考核方式。

    By analyzing inside structure of MIS and train direction of Computer Specialty , this paper discusses emphasis and teaching method and examine manner of Computer Specialty MIS teaching .

  3. 学院讲师是考试成绩的校外考核人。

    College lecturers acted as external assessors of the exam results .

  4. 这门功课的考核包括书面作业和实际操作考试。

    The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests .

  5. 职员问题应该通过培训和考核评定来解决。

    Staff problems should be addressed through training and appraisals .

  6. 除了‘你是否正朝着目标努力’这一点,那里基本不会有其他要打分的了。基本上,考核的就是‘我要研究出这个产品,然后年底将它呈现给美国宇航局’。工程师会亲自过来给产品做评判,而……

    There almost are no grades , other than'Are you working towards your goal ? ' Basically , it 's ' I 've got to produce this product and then , at the end of year , present it to NASA . ' Engineers come and really do an in-person review , and ...

  7. 他们指责考试管理者对学生的考核标准过于严格,导致学生们的压力越来越大。英格兰政府希望到2022年,四分之三的学生能参加GCSE(英国普通初级中学毕业文凭)现代语言科目的考试。

    The Government wants three quarters of students to be taking a modern language GCSE by 2022 .

  8. 在生产线考核期间的数据应由双方共同记录并确认。

    The data in the Performance Test shall be Bilaterally recorded and confirmed .

  9. 为你的年度考核做好准备吧——老板在评价你的缺点时往往很毒舌。

    Be prepared for your annual review — the boss tends to have a sharp tongue when going over your shortcomings .

  10. 我们可以另设职业教育高考,实行“30%文化素质+70%职业技能”的考核方式……这样,普通高中学生和职校学生均可以自由选择参加职教高考和普通高考(目的都是要上大学)。

    We could establish another college entrance examination where students ' technical skills make up 70 percent of their score ... so students from both high schools and secondary vocational schools can choose whatever exam they want to take ( in order to get into college ) .

  11. MVA(MarketValueAdded)即市场价值增加值,它是以资产市场价值为基础的业绩考核指标。

    Market Value Added ( MVA ) is the performance evaluation index based on assets market value .

  12. 选得的F~-菌株是:E.试论干部的选拔与考核

    Thus , the selection is for E. ON CADRES SELECTION AND CHECK

  13. GM公司作为珠宝公司,绩效考核有其特殊性。

    GM Company being a jewelry company , its performance appraisal should include its own specialty .

  14. LD酒店经理绩效考核机制与薪酬设计

    The Design of Performance Appraisal System and Compensation for the Manager of LD Hotel

  15. 华东电网的联络线区域控制偏差(ACE)考核

    Implementation of tie-line area control error ( ace ) examination in East China Power Grid

  16. 推行安全责任主体考核提高HSE管理水平

    Promoting Safety Responsibility Entity Assessment to Raise HSE Management Level

  17. 进行防治SARS的知识和技能的训练考核,解决有关咨询。

    Conduct the training and check of knowledge and technical skills of SARS prevention , solve the relevant consultation .

  18. 方法对119名护士参加ICU护士资格认证培训后的8项技能操作考核成绩进行分析。

    Methods 119 nurses accepted skill training of qualification authentication . Check results of 8 skills were analyzed .

  19. 福建省烟草公司基于KPI管理的绩效考核体系探讨

    A Study on Fujian Tobacco Company 's Performance Appraisal System Based on the KPI Management

  20. 方法以HBsAg低值质控血清ELISA定性检测为例,用Monica质控图进行操作考核。

    Methods Operation exams were carried out via Monica quality control chart in ELISA test of HBsAg low value quality control sera .

  21. 灭效考核用36格法、S-100格法。

    The methods of 36 check , S-100 check were used to evaluate the effect of deratization .

  22. 就HSE体系在石化化验室实行提出了一些看法,包括提高认识水平、对安全管理的作用以及目前实施的重心应放在考核上等,以促进HSE体系的实施进度。

    Some ideas were discussed in the field of recognition , safety management and examination to accelerate HSE implementation .

  23. 就目前的Windows扩展版与DOS下的初级考核作了比较,对考核内容、考核方法、应试策略作了说明。

    The paper compares the compute grader examination of extended edition of Windows with the examination of Dos and explains the content , ways and tactics about the examination .

  24. 关键绩效指标(KPI,KeyPerformanceIndicators)的方法已日益被越来越多的企业在实施绩效考核时所采用。

    The KPI ( Key Performance Indicators ) method is more and more adopted when the enterprise put performance measurement in practice increasingly . All of those owe to the two distinct characters of KPI .

  25. THB公司高层管理人员绩效考核的体系设计

    A Design of Performance Appraisal of the Managers from THB Company

  26. 目的对血清胰岛素(Ins)检测进行方法学考核,并测定2型糖尿病、高血压病、高血脂的Ins水平。

    Objectives To appraise the method for testing the serum insulin and to determine the insulin level in the serum with type 2 diabetes 、 Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia .

  27. KX公司绩效考核研究

    Performance Appraisal Research of KX Company

  28. 以改良Kato法考核其防治效果,并用IHA检测抗体水平,结果表明:洲岛型疫区单纯选择性人群化疗难以阻挡血吸虫病传播,但可以降低流行率。

    The results showed that single selective mass chemotherapy measure could only reduce the intensity of the prevalence of the disease .

  29. 针对科研工作量考核中的考核标准确定及考核结果的分析等问题进行了研究,主要包括:根据分层抽样原理,采用Brewer方法设计了制订考核标准值的抽样调查方案;

    The research work on the evaluation standard in evaluating the amount of research work and the method of analysing the evaluation results is presented .

  30. 接下来对绩效管理理论作了概念性研究,并从思想认识、定位、考核内容、考核方法以及绩效反馈和考核结果应用等方面分析了J公司绩效管理的现状。

    Then , the concept of performance management was introduced and the appraisal system of J Company was analyzed from the aspects of object positioning , content , appraisal method , feedback and result application .