
  • 网络Luo Dayou;Lotayu;LO Tayu;Lo Da Yu;Tayu Lo
  1. 歌曲《一路向北》也同样被提名并将与罗大佑进行角逐。

    The song , drifting , was also nominated and will compete with Luo Da you .

  2. 罗大佑为三毛写和唱的追梦人“让轻风吹动了你的长发”每每听的我潸然泪下。

    Luo Sanmao write and sing for the dreamer who " let the wind blowing your hair ," I often hear tears .

  3. 如果说,罗大佑是台湾乐坛当之无愧的“教父”,那么,陈彤可以称作中国互联网新闻的先驱和精神守望者。

    If Lotayu can be called the Godfather of Taiwan 's music , Chen can be named as the pioneer of China 's internet and spirit watcher .

  4. 其中罗大佑本人的创作心理也在实际的创作实践中演进,呈现塔式形态,由高耸上扬的愤世嫉俗状态逐步深沉,成为改良主义思想的文化抵抗者。

    The psychological emotion of his creation was evolving during the creation practices , appearing as a Tower Shape , from the cynical situation to the culture fighter of reformism .