
  • 网络Convergence;network convergence;FMC
  1. NGN组网技术及固定、移动网络融合应用分析

    The Technology of NGN Network-Organizing and Analysis of FMC

  2. 基于IMS的网络融合方案及演进探讨

    Discussion on Solution and Evolution of Network Convergence Based on IMS

  3. 全IP无线异构网络融合及其切换研究

    Convergence and Handoff in All - IP Wireless Heterogeneous Networks

  4. 视频监控和无线adhoc网络融合成为当前研究的热点。

    The convergence of video surveillance and Ad hoc network becomes a hot research .

  5. 异构网络融合下的统一QoS策略控制方案研究

    Research on Unified Quality of Service Based on Policy Control in the Integration of Heterogeneous Network

  6. RBF神经网络融合方法在虚拟飞行参数记录器中的应用

    The Application of RBF Neural Network Fusion Method in Virtual Flight Parameter Recorder

  7. VoIP是随着20世纪90年代以来开始的Internet商业化革命和网络融合技术发展起来的一门新兴的通信技术。

    VoIP is a rising technology with Internet commercial revolution and Network crisis development since 90 ages of the twenty century .

  8. 将电信、电视、计算机三大信息传播网络融合为一体,在统一的IP网上进行信息的传输与交流,就技术条件来说,是可行的,且能够为社会带来最大程度的资源利用。

    It is feasible to integrate the telecom , television and computer network into one , and transmit information through a unified IP network .

  9. TD-SCDMA与WiMAX网络融合技术的研究

    The Research on Network Convergence Technology of TD-SCDMA and WiMAX

  10. VOIP作为网络融合的最新的重要进展,为基于IP网络的服务创新提供了广阔前景。

    As the latest significant progress of network convergence , VOIP offers a broad prospect for services innovation of IP-based network .

  11. 第二,分析了未来铁路移动通信系统的需求,包括对新业务的引入、可能的网络融合以及QoS的保证。

    The second part analyzes the future requirement for railway mobile communication system , including new services , network integration and QoS .

  12. Internet商业化以及网络融合技术的发展使得Internet网络逐渐融入到通信领域,VoIP也因此得到了迅速的发展。

    The commercialization of Internet and network fusion technology enables Internet to integrate into the field of communications gradually , and VoIP therefore gets a rapid development .

  13. IMS作为网络融合的基础平台,将成为未来核心网的发展方向。

    IMS will be the future direction of CN as the base platform of network amalgamation .

  14. 本文将以PON技术的视角采探讨接入层的基础网络融合。

    The article discusses the network foundation convergence in access layer with PON .

  15. 网络融合是大趋势,积极的网络转型和演进不可逆转,传统语音电信网和IP网应该是互为补充,协调发展的关系。

    Network merging is the great tread , positive network model changing and revolution is un-reversed , traditional voice telecom network and IP network is the relationship of complementary and co-development .

  16. 然后基于此协议栈设计实现了包括代理服务器、注册服务器和重定向服务器等SIP网元,构建了一个基于SIP的网络融合平台。

    It achieves SIP element location , including proxy servers , registration servers and redirect servers and builds a SIP-based platform for network convergence .

  17. 文章提醒读者对NGN未来发展的两大走向:网络融合和机对机应用加以注意。

    Two trends of Next Generation Network ( NGN ) should be paid attention : network convergence and Machine-to-Machine ( M2M ) application .

  18. 虽然存在如IP协议之类的共同规范,但是要将许多不同的网络融合起来,而这些网络有着各自不同的QoS模型,这无疑将使端到端的QoS保证变得更加复杂。

    Although the IP protocol will be the common denominator , the new environment brings together many different interconnecting domains , which will no doubt make the end-to-end QoS process much more complicated .

  19. 其担负着在SDH骨干网和以太网的桥梁作用,同时也是网络融合的核心实现设备。

    It is served as bridge in SDH backbone network and Ethernet , at the same time it is the core that the network merges realizing equipment .

  20. 基于网络融合和终端融合的实现,业务融合是必然趋势,现有方法有IN、SOA等,但还不能完全的覆盖所有融合业务的传输需要。

    Based on the realization of network convergence and terminal fusion , the service integration becomes an inevitable trend . Existing methods such as IN , SOA have not completely covered all converged services .

  21. 在介绍IMS体系结构的基础上,分析了基于IMS实现固定和移动网络融合的可行性,并提出了融合网络的参考架构。

    This paper first introduces the architecture of IMS , then analyzes the feasibility of IMS-based fixed-mobile convergence , and presents the reference architecture of the converged network .

  22. 在考虑光载WLAN系统与PON接入网络融合情况下,综合分析得出PCF传输机制是最适合光载WLAN系统的MAC层协议。

    Considering the convergence of WLAN over fiber system and PON access network , PCF protocol is proved to be the most suitable transmission mechanism in the MAC layer .

  23. 之后,将CIPSO算法与Elman反馈神经网络融合,提出CIPSO-ENN耦合算法。

    After CIPSO algorithm and Elman feedback network integration , proposed CIPSO-ENN coupled algorithm .

  24. 在IP技术和移动通讯网络融合的过程中需要对传统TCP/IP协议栈中的某些协议进行改进,以保证系统的电信级要求。

    In the process of combining IP technology with mobile communication network , a few improvements need to be made on some protocols of traditional TCP / IP protocols stack . The improvements are in the purpose of strict telecom demands of the mobile system .

  25. 介绍了当前的研究热点,包括WLAN、3G、4G、adhoc等,对它们的特点进行了比较,分析了各自在未来网络融合中所起的作用。

    This paper then goes on to present research hot spot topics such as WLAN , 3G , 4G and Ad Hoc , their features compared , and their different roles in the case of network integration are analyzed .

  26. 本论文的研究目的是以WCDMAR4核心网用户平面为基础,设计并实现一个面向网络融合与演进的高密度、低成本用户面子系统。

    The goal of this article is to design and realize a low cost , high density and convergency oriented user plane subsystem , based on WCDMA R4 core network user plane .

  27. 本文根据ATM论坛基于AAL-2的话音中继标准,介绍AAL-2话音业务的原理,并给出基于AAL-2话音业务的网络融合方案。

    In this paper , the rationale of voice over AAL-2 is described and some network convergence solutions based on the AAL-2 voice service are offered .

  28. 软交换是新、旧网络融合的枢纽。

    Soft switch is the new and old network integration hub .

  29. 基于多神经网络融合的声纳目标分类

    Sonar Target Classification Based on Information Fusion of Multiple Neural Networks

  30. 首先介绍中国电信业网络融合的发展现状。

    First , we introduce the status of Chinese network convergence .