
jīnɡ bù
  • category of classics including The Four Books and The Five Classics and other books concerning characters, phonology, and exegetical studies
经部 [jīng bù]
  • [Confucian classics] 我国古代图书四部(经史子集)分类法中的第一部,包括儒家经典和语言文字学方面的著作。也称甲部

  1. 对经部书籍的科学认识,意味着对四部分类法的真正破坏。

    The scientific cognition on Confucian classics means destroying the taxonomy of the four-branch .

  2. 本文根据浙江图书馆馆藏善本,将经部、史部少量讹误及时正之,以方便读者。

    But it has a few mistakes when embodying the rare book of Zhejiang library .

  3. 提高责任意识做好新生学籍管理教育&关于自考新生学籍管理教育的探讨对经部书籍的科学认识,意味着对四部分类法的真正破坏。

    Improve responsibility consciousness , make good management work of freshmen status ; The scientific cognition on Confucian classics means destroying the taxonomy of the four-branch .

  4. 在大中型工程施工管理中采用分级网络法,适应当前企业管理模式,便于项经部施工人员的编制和调整,有利于实施过程中分级控制管理。

    The application of classification of network to construction project management is well adapted to the present industrial engineering model , helps constructors with their project drawing and their adjustment and will be of much help for classification controlling once carried out .

  5. 方法对12例经眶部CT扫描证实为眶内侧壁击出性骨折患者行鼻内镜下骨折复位术,总结治疗效果。

    Methods To summarise the curative effect of 12 cases with blow-out medial wall of orbit fracture who accepted orbital fracture reduction under nasal endoscope .

  6. 目的从女性盆底局部解剖及CT断层解剖学角度探讨CT导引下经骶部穿刺治疗卵巢囊肿的可行性与安全性。

    Objective To study the safety and feasibility of treatment of ovarian cyst through trans-sacral puncture guided by CT from studying anatomy and CT anatomy of female pelvic cavity bottom .

  7. 方法对4例女性尸体标本,3例女性盆底断层标本及42例女性盆腔CT断层图像进行研究,对照剖析经骶部穿刺路径周围解剖结构。

    Methods Four female corpse samples , 3 female pelvic cavity bottom fault samples were studied , and 42 patients ' CT images of female pelvic cavity were observed . Anatomic structures around pathway of through trans-sacral puncture were analyzed .

  8. 高、低两种养分浓度下,增加NH4~+的供应比例不影响经木质部向地上部运输的钾量,但导致烟株体内钾的循环量明显增加。

    As ratio of NH / increased in the solutions at both nutrient levels , the amount of K + transported to shoot via xylem kept stable while that of recycled via phloem ascended within plants .

  9. 中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(简称:质检总局)周五表示,中国已退运54.5万吨美国进口玉米,因在这些玉米中检出未经农业部批准的转基因成分MIR-162(这一抗虫害基因在欧美国家合法)。

    China 's quality watchdog said Friday it repatriated 545000 metric tons of U.S. corn because it contained MIR-162 , an insect-resistant strain permitted in the U.S. and Europe but not approved by China 's agriculture ministry .

  10. 2003年7月1日,《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》经建设部批准为国家标准(GB50500-2003),正式颁布实施,从而开始了工程量清单计价模式的全国范围推广。

    1st , 2003 , it was authorized to be a national criterion and was printed to put into practice . Consequently , Code of Valuation with Bill Quantity of Construction Works began to be popularized in the whole country .

  11. 方法儿童外伤性眼内容炎38例(38眼)行经扁平部闭合式玻璃体切割术。

    Method 38 eyes with traumatic endophthalmitis were operated with pars plana closed vitrectomy .

  12. 带来访者参观生产区域须事先经生产部经理批准。

    Showing visitors around the production area must get Production Director 's approval in advance .

  13. 经地矿部标准参考样GSR7-12考察,分析结果与推荐值相符。

    The analytical results are in good agreement with the recommended values for GSR 7-12 .

  14. 中华邮政公司得经交通部核可,提供重大公共建设计划之融资所需款项。

    Subject to approval by the motc , Chunghwa Post may finance major public projects .

  15. 未经财政部批准,不得利用互联网销售彩票。

    No entity shall sell lottery via Internet without the approval of the Ministry of Finance .

  16. 必要时,经司法部批准,可以设立专业性的法律顾问处。

    When necessary , specialized legal advisory offices may be established with the approval of the Ministry of Justice .

  17. 刘先生主管外事经研部,负责对外关系及经济研究事宜。

    Mr Lau is in charge of the external department and is responsible for external relations and economic research matters .

  18. 结论经脐部半环形切口行小儿幽门环肌切开术可获得良好的临床切口愈合效果。

    Conclusion The umbilical half - ring incision for pyloromyotomy is recommendable for its safety , simplicity and cosmetic effect .

  19. 员工调换床位必须经人事部同意并作更换床位登记,不得私自调换房间及床位。

    Any employees cannot change the rooms or beds individually unless having the permission of the administration department in advance .

  20. 1979年两校分开,并经教育部同意,改名为上海工业大学。

    The two broke up in 1979 and was renamed Shanghai Industrial University with the admission of Chinese Education Ministry .

  21. 近年来,许多专科层次的院校经教育部批准先后改建成普通本科院校。

    In recent years , many junior colleges have promoted common undergraduate colleges and universities approved by the Ministry of Education .

  22. 我公司在1995年经外贸部授权批准为自营进出口企业。

    Our company was approved by China Economics & Trade Ministry and was authorized of independent import and export rights in1995 .

  23. 该装置经腹股沟部的动脉植入,在导丝引导下直达心脏。

    The device is inserted through an artery in the patient 's groin and is threaded until it reaches their heart .

  24. 该参考品已通过专家鉴定并经卫生部批准使用。经改进后达到第3代参考品标准的国产试剂的临床考核说明,该参考品促进了国产试剂质量的提高,并达到国际先进水平。

    Clinical trial proved that the reference promoted the improvement of the qualities of national kits and reached the international level .

  25. 经扁平部玻璃体切割联合硅油填充术是目前治疗复杂性视网膜脱离的主要手段,显著提高了玻璃体视网膜手术的成功率。

    Pars plana vitrectomy and silicone oil injection is main method in the management of complicated retinal detachments and display satisfactory effect .

  26. 经教育部批准可提供高级商业教育课程的本地院校在数量上有了迅猛而持续的增长。

    The number of domestic universities approved by the Ministry of education to offer advanced business education programmes has steadily and quickly increased .

  27. 从1998年以来,经教育部批准开展现代远程教育试点工作的大学已达到68所。

    Since 1998 , the number of university as the modern distance education experimental unit approved by ministry of education has reached 68 .

  28. 截至2003年底,经商务部批准的我国非金融类海外企业累计达到7470家,中方协议投资额114.27亿美元,海外投资已扩展到世界160多个国家和地区。

    Up to the end of 2003 , overseas investment has already been expanded to more than 160 countries and regions in the world .

  29. 经教育部和省政府批准,2009年我省开始实行新课改高考方案。

    The ministry of education and the provincial government approval , the province begins to implement new curriculum reform in college entrance examination in2009 .

  30. 如果经卫生部确认,这两个最新病例将使越南自12月中以来报告的总数达到12例。

    If confirmed by the Ministry of Health , these latest two cases will bring the total in Viet Nam reported since mid-December to twelve .