
The Agreement between Economics and Ethics & The Rationality of Economical Behaviors
The rational construction of economical ethics is the consequence of the continuous interaction between economics and ethics .
Asa new and intersecting subject , Business Ethics aimed at the moral reasons and good orientation of economic activities .
The essence of the " Adam Smith problem " is the relation between economics and ethics , economy and ethic .
The interaction and combination of economy and morality is in urgent need of the communication and cooperation of economics and ethics .
The relations between economy and ethic and between economics and ethics are the important problems of the study between economical ethics .
The important cause that formed the Adam Smith Problem lies in that Smith himself had a contradiction in grasping the relations between economy and ethic and between economics and ethics .
The Consideration on the Relativity between Health Economics and Ethnics in Evidence - based Medicine The Explanations on the Allocation of Health Resources in UK and USA by Institutional Economics Chinese Health Economics
Based on the study of the separation between Economics and Ethics , Amartya Sen advocates the integration between Economic and Ethics , and suggests the view of development which treats development problem freely .
In modern times , the combination of the economics and the ethics has caught economists ' attention . Using the methodology of game to observe moral behavior is the tendency of ethics field .
In this article we analyse the views of equality of economic and ethics , provide the grounds of social equality . We think an equal society depends on equal rights and fair equality of opportunity .
This paper studied the symptoms and causes for the weakening of modern economics from the development relationship between economics and ethics . ON THE CAUSES FOR THE WEAKENING OF THE WINDOW-LIKE FUNCTION OF ACADEMIC JOURNALS OF INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING AND POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEM
In the culture based on wisdom , technology will be guided by science and philosophy , economics will be combined with ethics , science will have dialogue with philosophy , and philosophy will try to understand things that cannot be put into words .
This paper employs the materialism dialectic method of philosophy to establish the main contents and issues of question of economic ethics , which is derived from the interaction of economics , philosophy and ethics .
The third part revolves around the theoretical foundation of the relevant system on usufruct of water and its merits , with an explanation from the juristical , economic , environmental and ethical points of view .
The book points out the serious separation of economics and ethics , which casts a large defect for modern economics as well as makes the poverty for ethics .
First , it shows that the sound development of economics depends on the combination of economics and ethics .
Restructuring the Ethic Dimensions of Economics : - Reflections on the Relationship of Economy and Ethic and that of Economics and Ethics
Among the trend of economics daily alienating from ethics , Amartya Sen , the Nobel Prize winner of economics in 1998 , launched a revolution of reviving a union of economics and ethics , and reconstructing an ethical dimension in economics .