
jīnɡ jì lì liànɡ
  • Economic power;economic strength
  1. 试论国家经济力量向国防实力的转化

    On the transition of national economic strength to national Defoe capabilities

  2. 他们把希望寄托在国家的经济力量上。

    They build their hopes on the economic strength of the country .

  3. 而且这些回升代表了信心的回归,而信息是一种非常有力的经济力量。

    Yet these rallies also demonstrate the return of confidence , and confidence is a very powerful economic force .

  4. 私人经济力量的堡垒

    citadels of private economic power

  5. 传统时期,权威性资源(AuthoritativeResources)即行政力量的资源对城市的影响力远在经济力量之上。

    In traditional period , the Authoritative Resources namely the resource of administrative power is more powerful than economy upon the influence on cities .

  6. 这一中央银行制度对国民政府实现对全国金融业的垄断从而集中经济力量抗战是有利的。

    This central banking institution benefited the Anti-Japanese War by controlling the economy .

  7. 导致我们社会分崩离析的政治经济力量极其强大。

    The political and economic forces Tearing our societies apart are very powerful .

  8. 知识和经济力量已变得密不可分。

    Knowledge and economic power have become inextricable .

  9. 经济力量是霸权实力的最基本源泉。

    Economy is the nucleus of supreme strength .

  10. 中国会利用它的经济力量来推进与几个邻国的自由贸易谈判。

    China will use its economic power to advance free-trade negotiations with several neighbors .

  11. 同样重要的是全球经济力量对比也加快了转变。

    Just as important is the accelerated shift in the global balance of economic power .

  12. 经济力量与荷兰战略规划

    Economic Forces and Dutch Strategic Planning

  13. 在正常情况下,强大的经济力量会纠正日趋低估的实际汇率。

    In normal circumstances , powerful economic forces work against an increasingly undervalued real exchange rate .

  14. 他们通过消耗战削弱敌人的军事和经济力量。

    They whittled down the enemy 's military and economic strength in a war of attrition .

  15. 经济力量的不均衡,必然造成民族权利和权力的不平等。

    The imbalance of regional economic forces inevitably creates inequality in right and power among nations .

  16. 作为新生的经济力量,中小企业在国民经济发展中发挥的作用越来越显著。

    As a new economic power , It playes an increasingly important role in the national economy .

  17. 企业集团公司作为一支重要的经济力量,对我国的经济社会发展中起到强大的推动作用。

    Enterprise group as an important economic force , promote the development of economy and society strongly .

  18. 我们正看到新经济力量不断涌现的多极增长模式和南南合作模式。

    We are seeing multiple poles of growth with new economic powers and a South-South development pattern .

  19. 在日本东京,普通民众都能直接感受到这种经济力量对比的变化。

    In Tokyo , Japan , the masses can sense directly the change of the two economic powers .

  20. 我认为,经济力量将使玩具业进一步向中国内陆推进,或许是推向越南。

    I see the economic forces moving the industry either further inland in China or perhaps into Vietnam .

  21. 目前的分析对那些低估国际资本主义经济力量的改革者来说,是一个警告。

    The present analysis is a warning to reformers who tend to underrate the force of internationalcapitalist economy .

  22. 经济力量、政治力量和社会力量是塑造大城市发展模式的三种基本力量。经济力量是城市发展的物质基础;

    Economic force , Political force and social force are basic forces which make the metropolis ' development pattern .

  23. 经济力量雄厚,拥有一流的设备,一流的人才。

    We Have Adwanced Productive Equipments , Strong Economic And Technological Power And Have First-Rate Equipments & First-Rate Talents .

  24. 舒尔茨先生主张军事力量平衡,但也主张经济力量平衡。

    Mr. Schultz is for a balance of military power , but also for a balance of economic power .

  25. 经济力量的相互作用使精确预计税收变化可能带来的影响变得困难。

    The interplay of economic forces makes it difficult to predict accurately the likely effect of the tax changes .

  26. 蒋介石据有长江流域和珠江三角洲的肥沃土地,经济力量相对雄厚。

    Chiang had a comparatively potent economy in the fertile fields of the Yangtze Valley and the Canton delta ;

  27. 在经济力量不受限制的情况下,这一系统中的供应和需求决定商品和服务的价格。

    In this system , when economic forces are unfettered , supply and demand establish the prices of goods and services .

  28. 从资金大小,政治和经济力量来看,几百家大公司占有关键性地位。

    In dollar value , political and economic power , some few hundred " giant corporations " occupy a strategically dominant position .

  29. 不断上升的贸易流和投资流、更多的流动劳动力以及快速的技术转让都是隐含在全球化背后的经济力量。

    The economic forces behind globalization include rising trade and investment flows , greater labor mobility , and rapid transfers of technology .

  30. 一个兴旺的国家,花费大量金钱,在优秀奥林匹克运动会背面显示新的经济力量。

    A booming country , money to burn , flexing its new economic muscle on the back of an acclaimed Olympic Games .