
  • 网络scientific quality;scientific literacy;science quality;science literacy
  1. 高水平的科学素质是合格人才所必须具备的素质之一。

    Scientific literacy of high level is necessary for qualified talents .

  2. 大众传媒对公众科学素质的导向作用探究

    Research on the Leading Role of the Mass Media about Public Scientific Literacy

  3. 这些现象背后,反映出的实质问题是我国公民科学素质有待提高。

    These incidents reflect that popularization of scientific knowledge among the public should be further strengthened .

  4. 介绍了CO2激光器的发展情况,说明了CO2在大学物理实验教学中的应用,CO2激光器实验对于培养学生的科学素质是非常有益的,并阐述了教学与科研二者之间的内在关系。

    The author briefly introduces the development of CO2 laser implement , and illustrated its application to physics experiment teaching in college in detail . This experiment is very helpful to cultivating students ' science diathesis . Finally , the relationship between scientific research and teaching were illustrated too .

  5. 科学素质包括科学知识、科学方法和科学思想三个方面。

    Scientific diathesis includes scientific knowledge , scientific method and scientific thinking .

  6. 科学素质包括科学观念、科学方法、科学能力和科学品质等。

    Scientific qualities include sense of science , approaches to scientific research .

  7. 农村初中生物教学中的科学素质培养

    Fostering of Scientific Ability in Biological Teaching of Country Junior Middle School

  8. 提高科学素质的关键是端正科学态度。

    The crux to enhance scientific quality is to rectify scientific attitude .

  9. 对中学教师科学素质现状的调查研究

    Research on Current Situation of Teacher ' Scientific Literary in Middle School

  10. 论在有机化学实验教学中学生科学素质的培养

    On Cultivating Students ' Scientific Quality In Teaching the Organic Chemistry Experiment

  11. 高师微生物学教学与学生科学素质的培养初探

    Microbiology Teaching and Fostering Scientific Quality of the Student in Teachers Colleges

  12. 新时期青少年科学素质培养探究(下)

    Cultivation of Teenagers Scientific Qualities in the New Age ( Continued );

  13. 医学细胞生物学教学中提高学生科学素质的探讨

    The research of improving students scientific fibre in medical cells biology teaching

  14. 科学素质是现代社会得以发展的基石。

    Scientific quality is the footstone of the development of modern society .

  15. 关于科学素质教育的调查和思考

    SCIENCE INVESTIGATION An Investigation and Analysis of Middle School Students'Scientific Quality Education

  16. 我国基础科学素质教育生存境域的拓展

    On Enlarging Existence Condition in Quality Education In China 's Basic Science

  17. 城镇劳动人口科学素质影响因素的研究

    Research on Influencing Factors of City Labors ' Scientific Literacy

  18. 科学素质是公民素质的重要组成部分。

    Science Literacy is an important component of citizen accomplishment .

  19. 本文是对领导科学素质进行研究,注重对领导学其中的素质展开分析。

    The paper is research on quality of scientific leadership .

  20. 物理模型与学生的科学素质

    The Physical Model and the Scientific Quality of the students

  21. 加强物理实验课改革,注重科学素质培养

    Strengthening the reform of the physical experiment course , emphasizing scientific quality training

  22. 中学生物学教学中的科学素质培养

    Scientific diathesis training of high school students biology teaching

  23. 注重生物实验教学,培养学生科学素质

    Lay Stress on Teaching of Biological Experiment , Train Scientific Attainments of Students

  24. 物理教育与大学生的科学素质培养

    Physical Education and Cultivation College Students ' Scientific Quality

  25. 军校学员基本科学素质与实践能力培养

    Training in Scientific Qualities and Practice Ability of Cadets

  26. 我国全民科学素质建设中存在的问题与改善措施

    Some Transformations in the System of Constructing National Scientific Makings of Our Country

  27. 农民科学素质的内涵、构成及评价指标体系

    The Connotation of Scientific Quality of Peasants , Composition and Evaluation Indicators System

  28. 高中物理教学中学生科学素质培养的研究

    Study of Cultivation of Students ' Scientific Quality in High School Physics Teaching

  29. 科技传播与新闻人才的科学素质培养

    Sci-tech Communication and Science Quality Cultivation of Journalist Talents

  30. 最后,有针对性的提出改善昆明市小学高年级学生科学素质建设的措施。

    The countermeasures of improving elementary students ' literacy in Kunming are suggested .