
  • 网络Scientific value;scientific merit
  1. 因此,在较低温度下燃烧合成TiC、VC增强铁基复合材料的研究具有创新性和重要的科学价值。

    Therefore , this research of combustion synthesis of TiC and VC reinforced iron-based composites at relatively low temperature has its own novelties and important scientific value .

  2. 找到的这些与结合、催化、代谢和转运等相关CP重要差异蛋白,对于揭示锰中毒的脉络丛组织损失机理的研究具有重要的科学价值。

    These found important proteins related to catalysis , metabolism and transport has important scientific value for revealing manganese poisoning mechanism of choroid plexus tissue damage .

  3. 运用问卷调查法和SPSS统计分析法对专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力的结构进行实证研究,从而证实了对专业连锁零售企业核心竞争力的理论研究具有一定的科学价值。

    This article apply the questionnaire investigation method and the SPSS statistic analysis to practice and prove the theoretic research on the structure of the specialty chain stores ' core competitive ability is valuable and sciential .

  4. 桂林热带岩溶地貌特点及其科学价值

    Characteristics of tropical karst geomorphology in Guilin and its scientific importance

  5. 收集和展览有科学价值的博物馆。

    A museum that collects and displays objects having scientific interest .

  6. 它具有重要的历史、艺术、科学价值。

    It has important history , artistic , scientific value .

  7. 这些,都具有无可替代的科学价值和国际对比意义。

    All of these are of irreplaceable scientific value and global correlation significance .

  8. 科学价值中立说的现代审视

    The contemporary examination on the neutralism of scientific value

  9. 从系统观看科学价值评价

    Evaluation of Scientific Value with the Viewpoint of Systems

  10. 对人类基因组研究的双向思考:科学价值与伦理难题

    The mapping research of human genes : its scientific values and ethic dilemmas

  11. 它具有重大的科学价值和现实影响。

    It affects the realities and is appreciated highly in its scientific value .

  12. 关于传统科学价值观下美术心理学研究取向的反思

    A Reflection of the Research Orientation of Arts Psychology in Traditional Science Value

  13. 你的争论是毫无科学价值的。

    Your argument is lacking in all scientific merit .

  14. 长期土壤肥力试验的科学价值

    The scientific value of long-term soil fertility experiment

  15. 同时,辩论本身就带有科学价值的教训。

    In the meantime , the debate carries a worthwhile scientific lesson in itself .

  16. 科学价值论转向过程中的几个疑难&兼评科学→价值的科学进步模式

    Some Difficulties in Changing Direction of Science Axiology & Additionally Appraising Science → Value Pattern

  17. 网络时代目录的科学价值

    Scientific Value of Bibliography in Networking Age

  18. 不完全创新有科学价值,但对人类社会没有实际贡献。

    Incomplete creation has scientific value , but has no material contributions to human society .

  19. 避雷针电场与地面电场的相关性及其科学价值

    The relativity between lightning rod and electric field of earth surface and its scientific value

  20. 火星探测是人类宇宙探索活动的重要组成部分,具有重要的科学价值。

    Mars probing is an important part of human universe exploration , having important scientific value .

  21. 大蚝河于1999年成为具特殊科学价值地点。

    The Tai ho stream was also zoned as a site of special scientific interest in1999 .

  22. 因此,切换系统的分析与研究具有十分重要的科学价值和应用意义。

    Therefore , analysis and synthesis of the switched system are of significant scientific and practical values .

  23. 这个课程将提供学生机会,以批判性的方式评断众多研究计画的适当性与科学价值。

    This course offers students opportunities to critically evaluate the adequacy and scientific merit of research protocols .

  24. 然而,尽管科学价值学会提出了一些建议,它并没有任何权力去执行任何措施。

    While the SSV can make recommendations , it does not have any legal powers to enforce any action .

  25. 因此,反科学主义主要地不在于它的具体内容,而在于它那否定科学价值的立场和态度。

    So anti-scientism is not distinguished from other attitudes to science by specific contents but by its emotionally negative attitude .

  26. 土壤质量与植被自然恢复过程关系的研究对生态建设与环境效应评价有重要的科学价值。

    Preliminary investigation on temporal and spatial variation of structure of soil fauna community in different natural vegetations of Dinghushan ;

  27. 教师应结合有关内容有意识地强调数学的科学价值。

    A teacher should make a point of stressing the scientific value of mathematics in relation to the relevant subjects .

  28. 青铜文物是我国古代文明的象征之一,具有极高的历史、艺术和科学价值。

    Bronze relic with high historical , artistic and scientific value , is one of the symbolizations of Chinese ancient civilization .

  29. 本文从透视理论自身的科学价值及其应用性论证了透视学课程教学是基础教学。

    This article stress that perspective course teaching from valuation of itself , painting architecture , design , is basic teaching .

  30. 保护区内丰富的动植物等自然资源有着比较重要的经济和科学价值以及多种生态防护效益和生物多样性的保护价值。

    Rich animals and plants in the reserve hold significant economical and scientific values and conservation benefits in ecological protection and biodiversity .