
zhǒnɡ zi xuǎn shǒu
  • seed;seeded player
  1. 在决赛中,三号种子选手卡普里亚蒂击败了凯特林娜·马莉娃。

    In the final Capriati , the third seed , defeated Katerina Maleeva .

  2. 头号种子选手在决赛中落马。

    The number one seed was beaten in the finals .

  3. 他被确定为下周温布尔登网球赛的第14号种子选手。

    He has been seeded 14th at Wimbledon next week .

  4. 在抽签系列比赛的上半区就只剩下两名种子选手了。

    There are only two seeded players left in the top half of the draw .

  5. 所有种子选手都闯过了第一轮比赛。

    All the seeded players got through the first round .

  6. 他被列为二号种子选手,位居布拉德·贝文之后。

    He is seeded second , behind Brad Beven

  7. 第一轮就输给了一位美国的非种子选手,他的沮丧是可以理解的。

    He was understandably dejected after losing in the first round to an unseeded American .

  8. 打败种子选手格外不容易。

    It 's extremely difficult to beat a seeded player .

  9. 她淘汰了两名种子选手。

    She 's knocked out two seeded players .

  10. 更重要的是,虽然许多赚钱的社交媒体初创公司持续增长,而且这些公司的胃口也越来越大,但人人网真的是一个可行的IPO种子选手吗?

    And more importantly , given the growing and seemingly insatiable appetite for profitable social-media startups , is Renren a viable IPO candidate ?

  11. 在将于周三举行的第二轮比赛中,此次美网女单比赛的九号种子选手李娜将迎战澳大利亚左手握拍的选手德拉奎亚(CaseyDellacqua)。

    In the second round on Wednesday , ninth seed Li will face Australian left-hander Casey Dellacqua .

  12. ATP网球大师赛男单决赛在上海闵行区旗忠网球中心举行,在首盘比赛中,面对赛会三号种子选手费雷尔,卫冕冠军率先破掉对手的发球局,但随后由于失误过多又遭到对方反破发。

    The defending champion broke the third-seeded Ferrer in the first game but a catalogue of errors then undermined his hard work at the Qi Zhong Tennis Center in suburban Minhang District .

  13. 美国的高尔夫运动员魏圣美(MichelleWie)13岁时曾被认为是一名可与男球手一争高下的种子选手。

    At 13 , Michelle Wie , the U.S. golfer , was supposed to evolve into a player who could compete with men .

  14. 六号种子选手李娜在一小时18分钟内以6-1、6-3的比分战胜哈萨克斯坦选手卡拉坦切娃(SesilKaratantcheva),已经踏上夺取澳网公开赛(AustralianOpen)冠军的征程。

    Sixth seed Li Na has begun her quest to finally clinch the Australian Open , an event where she has flourished but never taken the top spot , with a 6-1 , 6-3 win over Kazakhstan 's Sesil Karatantcheva in one hour and 18 minutes .

  15. 台北的张凯贞在过去曾打败八号种子选手斯托尔(SamanthaStosur),但这次却以7-6(3)、6-3的比分输给这位澳大利亚人。

    Taipei 's Kai-Chen Chang fell to 8th seed Samantha Stosur 7-6 ( 3 ) , 6-3 despite her winning record against the Australian .

  16. 他是这次锦标赛中的头号种子选手。

    He is the number one seed in this tournament .

  17. 他在乒乓球锦标赛里是一号种子选手。

    He was the No.1 seed in the table-tennis championship .

  18. 种子选手萨米·索萨和马克·麦格威尔也都未能通过。

    Sluggers Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire were also rejected .

  19. 他是一位没被定为种子选手的不知名的运动员。

    He was an unknown player who was not seeded .

  20. 小威廉姆斯是温布尔登网球公开赛的头号种子选手。

    The younger Williams is the top seed at Wimbledon .

  21. 前四名的种子选手跟目前世界排名一样。

    The top four seedings are the same as the current world rankings .

  22. 我们将按种子选手的名次把他们放在不同的组里去。

    We 'll put the seeds into different groups according to their rankings .

  23. 一号和二号种子选手的决赛

    A final between the first and second seeds

  24. 这些种子选手已全部获胜。

    The seeded players all won their matches .

  25. 她是一个种子选手。

    She is one of the top seeds .

  26. 她被列为第四位世界级种子选手。

    She 's seeded fourth in the world .

  27. 比赛的种子选手之一。

    To hold one of the seeds in .

  28. 他是这届乒乓球锦标赛头号种子选手。(种子——种子选手)

    He was the No.1 seedin the table-tennis championship

  29. 她世界排名第五,在这场比赛中是首号种子选手。

    She is ranked fifth in the world and is the top seed is this competition .

  30. 头号种子选手轻松获胜。

    The top seed won comfortably .