
  • 网络Illegitimate daughter;bastard
  1. 乔布斯高中时期的女友克里斯-安(Chris-Ann)给他生了一个私生女,名叫丽莎(Lisa)。

    His high school girlfriend , Chris-Ann , gave him an illegitimate daughter Lisa .

  2. 教士的私生女已誓单身的神职人员的私生女有些职员难保不私吞公款。

    The illegitimate daughter of an ecclesiastic who has taken a vow of celibacy .

  3. 她是国王詹姆斯二世的私生女。

    She was a natural daughter of King James II .

  4. 她有点儿像是埃尔顿约翰的私生女。

    She 's kind of like the bastard daughter of Elton John .

  5. 玛丽是个私生女,她父亲在她出生前就遗弃了她母亲。

    Mary was a love child whose father left her mother before she was born .

  6. 她是他的私生女。

    She is his unlawful daughter .

  7. 大家都在谣传说这个歌手和那个足球运动员有一个私生女。

    They all say that the singer had a daughter out of wedlock with a football player .

  8. 艾莉亚要是个私生女就好了,就像她们的私生子哥哥琼恩。

    It would have been easier if Arya had been a bastard , like their half brother Jon .

  9. 其中一位私生女就是首相的曾曾曾曾祖母,这意味着卡梅伦是女王隔了五代的堂兄。

    One of them was the PM 's great-great-great-great-grandmother , meaning Mr Cameron is a fifth cousin of the Queen .

  10. 直到1994年,巴黎一家杂志刊登了密特朗和玛莎妮离开餐厅的照片,玛莎妮的私生女身份才被曝光。

    Mazarine 's existence only reached the public in1994 when Paris-Match magazine published a photograph of the two leaving a restaurant .

  11. 他留下了妻子劳伦娜鲍威尔乔布斯和三个孩子伊娃、艾伦和利德,但其实他与高中时期的恋人克丽丝布伦南还有一个私生女。

    He is survived by his wife laurene Powell jobs and their three children Eve , Erin and reed but he also fathered a love child with his high school sweetheart chrisann Brennan .

  12. 哈里特是私生女,其父何人仍是个谜。爱玛认为这女孩可能出身名门,便极力使她相信她以前交往的人都配不上她。

    Harriet was the natural daughter of some mysterious person , and emma , believing that the girl might be of noble family , persuaded her that the society in which she had moved was not good enough for her .