
  • 网络private market;private placement markets
  1. Box向企业销售文件存储与协作工具,已从私募市场融资约5.5亿美元,以便加快增长。

    The company sells file storage and collaboration tools to companies and has already raised some $ 550m from the private markets in a dash for growth .

  2. 这类股票飞涨主要发生在私募市场,而且仅局限于少数公司,其中Facebook就是一个代表。

    Most of the run up happened in the private markets , and it happened in only a few companies , Facebook mainly .

  3. Zynga公司将是迄今为止最大的一次实验,而它显然已通过私募市场的初步考验了。

    Zynga will be the largest test to date , and it clearly has passed the private-market preliminaries .

  4. 上周五晚些时候,研究机构PrivCo发布报告指出,近来,在二级私募市场,Facebook的市值出现了前所未有的持续下滑。

    Facebook recently suffered its first-ever consecutive decline in valuation on the private secondary markets , according to a report being released later today by research firm privco .

  5. 显然这个市值不可等闲视之,但从变化趋势来看,Facebook明年可能无法达到1000亿美元的首次公开募股(IPO)估值目标(基于私募市场交易股价通常为上市股价的20-30%的假设)。

    Obviously nothing to sneeze at , but also not the sort of direction that should give Facebook total confidence in a $ 100 billion IPO value next year ( based on assumption that private markets typically trade at a 20-30 % discount to public comps ) .

  6. Facebook收入增长的放缓和成本的大幅升高也引起了华尔街的警惕。由于投资者追涨,Facebook股价今年早些时候曾在私募市场交易中达到每股46美元的高点,不过在那以后投资者的情绪已变得更加审慎。

    A slowdown in Facebook 's revenue growth and jump in costs has also left Wall Street wary . The shares reached a peak of $ 46 in private market trading earlier this year as investors chased the price higher , though the mood has since turned more cautious .

  7. 争相涌入私募市场、以便找机会入股优步、Airbnb和Snapchat之类企业的投资人,在近几周已变得更加厌恶风险,尤其是在血液检测初创企业Theranos的说法的可信性引发质疑之后。

    Investors who had stampeded into the private markets for a chance to back companies such as Uber , Airbnb and Snapchat have become far more risk-averse in recent weeks , especially after questions were raised about the validity of claims made by blood-testing start-up Theranos .

  8. 在公开和私募市场上,对网络安全公司过度投资的现象都可以用泛滥一词来形容。

    Overinvestment has been rampant in both the public and private markets .

  9. 自结果公布以来,几家银行已宣布从私募市场募集新股本的计划。

    Since the results were announced , several banks have announced plans to raise fresh equity from the private markets .

  10. 其次,在制度层面,应当系统性的规范私募市场的入场门槛等条件,加强社会舆论的监督作用。

    Secondly , we ought to standard the rules of the market of private placement and reinforce the supervise effect of public opinion .

  11. 美国加息的前景将导致私募市场甚至更加敌视初创企业,他表示。

    The prospect of interest rate rises in the US will make the private markets even more hostile for start-ups , he said .

  12. 尽管年初以来股市表现一般,但私募市场的估值水平继续迅速蹿升。

    Despite the fact that public market stock performance has been muted so far this year , private market valuations continue to surge upwards .

  13. 他表示,明年,许多公司要么将无法从私募市场筹到更多资金,要么将被迫接受更低估值。

    Next year , many will be unable to raise more cash in the private markets or will be forced to accept lower valuations , he said .

  14. 由于私募市场基本无望为这笔资金募到一个银币,就得靠政府和欧洲救助基金完成剩下的工作了。

    With private markets unlikely to provide much more than a sliver of that cash , governments and the European bail-out fund would have to do the rest .

  15. 由于价值不确定的可疑资产仍留在资产负债表上,因此银行无法通过私募市场筹集资金,彼此也不会贷款给对方。

    With dubious assets of uncertain value still on their balance sheets , banks are unable to raise capital in private markets and will not lend to each other .

  16. 私募市场和投资银行对公开交易所构成的竞争是有价值的&只有这样的竞争才能迫使大型交易所转型,不再是为同业公会所主导的低效机构。

    Competition to public exchanges from private markets and investment banks has value – it took such competition to force the large exchanges out of being guild-dominated , inefficient institutions .

  17. 现在,私有公司可以有更多的股东,还可以在私募市场接触到一些机构投资者&它们首发上市时这些机构投资者将率先出手。

    Now companies can stay private with more shareholders and find access in private markets to the kinds of institutional investors who would be first in line during an IPO .

  18. 虽然十几年前的网络泡沫还历历在目,但如今时移势易,我们的估值其实有理有据,这些企业早已在私募市场完成了估值任务。

    Rather than question the value of immature public companies as we eventually did in the last bubble , today we wring our hands because they now achieve these valuations in the private markets .

  19. 一年来,这些公司中的大多数都在私募市场筹集了数亿美元,从而为自己争取了更多时间,不必立刻面对上市后公众挑剔的目光,以及股价的起起落落。

    Most raised hundreds of millions of dollars in private markets this past year , buying them more time before they would have to face the public scrutiny and earnings circus that a public offering would entail .

  20. 目前有报道称,优步还要再融资20亿美元,不过是从债券市场,债市融资比从股市或私募市场融资风险多少要大一些。

    Now there are reports that Uber is raising as much as $ 2 billion more , but this time it is doing so via the debt market , a somewhat more risky endeavor than the equity or venture-capital markets .

  21. 结果就是私募市场的发展,在这个市场中,对冲基金,收购集团和投资银行联合起来为太小而不能上市或者发展太快不能等待的企业私募资金。

    The result is a growing market in which hedge funds , buy-out groups and investment banks , club together to finance private deals for firms that are too small for initial public offerings , or are growing so fast that they would rather wait .

  22. 《亚洲创业投资期刊》(AsianVentureCapitalJournal)和贝恩公司汇总的数据显示,中国私募股权市场去年的交易金额达到152亿美元,高于2010年的139亿美元。

    Chinese private equity deal value hit $ 15.2 billion last year , up from $ 13.9 billion in 2010 , data compiled by the Asian Venture Capital Journal and Bain show .

  23. 试论社保基金在私募股权市场的投资

    Discussion about Social Security Fund ' Investment in Private Equity Fund Market

  24. 我们期望中国的私募股权市场能够对中国经济的快速增长作出重要的贡献。

    We expect Chinese private equity market will play an important role in Chinese fast-growing economics .

  25. 民间私募资本市场规范发展初探

    The Primary Study on Standardization Development of Private Placement in the Capital Market : An Example of Wenzhou

  26. 徳平厚博士指出,自2007年以来,这个领域是私募股份市场上表现最差的领域之一。

    They have been one of the worst-performing parts of the private-equity market since 2007 , according to Dr DePinho .

  27. 并在此基础上指出了我国私募融资市场存在的问题和应采取的对策。

    In the last , the author points out the problems in our private placement market and the suggestions to handle them .

  28. 在去年的中国私募投资市场中,人民币基金相关的项目占全年项目总数的65%以及全年投资总额的55%。

    RMB funds accounted for65 % of the number of deals and55 % of total investment amount in the China Private Equity market .

  29. 私募股权市场已是全球资本市场的重要组成部分,私募股权基金对全球尤其是欧美国家的经济发展做出了重要贡献。

    Private Equity Market has become an important part of global capital and financial market , making great contribution to global economics , especially to the American and European economics .

  30. 本文在分析其内在发展规律、运作特点和潜在风险的基础上,就规范和发展我国私募资本市场提出一些建议。

    Based on the analysis of its inherent development rule , operation characters and potential risks , this paper puts forward some suggestions of standardizing the development of the capital market of private placement in China .