
  • 网络Community school;community college
  1. 我在社区学校工作。

    I work in the community school .

  2. 位于伦敦东部纽汉区(Newham,该区是伦敦最穷的区之一)的金斯福德社区学校(KingsfordCommunitySchool)校长兼创始人琼•德朗德(JoanDeslandes)非常迅速地看到了汉语的潜力。

    Joan Deslandes , head-teacher and founder of Kingsford Community School in Newham - one of east London 's most deprived boroughs - was unusually quick to see the potential in Chinese languages .

  3. 中级或社区学校提供两年副学位。

    Junior or community colleges offer a two-year associate degree .

  4. 论城镇社区学校教育资源的整合

    The Research on the Integration of Educational Resources of Communities and Towns

  5. 社区学校的教育质量有保证,而且人人都有机会接受教育。

    The community college makes quality education affordable and accessible to the community .

  6. 城市社区学校的学习参与问题研究

    Research on Learning Participation of Community School in City

  7. 第三章:城市社区学校的学习参与问题分析。

    Chapter three analyses the current situation of the participation in the community school .

  8. 今天该轮到他把孩子们从社区学校接回去。

    Today it is his turn to collect the children from school in the community .

  9. 本文认为社区学校资源的整合研究不仅要集中在具体的整合内容和方法上,而且对学校资源整合的前提&制度资源予以重视,同时还要对学校教育资源整合的本质研究予以揭示。

    Then this paper holds that the integrating research of community schools should be focused on its contents and methods .

  10. 2005年,在Chilyaba社区学校,学生们在专心致志地听一位演讲者讲述关于黑犀牛再次被引入赞比亚的故事。

    Students at the Chilyaba Community School listen intently as a speaker talks about the reintroduction of black rhinos to Zambia in 2005 .

  11. 所以,笔者认为,社区学校教育资源整合应该基于一定的社区范围,不管是学校内部资源还是外部资源都应该确定其界限,区分其类型,以免造成资源整合的无效性和泛化。

    So , the author thinks the integration of educational resources of community schools should be clarified with its boundary and type for useful results .

  12. 这次食神大赛的构想来自著名厨师兼作家安•库珀,她致力于改善她所在的社区学校的午餐。

    The idea for this Iron Chef contest came from celebrated chef and author Ann Cooper , who 's working to improve her community 's school lunches .

  13. 1974年过到一半的时候,本厌倦了纽约市,于是在纽约州巴拉道斯市的海兰社区学校里,找到一份教手工艺的工作。

    By mid-1974 , Ben tired of New York and was successful in getting a job teaching crafts at Highland Community 's school in Paradox , New York .

  14. 了解有关加拿大的大学、学院、社区学校、技术学校、中等学校、夏令营及语言学校。

    Learn about universities , University colleges , community colleges , technical institutes , career colleges , secondary schools , summer camps , and language schools in canada .

  15. 在威斯康辛州密尔瓦基市的印第安社区学校的学生们正挥舞着鼓槌,进行奉献仪式。

    Milwaukee , Wisconsin , 2004 Photograph by Penny De Los Santos Students at the Indian Community School in Milwaukee , Wisconsin , brandish drum beaters at a dedication ceremony .

  16. 9月13日,耗资5.78亿美元的罗伯特-肯尼迪社区学校在洛杉矶落成开学,于是美国最昂贵的公立学校就此诞生。

    With an eye-popping price tag of $ 578 million , the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools opened in Los Angeles September 13 , 2010 , marking the inauguration of the nation 's most expensive public school ever .

  17. 方法采用回顾评论法,讨论预防问题行为的原则和干预的评价标准,分析有效家庭干预的途径以及社区-学校协作干预的GTO法。

    Methods Using a review-of-review approach , general preventive principles and evaluative criteria of problem behavior were discussed ;

  18. 也许最重要的是,在社区或学校的讨论中,把侧重点放在缩小不同族裔的考分差异上,哈佛大学经济学家小罗兰·弗赖尔(RolandFryerJr.)和芝加哥大学经济学家史蒂芬·莱维特(StevenLevitt)说。

    Perhaps most importantly , in the debate over neighborhoods or schools , would be a concentrated focus on reducing racial and ethnic discrepancies in test scores , according to the economists Roland Fryer Jr. of Harvard and Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago .

  19. 社区掌管学校自然而然地促进了社区本身的发展。

    Community control of the school has evolved into community development .

  20. 扶轮少年服务团可以以社区或学校为基地。

    Interact clubs can be based in the community or in schools .

  21. 农村社区参与学校发展计划研究

    Research on the Rural Community Involvement in School Development Planning

  22. 她在阿什兰外围一个小社区的学校里任教。

    She taught school in a small community outside Ashland .

  23. 我国社区与学校体育场地共享的模式构建研究

    The Share Stadium Construction Mode for Our Communities and Schools

  24. 说明社区对学校开放多维组织之间的行为。

    Showing the behavior of opening multi-dimensional description of the community organizations to school .

  25. 社区和学校预防药物滥用和艾滋病工作

    Experience obtained from school and community-based drug abuse and hiv / aids prevention work

  26. 社区与学校的关系是当今国际教育领域十分关注的问题。

    The relationship between school and community is highly valued in the international education domain .

  27. 良性的,互动的社区与学校的关系有利于社区的发展,也有利于学校自身的进步。

    Good and interactive relationship benefits the development of community and the improvement of school .

  28. 目的探讨社区健康学校建立的可行性及其教学内容和教学方式。

    Objective To explore the feasibility , teaching contents and methods of establishing community health schools .

  29. 该艺术节除了强调社区和学校的参与,也同样重视居民们的参与。

    The art festival stresses the involvement of communities and schools as well as participation of residents .

  30. 城市社区与学校体育设施资源共享研究的回顾与展望&中外对比

    Review and Forecast of Sports Facilities Resource Sharing Between Urban Community and School & Chinese and Foreign Contrast