
shè huì ɡuān
  • outlook of society
  1. 阿尔瓦利德王子是沙特国王阿卜杜拉(kingabdullah)的侄子,长期以来一直与其他沙特王子有所不同不论是他的社会观还是他的投资哲学。

    The prince , a nephew of the Saudi King Abdullah , has long stood out from other Saudi princes , both in his social views and investment philosophy .

  2. 内部空间的分配反映出中国的社会观和伦理观。

    The distribution of interior space reflects Chinese social and ethical values .

  3. 略论中国传统文化中的社会观

    On the Social View Point in the Traditional Culture

  4. 利益相关者社会观与商业银行价值提升探讨

    Discussion on Social View of Stakeholders and the Enhancement of Commercial Banks ' Value

  5. 同时指出,他这一思想深受达尔文式的社会观和国家集体主义的影响。

    Meanwhile , this ideology was deeply influenced by Darwinian social concept and national collectivism .

  6. 关于和谐社会观在法律教学中渗透的思考

    On Harmonious Society Penetrating in Law Teaching

  7. 论保守主义的社会观柏克的保守主义思想评析

    On the Idea of Society of Conservatism

  8. 学界一致认为庄子的社会观是倒退的,应受到批判。

    The academic circle all agree that Zhuangzi 's social perspectives were retrogressive , and should be criticized .

  9. 从一元民族意识到多元文化观和社会观&休斯诗歌主题思想变化管窥

    From Mono-nation-awareness to Multi-cultural-view and Multi-social-view & A Discussion of the Changes of the Themes of Hugh 's Poetry

  10. 第三部分阐明了马克思实践社会观的理论诉求和实践意义。

    Part three : This part illuminates the theoretical demand and practical importance of Marxian perception of practical society .

  11. 中国天下观是举世唯一的社会观,为中国社会发展规约了方向。

    The worldview of China , a unique sociological viewpoint in the world , provides guidance for Chinese social development .

  12. 生态社会观则把社会放在人类史与自然史相互作用的不断演化的复合生态系统中来考察。

    The third examines the society in the changing complex ecological system under the interaction of human history and natural history .

  13. 和谐社会观的确立,标志着辩证矛盾观尤其是矛盾同一性理论的系统创新。

    The concept of establishing a harmonious society marks a dialectical contradiction to the concept of systems theory Identity particularly innovative .

  14. 他的文学作品说明了他在创作上的多才多艺,也反映了他复杂的社会观和艺术观。

    His literary output shows the versatility of his inventive powers as well as the complexity of his social and artistic ideas .

  15. 文章认为:于连形象集中地体现了司汤达的社会观、人文观与文艺观;

    It points out that the image of Julien focuses on Stendhal 's viewpoint of society , humanity , art and literature ;

  16. 本文以此为主线索,对西美尔和马克思的宗教社会观进行比较分析三、视改革为社会主义社会发展的动力;

    Centering on this clue , this article tries to make a comparison between Simmel 's viewpoint of society of religion and Marx 's.

  17. 而就整个中国社会观之,对政党政治普遍缺乏认识并持否定态度。

    However , there was a general lack of knowledge and negative attitude toward party politics as far as the whole society was concerned .

  18. 二作为音乐术语,它是自然观和社会观的延伸,成为衡量音乐的标准;

    Secondly , as a technical term of music , it extends the idea of nature and society and becomes a standard of music judgment .

  19. 这种贫富分层严重冲击了大学生人生哲学的方方面面:社会观、价值观、人生观和幸福观等。

    The separation has seriously impacted every aspect of university students'psychology on life , including their views on the society , value , life and happiness .

  20. 个体论及个人主义论可以称作是约翰韦恩的个人及社会观(星期六评论)

    The kind of atomism and individualism that is implicit in what might be called the John Wayne conception of society and the individual ( Saturday Review )

  21. 这就需要从思维方式上变革“实体化社会观”,因其实质是传统本体论的思维方式,它将社会视为在人之上的抽象存在。

    So it needs to change subjective social view from thinking way , it means change traditional thinking method ; it sees the society as an abstract existence upper then human .

  22. 尽管价值理论自古典经济学开始就成为经济理论的核心内容,而且不同时期的经济学家从各自的社会观和经济观提出了内容各异的价值理论,但科学的价值理论还是马克思创立的劳动价值论。

    Although the value theory had become the core of the economic theories since the initial stages of the classical economics , the scientific value theory was the labour theory of value founded by Marx .

  23. 两类经济发展观不是从真理观、人类利益统一性或自然观的角度的区分,而是从价值观、人类利益对立性或社会观的角度的区分。

    The two economic development views are not differentiated by view of truth , uniformity of human interest or view of nature , but by view of value , opposition of human interest or view of society .

  24. 意识形态是一个常提常新的话题,自从它正式提出不久,就与政治、权力、国家紧密联系在一起,成为指代社会观、价值观的专有名词。

    Ideology is a topic which has abundant meanings . Ever since it was first raised , it became a proper noun which social values and sense of value refer to , and closely linked with politics , power and state .

  25. 在个体认同意义上,义利之辨所内蕴的自我伦理和他者伦理,形塑一种特定的自我观和社会观,为个体的自我认同和社会认同提供一种道德框架。

    From the meaning of individual-identify , the ' self-ethic ' and the ' other-ethic ' that the debate over justice and benefit contains models a sort of self-outlook and social-outlook and provides a kind of moral frame to self-identify and society-identify .

  26. 马克思的环境意识与社会发展观的转换

    Marx 's Environment Awareness and the Change of Social Development Concept

  27. 从价值观透视社会历史观

    Concept of Social History in the Perspective of Concept of Values

  28. 改革开放以来我国社会价值观的变化与引领策略

    Trends of the social values since the beginning of Chinese reforms

  29. 商人阶层的出现与社会价值观的转型

    The Emergence of the Merchant Class and the Transformation of Social Values

  30. 马克思的市场经济社会发展观新解

    New Explanation of Developmental View of Society of Market Economy of Marx