
  • 网络social standard;society standard;society-based
  1. 三是个人本位与社会本位之间的调和性突出;

    Third , the consistence between individual standard and social standard .

  2. 而道德和法律则是实现社会本位原则的途径。

    Moral and law are the approaches to the realization of social standard .

  3. 论经济法的社会本位理念及其实现

    The Thought of Society Standard in Economic Law and Its Adoption

  4. 综合社会本位和个人本位的人生态度;

    Combining the social and individual status to generate life attitude ;

  5. 社会本位&民法典的最佳选择

    Social Priority & The Best Choice of Chinese Civil Code

  6. 国际社会本位的理念与法院地法适用的合理限制

    Theoretical Concepts of International Society Standard Reasonable Restriction on Lex Fori Application

  7. 浅谈经济法的社会本位观&兼论经济法的独立性问题

    A Study of the Social Priority of Economic Law and Its Independent Status

  8. 生育健康的伦理学基础:个人本位还是社会本位

    Ethical Basis of Reproductive Health : Individual-Oriented or Society-Oriented

  9. 第三,教育目的的社会本位性强。

    Third , the society chauvinism of education aim .

  10. 论社会本位思潮对教育的影响

    The influence of society-centered trend of thoughts on education

  11. 论经济法社会本位原则的确立

    Talk about the Establishment of the Social Standard Principle of the Economic Law

  12. 能力本位·社会本位·发展本位&关于社会主义价值观核心理念的思考与对话

    Ability Standard , Society Standard , and Development Standard

  13. 从历史的角度看教育中的个人本位与社会本位的演变

    An Analysis of Change of Individual Standard and Social Standard from Historical Eyes

  14. 我国公司发起人法律责任研究&从个人本位到社会本位的转换

    On Legal Responsibilities of Company Promoters : Transformation from Individual Standard to Social Standard

  15. 论社会本位的公证立法

    On the Public Notarization Legislation of Social Standards

  16. 服务型政府以公民本位、社会本位为价值取向;

    Service-oriented government hold the value of " Citizen-Center " and " Social-Center " .

  17. 特留份制度&社会本位的选择

    System of Forced Heirdom-Choice of the Social Standard

  18. 论儒学的社会本位与个人本位悖论及其影响

    On the Confucian Paradox between Social Principle and Individual Principle and its Social Influence

  19. 专利制度的历史就是专利限制的历史,是权利本位、义务本位向社会本位演化的历史。

    The history of patent limitation is of the history of patent legal system .

  20. 德法并治与社会本位原则的实现

    The rule of law and moral and the realization of the principle of social standard

  21. 经济法是社会本位法,以保护社会利益为其终极目标。

    Economic law cares for social interest which final aim is to protect social interest .

  22. 现代民法的社会本位法制为惩罚性赔偿的存在提供了法制基础。

    The social standard of modern civil law is the legal basis of punitive damages .

  23. 梁漱溟既反对资本主义的经济制度,也反对社会本位的经济制度。

    Liang both opposed bourgeois economic system , and also the social based economic system .

  24. 产业法属于经济法的调整范畴,因为:产业法是社会本位法,是公私兼顾、以公为主的法,处于社会法域;

    Industry law belongs to economic law .

  25. 近代中国民法的社会本位立法简评

    A Brief Review On Civil Law Legislation Focusing On Social Interest During Modern Times In China

  26. 略论竹林玄谈的社会本位品格与时代价值

    The Quality and Style of Social Departmental Selfishness of Metaphysics and its Value of the Time

  27. 社会本位:高职院校人才培养目标主导价值取向

    Society-based-education : the dominant value orientation on the target of talent education in higher vocational colleges

  28. 社会本位是对权利本位的继承和发展,二者并非对立的两极。

    The social standard is inheritance and development of right standard , not the two opposing extremes .

  29. 在个人本位与社会本位间探索第三条道路

    Searching for the " Third Way " between " Individual Based " and " Society Based "

  30. 教育史上长期存在着教育目的个人本位论与社会本位论之争。

    There has been a fierce debate between individual-oriented educational aim and society-oriented educational aim in history .