
  1. 网路收音机、电视或电话通信网

    A radio , television , or telephone network . net-making machine for textile netting

  2. 建议有线电视广播网与市内电话通信网在电视和电话业务互相协调。

    The paper particularly emphasizes the mutual cooperation between CATV broadcasting network and local telephone network .

  3. 这些电路对实现一个城市电话通信网或本地通信网的全自动化接续,具有一定参考价值。

    These interface circuits which realize the automatic connection of the local communication networks have a consultive value .

  4. 随着电话通信网向数字化和智能化发展,由随路信令逐步过渡到公共信道信令是当前我国电话网必须解决的一个问题。

    As the communication network of the telephone develops to intelligent and digitization , the transition from CAS to CCS of our country telephone network must be solved progressively .

  5. 在信息产业的发展过程中,最大的成就无异于十九世纪诞生的基于电话通信的电信网技术和诞生于上个世纪的互联网技术。

    In the information industry development process , the biggest achievements are the telephony-based communication network technology invented in the nineteenth century and Internet technologies born in the last century .

  6. 集成普通电话网、移动通信网和互联网信息发布平台,采用权限管理、信息安全、JSP和JDBC等技术,设计了一个基于B/S的广西家校通信息发布系统。

    An information issuing system is developed based on B / S for communication between families and school in Guangxi . The common telephone networks , mobile networks and internet information platform as well as the technologies of authorization management , information security , JSP and JDBC are employed .

  7. 以程控电话交换机组成数据通信网

    A data network formed by program controlled telephone exchangers

  8. 传输网是电话网、数据通信网、智能网等各种业务网的神经和支撑,是通信网中建设和维护的重要部分,有效管理传输网就成为迫在眉睫的任务。

    The transform net is the verve and support of telephone net , data transform net , intellectualized net and other operational nets . It is the important part of construction and maintain in transform net . So it is an imperative task to efficiently manage the transmission net .

  9. 老师家长一线通系统结合了Internet开放性和电话网极大用户群的双重特点,以低廉的成本来提供基于电话通信网的高质量服务。

    " Teachers and parents one line communication system " combines the opening of internet and huge number of telephone network providing high quality service by telephone network in very low cost .