
  1. 台山电厂2台国产600MW机组厂用电监测管理系统介绍

    Introduction of Auxiliary Power Supervision and Management System of Two 600 MW Units in Taishan Power Plant

  2. 开展了基于GPRS技术的用电监测系统接口设计,在计算机与计算机或计算机与终端之间的数据传送采用了串行通讯和并行通讯二种方式,实现了对数据的有限透明传输和电表的智能控制。

    Basing on GPRS technology it develops interface design in the power utilization monitoring system , the data transmission in computer-to-computer or computer-to-terminal adopt the serial communications and parallel communications to achieve transparency transmission of the limited data and wisdom control of power meters .

  3. 介绍基于远程用电监测的电力用户需求侧管理支持系统设计。

    A power demand side management support system is briefly described .

  4. 这种防窃电监测仪可广泛应用于用电监测。

    This instrument can be used in electricity power monitor widely .

  5. 建立发电厂厂用电监测管理系统的探讨和实践

    Discussion about Setting up Monitoring and Management System for Electrical Auxiliary System of Power Plant

  6. 微机在厂用电监测与管理系统中的应用

    The Application of the Microcomputer in the Monitoring and Management System for In-House Electric Power Usage

  7. 电力负荷管理系统的建立可实现大用户远程负荷现场管理和自动抄表,提高用电监测及负荷管理水平,为加强电力需求侧管理提供重要技术支持,对缓解电力供需矛盾具有重要的意义。

    The creation of power load management system for large users is necessary for load-site management and remote automatic meter reading , to improve the power monitoring and load management , to provide important technical support for strengthen the demand side management .

  8. GPRS用电终端智能监测与控制系统

    Discussion on GPRS Intelligence Monitoring & Control for End User of Electric Power

  9. 简要介绍了GPRS用电管理终端监测和控制系统,并就GPRS用电管理终端监测和控制系统在湖北电网的运用情况进行了详细分析。

    GPRS intelligence monitoring and control for end user of electric power was introduced and its application in Hubei power system was analyzed comprehensively .

  10. 二是加强用电异常的监测和处理,及时发现并处理计量故障和窃电行为;

    The second is monitoring and processing for the electricity abnormality , and discovers the measure fault and the behavior of pilfer in time ;

  11. 船舶配电设备是船舶电力系统的重要组成部分,它主要是用来分配船舶电能,并对用电设备进行监测、控制和保护。

    The Marine distribution equipment is an important component of the marine power system , which mainly distributes electric energy , and monitor , control and protect electric equipment .

  12. 中低压电力线路载波幅频特性利用原有电力线路传送数据,以达到对用电设备进行监测、控制的目的,是一件非常有意义的事情。

    CARRIER AMPLITUDE FREQUENCY PROPERTY OF MIDDLE AND LOW VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION LINE It 's significative to communicate over existing AC main wiring in order to control and monitor electric appliance .

  13. 如何对建筑用电情况进行监测,找出不合理的用电能耗,并想办法降低下来,已成为解决高能耗问题的关键。

    The question is that how to monitor the use of construction power to identify unreasonable use of energy , and find ways to lower down , which is the key to deal with the problem of high energy consumption .

  14. 对于用PVDF压电薄膜监测结构的冲击载荷也进行了初步的研究,实验结果表明采用PVDF压电薄膜可以实时监测结构所受的冲击载荷,并能及时反应出结构所受到的冲击损伤。

    A preliminary study of PVDF piezoelectric film for monitoring the impact loading of the structures has also been conducted . The result indicates that the impact loading anda damage of the structures can be real-timely detected by using PVDF piezoelectric film .

  15. 用掉电方式解决监测仪器的功耗问题

    Reduce the Power Consumption of Instruments by Power-Down Mode

  16. 用压电元件实时监测与识别板件结构约束刚度的变化

    Monitoring and Identifying the Variation of Restrain Stiffness in Plates with Piezoelectric elements

  17. 基于红外成像的用电客户现场图像监测终端

    Based on Infrared Imaging Technology Applications in Electricity Customer on-site Images to Monitoring Terminal

  18. 本文针对连续冷轧管生产线上的管缝探测这一实际课题,阐述用电涡流法实现监测的必要性与优越性。

    Focusing on the problem of detecting metal tube 's gap on continuous cold tube rolling line , this paper describes the necessity and advantages of detecting by eddy current leakage measure .

  19. 通过本文的研究成功地解决了恶性负载识别难、电能参数无法统计分析、用电情况难以实时监测等问题,实现了学生公寓的现代化和自动化电能管理方案。

    The problems of identifying the malignant load , analyzing the electric parameters , inspecting the state of power consumption at real time are solved successfully in the thesis . In this way , the modern and automatic management about students ' apartments is realized .

  20. 该系统通过对用电单位的用电状况进行实时监测,为用电部门提供电网运行数据。

    This system can carry out the real time monitoring of the power consumption in the electric management departments .

  21. 本文讨论用微型机对断续用电设备进行集中监测与控制的方法,并给出部分硬件接口与软件设计的基本方案。

    This paper discusses monitoring way of equipment with microcomputer , and describes design plan of interface and software .

  22. 用GPRS技术实现对特殊行业用户用电的在线监测与数据抄收

    On-line Monitoring and Data Gathering for Users in Special Industries Using GPRS Technology