
  1. 2019年的研究表明,在英国,70%的18至24岁的人感到生态焦虑,感到无助、悲伤、恐慌、失眠,甚至出现围绕着气候变化的内疚心理。

    Research from 2019 showed that in the UK , 70 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds were feeling eco-anxious , feeling helpless , grief , panic , insomnia , even guilt around climate change .

  2. 人们对生态的焦虑正在与日俱增,年轻人似乎是受影响最严重的人群。

    Eco-anxiety is on the rise and young people seem to be some of the worst affected .

  3. 新时期生态文学写作经历了阶段性发展变化,在世纪交替之际主要表现为三重视点:现代化进程中的生态焦虑;

    After the periodicity changing during the new period , there are three perspectives of ecoliterature at the turn of the century : ecological anxiety about modernity ;