
  • 网络mind identity;Mind Identification
  1. 对于理念识别系统(MI)、行为识别系统(BI)、视觉识别系统(VI),给出了比较具体的设计方案。解决了困扰公司的管理问题,为公司的发展做出了较大的贡献。

    For Mind Identity System , Behavior Identity System and Visual Identity System , detailed design is provided .

  2. CI是现代企业营销管理的理论,它由理念识别(MI)、行为识别(BI)和视觉识别(VI)三个部分组成。

    Corporate Identity , Which is composed of Mind Identity , Behavior Identity and Visual Identity , is a theory of the modern enterprise marketing and management .

  3. 经由MI企业理念识别,完成意识改革及体质改善;

    MI finishs consciousness reform and physique improvement .

  4. 其中产品理念识别(MI)是产品识别的核心,强调的是企业或品牌的精神理念和核心价值。

    Mind Identity ( MI ), which emphasizes the brand value , is the core of the PI system .

  5. CI策略由企业理念识别、企业行为识别和企业视觉识别三部分构成。

    The CI strategy is composed of three components : the identification of enterprise idea , the identification of enterprise behavior and the identification of enterprise sight .

  6. CIS是一种组织识别系统,它由理念识别系统、行为识别系统和视觉识别系统组成。

    CIS , a corporate identity system , is made up of the mind identity system , the behavior identity system and the visual identity system .

  7. 追溯城市的历史文化发展,分析城市的历史地脉和文脉,对城市形象进行定位分析,确定城市的城市CI定位,从而得出城市的理念识别(MindIdentity)。

    Look back into the development of the historical culture , analyse the context of geography and culture and evaluate the city image , we can gain the position of the city identity , then the Mind Identity .

  8. 城市形象战略,是把CIS(CorporationIdentitySystem)理论应用到城市,通过对城市形象进行视觉识别、行为识别和理念识别等方面的系统设计来升华城市品质、推动城市发展的一种新型战略。

    City image strategy , apply to the CIS ( Corporation Identity System ) theories to the city , and proceeding the identify of vision , the identify of behavior , the identify of ideas to design the city image aspects .

  9. 一是将企业形象识别理论(CIS理论)运用的政府形象塑造,形成政府形象识别理论(GIS理论)。政府形象识别包括理念识别,行为识别和视觉识别。

    When the theory of Cooperation Identity System ( CIS ) is used in the government , it becomes Government Identity System ( GIS ), which also consists of Mind Identity , Behavior Identity and Visual Identity .

  10. 它能够集中体现企业的文化及其品牌核心价值观,它主要包括企业理念识别系统M工、企业行为识别系统BI和企业视觉识别系统VI。

    It can embody a concentrated reflection of enterprise culture and its core brand values , and it mainly includes the concept of enterprise recognition system MI , enterprise behavior identity system and visual identification system VI and BI .

  11. 本文结合CIS战略理论,与哈药集团制药总厂的实际情况相结合,分别从理念识别、活动识别和视觉识别三大要素对哈药集团制药总厂导入CIS提出总体设想。

    Combining the theory of CIS and the circumstances of Harbin General Pharmaceutical Factory , the article lays out the collectivity introduction of CIS strategy which includes Mind Identity , Behavior Identity and Visual Identity to the factory .

  12. CIS,即企业识别系统是在企业界发展比较成熟的形象塑造工具,对于塑造大学品牌形象同样具有十分的借鉴意义。它包括MI即理念识别、BI行为识别、VI视觉识别三项主要活动。

    CIS , Corporation Identity System , which includes MI , Mind Identity , BI , Behavior Identity and VI , Visual Identity , is the image-shaping tools developed in industries , and is referentially meaningful in the establishment of University Brand .

  13. 企业形象含理念识别、行为识别、视觉形象三大标志。

    Business image includes mind identity , behavior identity and visual identity .

  14. 供电企业理念识别系统设计

    Design of Idea Identity System for Power Supply Utilities

  15. 试论旅游形象的理念识别

    A Study on Mind Identity of Tourist Image

  16. 浅论理念识别与医院形象

    Preliminary analysis on intelligential recognition and hospital image

  17. 企业理念识别系统的构建

    Structure of Enterprise Ideal Distinction System

  18. 充当信息交换和为访问入口应用的改善而进行理念识别考虑的论坛。

    Serve as a forum for the exchange of information and concerns for the purpose of identifying ideas for improvement of portal applications .

  19. 从产品的风格特征分析、企业文化分析和用户认知分析来获取产品理念识别要素。

    Initially , the elements of products idea identity have been acquired by product styles analysis , corporate culture analysis and user cognize analysis .

  20. 第四部分系统提出了建立城市旅游形象的三部分构成为理念识别系统、视觉识别系统和行为识别系统。

    Bringing forward the three parts of the city tourism identity is the core of the fourth part , and then expatiating three analysis basements ?

  21. 构筑起包括城市理念识别系统、城市行为识别系统和城市视觉识别系统三个部分的相对完整的理论平台。

    It is constructed by three parts including the city mind identity system , the city behavior identity system and the city visual identity system .

  22. 保卫部门形象的构成可分为三大部分:一是保卫部门的理念识别系统,二是保卫部门的行为识别系统,三是保卫部门视觉识别系统。

    The image of the public security department consists of three parts , namely , ideal recognition system , behavioral recognition system and visual recognition system .

  23. 本文从遗产类旅游产品和现代类旅游产品两个侧面,探讨了文化学范畴的旅游形象理念识别。

    Starting from studying the tourist product of heritage and modern tourist product , this paper analyses the mind identity of tourist image in the cultural field .

  24. 企业文化包括精神层、制度层、物质层。企业文化的精神层即理念识别系统是物质层与制度层的思想内涵,是企业文化的核心与灵魂。

    The spiritual layer of enterprise culture-the system of ideal distinction is thoughtful connotation of material layer and system layer , and is centre and soul as well .

  25. 网络品牌形象设计包括理念识别系统、行为识别系统、视觉识别系统、听觉识别系统、文本识别系统等等。

    Network brand image design including the mind identity system , behavior identity system , visual identification system , auditory recognition , text recognition systems and so on .

  26. 最后在理念识别、行为识别以及视觉识别方面对武汉城市圈背景下的咸宁进行城市形象设计。

    Finally , city image design for Xianning under the background of Wuhan City Circle will be made from mind identity , behavior identity and visual identity aspects .

  27. 高职院校实践形象设计可从三个方面进行,即提炼学校精神,制定核心价值观,建构理念识别系统;

    The design of practice image of higher vocational schools can be done through three aspects : refining school spirit , making out core value view and building mind identity system ;

  28. 它表现为两种知识形态:显性知识和隐性知识,学校品牌理念识别系统就是在这两类知识相互作用和相互转换(社会化、外在化、组合化和内在化)的过程中形成的。

    Represented by explicit knowledge and intangible knowledge , this system comes into being amid the process of the two kinds of knowledge inter-acting and inter-transforming ( socialization , externalization , combination and intemalization ) .

  29. 加强医院形象建设,应着力于建设医院理念识别系统、行为识别系统和视觉识别系统,从物质、制度、行为和精神等层面全面着手。

    So in order to strengthen the hospital image construction , a hospital should construct the system of concept indentification , behavior identification and visual identification based on the aspects of material , spirit , institution and behavior , etc.

  30. 针对城市形象问题,分析了济南市的城市形象资源。并分别从理念识别、行为识别、视觉识别定位三方面对济南市的形象进行了初步设计。

    In relation to the problem of city image , the authors analyze the resources of city image in Jinan and design the images of Jinan City primarily from three factors : rational identification , activity identification , and vision identification .