
  • 网络Jewish settlement
  1. 这条蜿蜒穿越犹太山丘(judeanhills)的道路,经过了一个又一个犹太人定居点。

    As the road winds its way through the Judean Hills , it passes one Jewish settlement after the other .

  2. 首先,终止恐怖活动并停建占领区内的犹太人定居点。

    First would come an end to terrorism and a freeze on Jewish settlement in the occupied territories .

  3. 在以色列在约旦河西岸扩建犹太人定居点问题上曾经先让步的奥巴马,迫使他的死对头本雅明内塔尼亚胡(benjaminnetanyahu)收回在2012年大选前采取单方面军事行动的威胁。

    Mr Obama ( who blinked first on the extension of Israeli settlements on the West Bank ) forced his nemesis Benjamin Netanyahu to blink on threats to take unilateral military action ahead of the 2012 election .

  4. 以色列前领导人沙龙(ArielSharon)上周六去世。在他的长期职业生涯中,他曾是著名的斗士、犹太人定居点的捍卫者,最终还提倡对巴勒斯坦人采取更缓和态度。

    Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon , who through his long career was a renowned warrior , champion of Jewish settlements and , eventually , an advocate of a more conciliatory approach toward Palestinians , died Saturday .

  5. 许多以色列人反对将成千上万的犹太人定居点从西岸拔除——巴勒斯坦人称他们在这个要求方面绝对不会妥协。巴勒斯坦国际事务研究学会的分析家MahdiAbdulHadi表示,将双方重新拉回谈判桌的是美国的压力,而不是双方做好了准备。

    Many Israelis oppose pulling hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers out of the West Bank - a demand on which the Palestinians say they will not Analyst Mahdi Abdul Hadi with East Jerusalem 's says U.S. pressure - and not a feeling of readiness - is bringing both sides to the table again .

  6. 因此犹太人定居点问题成为国际社会密切关注的焦点之一。

    So Jewish settlements become one of focus attracting the international society .

  7. 居住在这个犹太人定居点的的5百名犹太人对于巴勒斯坦的警力的部署行动感到愤怒。

    The 500 settlers who live there are furious over the deployment .

  8. 这所神学院是在约旦河西岸建设犹太人定居点的主要支持者。

    The seminary was a bastion of the settlement movement in the West Bank .

  9. 第三章分析犹太人定居点对以色列和巴勒斯坦双方的影响。

    The third chapter analyzes the influence of those settlements to Israel and Palestine .

  10. 以色列在2005年撤出了加沙,拆毁了那里的21座犹太人定居点。

    It pulled out of the territory and dismantled 21 Jewish settlements there in 2005 .

  11. 他的中东计划将允许以色列吞并约旦河西岸的犹太人定居点。

    His Middle East plan would let Israel annex Jewish settlements in the West Bank .

  12. 以色列考虑在棘手的犹太人定居点议题上跟美国妥协。

    Israel is considering a compromise with the United States on the thorny issue of Jewish settlements .

  13. 作为鹰派人物的沙龙数十年来一直积极支持建立犹太人定居点,素有定居者之父之称。

    As a hawk , Sharon , Father of the Settlements , has always actively been supporting the Jewish settlements .

  14. 巴勒斯坦人领土上存在犹太人定居点,这是和平谈判的主要症结之一。

    The presence of Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories is one of the main sticking points in peace negotiations .

  15. 第一章从政治,军事,经济和宗教文化等方面考察和剖析以色列自1967年以来不断建设犹太人定居点的基本原因。

    The first chapter investigates the reason from many aspects such as politics , military , economy and so on .

  16. 沙龙坚决主张在约旦河西岸兴建犹太人定居点,并且反对在撤军问题上作出妥协。

    Sharon firmly advocates to establish Jewish settlements in the West Bank and opposes compromises on the issue of troop withdrawal .

  17. 由于美国要求冻结犹太人定居点建设的压力不断增大,以色列人对和平进程的怀疑也逐渐增加。

    Amid strong U.S. pressure for a freeze on Jewish settlement construction , there is growing among Israelis about the peace process .

  18. 中方认为,当务之急是妥善处理犹太人定居点问题,排除巴以和谈的障碍。

    China believes that the pressing task is to properly handle the Jewish settlement issue to remove the obstacle for peace talks .

  19. 巴勒斯坦人曾威胁退出对话,除非以色列重新启动在被占领的西岸地区建筑犹太人定居点的禁令。

    The Palestinians have threatened to quit talks unless Israel restarts a freeze on construction at Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank .

  20. 宣布将该地区划归以色列“国有”为在巴勒斯坦可能争取的土地上增加犹太人定居点扫清了道路。

    Declaring in that area Israeli state land clears the way for increased Jewish settlement on territory Palestinians claim for any future state .

  21. 巴勒斯坦人民对于释放囚犯感到欣喜,但当以色列宣布在西岸的犹太人定居点更多的建筑时却勃然大怒。

    Palestinians rejoiced at the prisoner release , but were angered when Israel announced more construction in Jewish settlements in the West Bank .

  22. 本星期,美国官员面临巨大的障碍,因为各方在约旦河西岸建造犹太人定居点的关键问题上,看法相去甚远。

    The U.S.official faced large hurdles this week , with all sides far apart on the key issue of Jewish settlements in the West Bank .

  23. 但是这种旅游的兴盛是脆弱的,特别是因为以色列扩建犹太人定居点的问题导致中东和平进程陷入僵局。

    But the boom in tourism is fragile , especially because the Middle East peace process is deadlocked over Israel 's expansion of Jewish settlements .

  24. 美国对以色列批准在东耶路撒冷的犹太人定居点建立900座额外的房屋表示“沮丧”。

    The United States has voiced its " dismay " over Israel 's approval of900 additional housing units at a Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem .

  25. 这个小店位于通往犹太人定居点的路上,十年前,巴勒斯坦暴动时发生了非常惨烈的冲突。

    It is on the way to a Jewish settlement , on a road where horrific fighting took place in the Palestinian 10 years ago .

  26. 巴勒斯坦和以色列在双方冲突的核心问题上依然存在很大分歧,包括犹太人定居点、巴勒斯坦难民、最后边界以及耶路撒冷的地位等。

    Gaps remain wide on the core issues of the conflict , including Jewish settlements , Palestinian refugees , final borders and the status of Jerusalem .

  27. 内塔尼亚胡正面临其联盟中右翼势力的压力。他们不希望在约旦河西岸被占领土的犹太人定居点问题上做出任何让步。

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is under pressure from his right-wing coalition partners , who want no concessions on Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank .

  28. 美国已经敦促以色列朝两个国家并存的解决方案努力,同时也希望以色列停止在被占领土上扩大犹太人定居点。

    The United States has urged Israel to work toward a two-state solution , and wants it to stop expanding Jewish settlements in the territories it occupies .

  29. 去年9月以色列拒绝延长约旦河西岸犹太人定居点建设冻结令后,巴勒斯坦方面退出和谈,和谈由此陷于停滞。

    Talks have been on hold since September when the Palestinians walked out after Israel refused to renew a construction freeze on Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank .

  30. 以色列&把军队撤回到两年前在西岸的位置,停止在西岸和加沙地带建立犹太人定居点。

    Israel & Withdraw its forces to positions it held on the West Bank two years ago and stop building homes for Jews on the West Bank and in Gaza .