
kǎo lú
  • oven;roaster;brazier;brasier
烤炉 [kǎo lú]
  • (1) [brazier;oven]∶一种烹调器具,其中待烹调的食物依靠金属栅格被置于热源(如烧红的煤或电热)上方

  • (2) [roaster]

  • (3) 一种用来焙炒咖啡或花生的设备

  • (4) 专供焙、烤、烘、灸用的机器或装置

烤炉[kǎo lú]
  1. 烤炉的火如果吹灭了会自动再点燃。

    The oven burners reignite automatically if blown out .

  2. 没有人喜欢清理烤炉。

    Nobody relishes cleaning the oven .

  3. 夏天一到,她的活动住房就变得像烤炉一样热。

    In the summer her mobile home heats up like an oven .

  4. 在两块结实的烤板上抹些油,把烤炉加热到400度。

    Grease two sturdy baking sheets and heat the oven to 400 degrees

  5. 金枪鱼可以用烤炉烤、油炸或者烧烤。

    Tuna can be grilled , fried or barbecued

  6. 记住,烤炉的顶部将比底部温度更高。

    Remember that the top of the oven will be hotter than the bottom .

  7. 你要把蛋糕在传统的烤炉中烤30分钟。

    You have to bake the cake for 30 minutes in a conventional oven .

  8. 肉在烤炉里烤着。

    The meat is roasting in the oven .

  9. 面包师用大烤炉烤面包。

    Bakers bake in huge ovens .

  10. 她用烤炉烤面包。

    She baked bread in an oven .

  11. 考古队还发现了一个大型面包房,“包括烤炉和储存食物的陶器”,面包房的规模表明这里曾经为“数量庞大的工人和雇员”提供食物。

    The team also found a large bakery , " complete with ovens and storage pottery , " whose size suggests it was used to cater to a " very large number of workers and employees . "

  12. 在烤炉里(175°C)烘焙30分钟。

    Bake in the oven ( 175 ° C ) for 30 minutes .

  13. 为了发挥在国外学到的厨艺,他为厨房配备了电磁炉、铁板烧烤盘、液氮罐和一台大绿蛋牌(BigGreenEgg)陶瓷烤炉。

    To get the effects he had learned abroad , he had the kitchen outfitted with induction cooktops , a teppanyaki griddle , liquid nitrogen tanks and a Big Green Egg ceramic grill .

  14. Noel烤制的面包也是海啸后幸存的烤炉烤出的面包的一部分。

    Noel also bakes part of the bread in the oven that survived the tsunami .

  15. 旋塞阀、烤炉阀、调压器已获得CSA等欧美多个国家在质量认证证明。

    Our stopcock , oven valve and booster have been certified to CSA and have gained quality certificates in America and countries in Europe .

  16. 但对面包师Noel来说,这里具备了基本的条件:一个烤炉和一个可以揉面的木制长桌。

    But it has the essential ingredients for Noel the baker & an oven and a long wooden table to knead his dough .

  17. 11.在一个封闭空间比如Easy-Bake玩具烤炉里,一个100瓦的白炽灯泡可以达到华氏325度(约163摄氏度)的高温。

    11.In the confined space of an Easy-Bake oven , a 100-watt bulb can create a temperature of 325 degrees Fahrenheit .

  18. 1间卧室可以兼作多种用途,既可以做厨房、也可以用作个人健身房,里面有烤炉、冰箱,还有通过隐形活页固定在墙上的隐形活动班霸牌楼梯机(StairMasters)。

    A bedroom can double as anything from a kitchen to a personal gym with stoves , fridges , and stairmasters swinging out from hidden panels in the walls .

  19. 该烤炉是手工制作的面包师的监督。

    The crafting of the baking ovens was overseen by bakers .

  20. 高效节能烟叶烘烤炉研制

    Development on the High Efficient and Energy-saving Tobacco Drying off Oven

  21. 通过放在烤炉里加热使能食用。

    Cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven .

  22. “我要怎样进到烤炉里?”葛丽特问道。

    How do I go inside ? @ asks gretel .

  23. 肉在一个粘土烤炉里烤了6个小时。

    The meat is cooked for six hours in a clay oven .

  24. 她打开烤炉,把蛋糕放了进去。

    She opened the oven and popped the cake in .

  25. 烤炉是免费的,可以用15分钟左右。

    It 's free and it stays on for around 15 minutes .

  26. 她想象自已坐在温暖的烤炉旁边。

    She imagines that she is sitting by a warm cooking oven .

  27. 倾动式铁合金烘烤炉的改造

    Technical Reformation on Tilting Type Baking Furnace for Iron Alloy

  28. 烤炉食品真能让人发胖吗?

    Does the Foreman Grill really knock out the fat ?

  29. 这些烤炉手套是她最后碰过的东西。

    These oven mitts were the Iast thing she touched .

  30. 热煤铺放在烤炉的底部。

    The hot coals are spread over the floor of the oven .