
  • 网络game animation
  1. 游戏动画中256色图像调色板设计及其转换算法

    The Design and Transform Algorithm of 256 Colors Palette in Game Animation

  2. 游戏动画中的动作捕捉

    Motion capture in game animation

  3. 基于DirectX的游戏动画技术研究

    Study of games animation technique based on directX

  4. 目前,用户接口界面只在进行游戏动画的时候关闭。

    Currently , the UI will only toggle off during game cinematics .

  5. 曲面造型是产品外形设计、计算机仿真、计算机游戏动画等领域中的关键技术。

    Surface modeling plays an important role in the fields of product design , computer animation , and games .

  6. 因此,该方法将在计算几何造型、游戏动画制作等领域有着良好的应用前景。

    Therefore , this technique will have good application foreground in animation for games and films , polygonal mesh modeling and so on .

  7. 干涉检测技术是计算机图形学中的一个关键技术,在虚拟装配、虚拟手术、飞行导航、机器人路径规划和计算机游戏动画等领域中有着非常广泛的应用。

    Interference detection is an important technology of computer graphics , which is extensively used in the fields such as virtual assembly , virtual surgery , flight navigation , path planning of robots and animation .

  8. 人脸动画技术是利用计算机图形学在建模、渲染和实时动画等方面的理论与方法,以实现实时的、真实感的人脸动画仿真,广泛应用于游戏动画制作、虚拟现实、视频通信等领域。

    Realistic facial animation is through theory and methods of modeling , romance and real-time animation to realize the realistic real-time facial animation emulation , and use widely in a variety of domains of virtual reality , video production and video communications .

  9. 基于J2ME的手机游戏2D动画的编程实现

    Realization of the Handset Game 2D Animation Based on J2ME

  10. 另一方面移动平台3D图形引擎技术,在游戏、动画及GPS定位系统中的应用也越来越广泛。

    Meanwhile in the games , animations , GPS and other fields , the application of mobile3D graphics engine technology is more and more wide .

  11. 三维物体的模型重建在CAD、逆向工程、模式识别、文物艺术品的重建、数字娱乐(游戏、动画、电影)等领域有着广泛的应用。

    The three-dimensional reconstruction model is widely used in the fields of CAD 、 reverse engineering 、 pattern identify , the artwork reconstruction , digital amusement ( game 、 animation and film ) .

  12. 在实际生活当中,3D模型的重建广泛应用于对象识别,工业自动设计,视频游戏,动画制作,建筑物原貌恢复等方面,同时要求重构有较高的效率以实现实时计算。

    In real life , 3D model reconstruction is widely used in object recognition , industrial automatic design , video games , animation , restore the original appearance of buildings and so on , while a higher reconstruction efficiency required to achieve real-time calculation .

  13. 在游戏和动画的开发应用中,运用L系统生成不同的树的动画时,应用程序员往往要重写代码。

    In practice , when man develops a game or an animation , one problem encountered is that application programmers usually derive a new code from scratch for each application .

  14. “PAN娱乐”的定义很难界定,PAN是由“个人局域网”的首字母缩写而成,通常指那些通过游戏、动画、文学、电影和电视等方式,整合体育、旅游、教育和医疗等多元内容的在线娱乐。

    Its definition defies easy explanation . It comes from an acronym for " personal area network " and refers generally to diverse online entertainment through development of integrated content that may combine sports , travel , education and healthcare with media formats like games , animation , literature , film and television .

  15. 目前,非真实感图形学发展非常迅速,在影视、游戏和动画制作等诸多领域都有广泛的应用。

    The non-photorealistic rendering now has rapid development .

  16. 清单8显示了游戏的动画循环,一般将该循环称为

    Listing 8 shows the game 's animation loop , commonly referred to as the

  17. 该系统可以广泛地应用在装饰图案设计、电子贺卡、广告以及游戏、动画等领域。

    Potential applications of the system include design of decorative pattern , electronic card , advertisement , game and animation .

  18. 随后,黑客帝国系列电影又产生出了连环画、电脑游戏以及动画电影。

    The Matrix franchise was further expanded through the production of comic books , video games , and animated short films .

  19. 喜欢战斗游戏,动画在和它的图解式质量的标准上,而且没有迹象慢向下的。

    Like the fighting game , the animation is on par with its graphical quality , and there were no signs of slow down .

  20. 碰撞检测在计算机图形学、虚拟现实、计算机游戏、动画、计算机辅助设计、机器人及虚拟制造等领域中均是经典而关键的问题,多年来一直受到较多的关注。

    Collision detection in computer graphics , virtual reality , computer games , animation , computer aided design , robotics and virtual manufacturing , etc are classic and the key problem , for many years have been more attention .

  21. 在学习中使用变化的游戏、动画、图形等元素来加强学生对单词的联想,增强对单词的理解和记忆,达到感受英语、体验英语的目的。

    And in the study , it makes use of variational games , animation , graphics and other elements to strengthen students ' association of words , to enhance understanding and memory of words , to complete the purposes of feeling and experiencing of the English language .

  22. 作为增加虚拟场景真实感的关键技术&阴影的实时绘制技术,在三维游戏、动画影视、三维地理信息系统、计算机辅助设计和制造等多方面得到广泛的应用。

    As a key technology to increase the realism of the virtual scene & the shadow of the real-time rendering technology , in 3D games , animation , film and television , three-dimensional geographic information systems , computer-aided design and manufacturing and many other fields was widely used .

  23. 在某些机器上两段游戏内的动画无法读取的问题。

    Two in game movies which failed to launch on certain computer configurations has been fixed .

  24. 接着本文对利用游戏创作影视动画的具体要求和创作过程进行了研究。

    Then this paper carries on research in utilizing concrete requirement and creation course that the game created the movie & TV cartoon .

  25. 在注意到公园的钟和口哨之后,我们期待这个酒店在科技方面令人耳目一新,有电子游戏和电子动画人物。

    After noting the park 's bells and whistles , we expected the hotel to be more technologically impressive , with video games and animatronic characters .

  26. 在虚拟现实、三维游戏、影视动画和医学研究等领域,用户对人物角色真实感的要求越来越高。

    In virtual reality , 3D games , animation , medical research and other fields , users demand more and more to the reality of characters .

  27. 她的兴趣和爱好也跟着发生改变:总是独自一人呆在房间里没日没夜地玩游戏、看动画。

    Her interest and hobbies changed too : Always in the loneliness of her room she spent her days and nights playing online games and watching cartoons .

  28. 它具有广泛的应用前景,在影视制作、计算机游戏、广告动画设计、虚拟现实等诸多领域有着重要的用途。

    It have a extensive and applied future , and plays an important role in the films , computer game , , the animation design of advertisements , virtual reality etc.

  29. 动画,是一种会动的图画,广泛被运用在网页设计,电脑游戏,多媒体动画,结婚纪念动画等等,用途实在繁多。

    Animation , is the moving images , it is being widely used in web design , computer games development , multimedia animation presentation , wedding gallery animation and more .

  30. 关于水、云、烟、雨、雪等自然景物的模拟,在计算机游戏、三维动画、影视及广告中有着广泛的应用。

    Simulating natural phenomena , such as water , cloud , smoke , rain , snow and so on , has been widely used in computer game , 3D animation , movie production and advertising , etc.