
  • 网络consumer behavior;Consumer behaviour
  1. 在论文的写作过程中也运用到了消费者行为学,心理学,市场营销4P理论,SWOT,PEST分析等相关理论。

    It also applies to some marketing theories , for instance , consumer behavior , psychology , 4P , SWOT analysis , PEST analysis , and so on .

  2. 然后评述了该理论对认知科学、发展心理学和消费者行为学的积极影响;

    Then , its positive impact to cognitive science , developmental psychology and consumer behavior are stated .

  3. 因研究饮食心理而闻名的康奈尔大学消费者行为学教授布莱恩·文森克(BrianWansink)也揭秘了一些小伎俩。

    Other tricks have been proposed by Brian Wansink , a professor of consumer behaviour at Cornell who 's well known for his research into the psychology of eating .

  4. CSTP理论以市场营销、消费者行为学和服务营销学为基础,希望能总结出一套既科学又切实可行的房地产营销策划框架,为房地产开发企业提供有益的帮助。

    CSTP theory bases on market marketing , consumers behavior and services marketing , expects to summarize a correct and feasible frame of real estate marketing planning to help developers .

  5. 《消费者行为学》就是一门研究消费者行为的工具性学科。

    Consumer 's behavioral science is a discipline studying on consumer 's behavior .

  6. 对市场营销学的研究与广告学和消费者行为学的研究之间有着密不可分的关系。

    The study of marketing and the study between advertising and consumer behaviour are closely related .

  7. 然而在消费者行为学领域中,利用计算机建模的方法开展的研究却仍然十分匮乏。

    However , in the consumer behavior domain , the usage of computer modeling is still deficient .

  8. 研究成果有助于完善和丰富旅游信息科学的理论体系,对拓展消费者行为学和旅游市场学的研究内容具有重要的理论意义。

    The researching results have certain theoretical significance for enriching tourism information science and developing consumer behavior science .

  9. 对消费者行为学、价值观理论、价值观测量等学术领域已经形成的权威理论、文献资料进行综述。

    Summarizing the authority theoretic and literature in the fields of consumer behavior study 、 axiology 、 values judgment study etc.

  10. 营销学原理,营销渠道,营销渠道与物流管理,零售学,消费者行为学,电子商务,专业英语等。

    Fundamentals of Marketing , Marketing Channel , Marketing Channel and Logistics Management , Consumer Behavior , Electronic Commerce , Professional English .

  11. 为了识别影响公民电子政务需求的关键因素,基于消费者行为学、生命周期理论,建立了公民需求影响因素的实证模型。

    An empirical model , which is based on consumer behavior theory and life-cycle theory , is founded in order to identify citizen demand .

  12. 本研究将经济学理论-心理账户理论引入消费者行为学领域,确切说是市场营销学领域。

    In this study , we put the economic theory-mental accounting theory into the field of consumer behavior that is the field of marketing actually .

  13. 第二,从旅游消费者行为学、旅游心理学、旅游者空间行为模式等角度来构建本文研究的理论基础。

    Secondly , the theoretical basis for this paper is built from the perspective of tourism consumer behavior , tourism psychology , and tourist space behavior pattern .

  14. 并将范围缩小至消费者行为学中的一个分支&家庭消费研究,明确家庭消费方式及家庭消费行为的影响因素。

    And will be narrowed down to the consumer behavior in a branch of-household consumption studies , an explicit family consumption patterns and household consumption behavior factors .

  15. 从营销学、消费者行为学角度关于信任与忠诚以及信任与购买决策的研究表明,信任能够显著影响消费者的购买动机,并且信任显著影响顾客忠诚。

    Trust and loyalty research from Marketing and consumer behavior perspective have shown that trust can significantly influence consumers ' purchase motivation , and trust significantly affect customer loyalty .

  16. 本文以语用学中的关联理论和消费者行为学中的行为模式为理论基础,就英文商业广告中的双关运用进行了详尽的分析。

    This thesis is intended to give an adequate analysis of puns usage in English commercial advertisements within the framework of Relevance Theory in pragmatics and the models of consumer behavior .

  17. 该部分主要涉及到旅游市场信息流动模式的变迁、旅游目的地选择过程的理论系列模型和旅游者消费决策框架模型等旅游消费者行为学理论的应用。

    This part mainly includes some tourism consumer behavior theories : the transition of tourism market information flow pattern , Tourism destination choice process theory model and Tourist consumption decision-making framework model .

  18. 当前,我国休闲鞋设计理论方面的研究十分匮乏,休闲鞋设计理论应用的研究更是几近空白。然而在消费者行为学领域中,利用计算机建模的方法开展的研究却仍然十分匮乏。

    However , the shortage of the design theory makes the study of it almost empty . However , in the consumer behavior domain , the usage of computer modeling is still deficient .

  19. 品牌消费行为一直是消费者行为学中研究的热点,随着新媒体蓬勃发展,品牌运作也逐渐走出传统领域,搭上互联网快车,步入网络营销时代。

    Brand consumer behavior is always hot in consumer behaviors research , with the development of new media , the management of brand gradually comes out of traditional fields , and begins the era of network marketing .

  20. 首先,结合客户关系管理,以客户为基点,从供应链的末端开始,深入分析客户同供应链上各成员企业的相互作用、相互联系,从消费者行为学的角度分析客户行为,将客户分类。

    Firstly , the interactions within the chain are studied beginning of the end of the chain . Based on customer behavior and customer value , customers are classified to the key and the potential and the normal .

  21. 本文首先从与消费者行为学常用研究方法的比较分析入手,讨论了计算机建模技术在消费者行为学这一特定的学科环境下的研究优势及局限性;

    Af the first part of the paper , computer modeling is compared with the normal research method of consumer behavior to discuss the advantage and the limitation of the usage of the computer modeling in the research of consumer behavior .

  22. 目前关于消费行为的研究大多集中在经济学、营销学、消费者行为学等领域,真正从社会学角度来研究的很少,而基于生活方式视角的研究则更是凤毛麟角。

    Existent studies on consumer behavior are mostly in fields such as economics , marketing or consumer behavior research , etc , and discussion from the perspective of sociology are quite few , studies based on the perspective of lifestyle are even rarer .

  23. 本文从心理学、消费者行为学、经济学等多角度研究了旅游者购物行为模式、购买决策过程以及其特点,最后分析了旅游购物新的发展趋势。

    This paper examines the model of tourist shopping behaviors , purchase decision-making process and its characters from various angles , such as psychology , consumer behaviors and economics . Some future trends of tourist shopping are also analyzed in final chapters of this paper .

  24. 长期以来,传统的消费者行为研究学一直把消费者购买行为描绘成理性的、以目标为导向的消费行为。

    Consumer buying behavior has traditionally been portrayed as rational and goal oriented .

  25. 客户关系管理吸收了关系营销,服务营销,消费者心理与行为学等营销观点,是当今管理领域研究的热点内容之一。

    Customer relationship management is one of the hot field in the research of management . It absorbs the views of relationship marketing , service marketing , customers ' behavior psychology and so on .

  26. 本文通过对消费者心理学、消费者行为学和市场营销学思想的深入理解,在前人研究的基础上,建立新的顾客满意度模型。

    Through deeply comprehending consumer psychology , consumer behavior and marketing , a new consumer satisfaction model is built on the predecessors ' research .

  27. 近年来,由于电子商务的迅猛发展,网络购物情境下消费者的感知风险问题已成为消费者行为学研究的一个热点。

    Due to the appearance of online shopping , the mechanism of perceived risk in the new kind of purchasing situation has become a focus in the field of consumer behavior research .

  28. 消费者购买决策过程是营销学和消费者购买行为学中核心的研究内容,是消费者购买行为的集中体现。

    Consumer decision-making process is the core content of marketing and consumer behavior .

  29. 信息搜寻是消费者决策和产品购买的重要环节,也是消费者行为学研究的重要内容之一。

    Information seeking plays an essential role in consumers ' decision-making and product-purchasing , which is also one of the important contents of consumer behavior research .