- 名consumers' cooperative;cooperative society;cooperative society of consumers

About 10 years ago , you could only find honest tea in small grocery stores and co-ops – the kind of joints that also hawk kale chips and bulk-bin nutritional yeast .
Consumer Co-operatives Worldwide ( CCW ) is a sectoral organisation of the International Co-operative Alliance ( ICA ) which brings together consumer co-operatives within the ICA membership .
He claimed 100 16S 0d , and explained : " I have been able to give the exact cost price in only seven of the items listed , and have estimated the rest on the basis of the army and Navy stores catalogue . "
there was a Steven 's co-op at this very university .
They wanna make this funky little place into a co-op.
That 's the number for the px .
Consumers ' co-operatives and grain co-operatives head the list , with producers ' co-operatives coming next .
Everyone who Bears a trade union certificate may enjoy preferential treatment from the Workers and Staffs Consumption Cooperative .
A long time ago , in the cold September of 1962 , there was a Steven 's co-op at this very university .
A long time ago , in this cold September of 1962 , there was a Steven 's co-op at this very university .
In Vancouver , for example , dozens of people attend weekly bitcoin meet-ups and a member co-op is promoting the currency to a growing list of local retailers .
Anlong 's organic farmers run a co-op that delivers their fresh produce to the city , and some of Anlong 's innovations may one day help Chengdu towards its goal of becoming a World Garden City .