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hǎi jiāng
  • coastal areas and territorial seas
海疆 [hǎi jiāng]
  • [coastal areas and territorial seas] 临海的疆界;海岸线与领土的统称

  • 万里海疆

海疆[hǎi jiāng]
  1. 中华民族对海洋的开发和海疆的建设有着悠久的历史,但是长期以来,陆疆重于海疆的思想影响了海疆的积极开发。

    The Chinese nation has the glorious history for the development of ocean and the exploitation of the coastal areas and territorial seas . Due to the long-term the influence of dominion ideological that the governor take seriously the border area and neglected the positive development of the coastal .

  2. 本文认为:从地缘政治的角度,中国一方面要考虑陆地安全环境改善为相对集中力量发展海权提供的战略可能性,同时更要从海疆安全面临的压力考虑海权发展的必要性;

    The author points out : China should take into account , from a geopolitical point of view , the possibility of maritime rights development by concentrating power relatively because of the improvement of security environment , while considering further its necessity in terms of coastal areas and territorial seas .

  3. 海防战士警惕地守卫着祖国的海疆。

    The coastguard vigilantly guards our territorial waters .

  4. 论文首先针对当前的海疆勘界工作剖析了其主要性、研讨现状以及GIS技术在勘界工作中的作用;阐述了GIS体系的组成、构造和功能;

    At first the article analyzes the essentiality , actuality and the function of GIS in marine delimitation , and introduces the component , construction and function of GIS .

  5. 中国的海疆与我国海洋地缘政治战略

    Coastal areas and territorial seas and marine geopolitics strategies of China

  6. 奥运之帆高扬在中国海疆&海尔·青岛号大帆船中国沿海行纪实

    On-the-spot Record of China Coastal Cruise of " Haier-Qingdao " Sailboat

  7. 和我们一起万里海疆行吧。

    And join us for the happy journey across china .

  8. 固我海疆&人民海军近海反袭扰作战

    Anti-infiltration and Anti-harassment Operations Offshore of the People 's Navy in 1960s

  9. 我们的海疆行快走了一半儿了。

    We 've been almost through half our journey along the coast .

  10. 我们热爱祖国美丽的海疆。

    We love the beautiful coastal areas and territorial seas of our motherland .

  11. 中国有辽阔的海疆。

    China has vast coastal areas and territorial seas .

  12. 海疆教育:华侨教育史上的光辉篇章&海疆教育的理论与实践

    Education of Coastal Areas-A Brilliant Chapter of the Educational History of Over-seas Chinese

  13. 那我们的海疆图又添新内容了。

    Our coastal picture has got a new addition .

  14. 的军队还在守卫海疆。

    Our military still protects our shores .

  15. 鉴于此,明朝政府在山东海疆初步建立了水陆配合的海防卫所体系。

    Because of this , the Ming government elementarily established a land-and-water integrated coast defense system .

  16. 我们在风光秀美,文化灿烂的福建继续海疆精华之旅。

    We continued our select coastal journey in Fujian , which boasts scenic beauty and a brilliant cultural tradition .

  17. 海疆勘界信息体系建设是省、县际海疆勘界工作的主要组成部门。

    Construction of marine delimitation 's GIS is an important part of provincial and civic marine delimitation 's work .

  18. 从乾隆朝东南督抚贪腐案看海疆社会经济秩序

    The Social and Economic Order Reflected in the Southeast Governor 's Corruption Cases in the Time of Emperor Qianlong

  19. 海疆教育为我国的华侨教育开辟了一个重要模式,取得了重大成就。

    It has set up an important model in education of over-seas Chinese , and has made a great achievement .

  20. 海洋管理制度的演变与从事海疆管理的实践者的个人努力关系密切。

    The evolvement of marine administration system had a close relation with endeavor of the men who were engaged in the marine administration .

  21. 当夜幕笼罩万物沉睡时,我们的海防战士们却在守卫着海疆,监视着敌人。

    When the night closes in and everything sleeps , our coastal defence soldiers are guarding our territorial seas and watching over the enemy .

  22. 海防卫所体系发挥了稳定海疆的积极作用,同时蕴藏着诸多消极因素,为其日后的发展埋下了隐患。

    The system exerted positive action in stabilizing the coastal areas , and also contained many negative factors , which buried troubles for the future .

  23. 海疆教育是我国华侨教育史上几被遗忘然而又充满光辉的篇章。

    Education of coastal area is a brilliant chapter in the educational history of over-seas Chinese , though it was almost ignored in the past .

  24. 在十月,北朝鲜海军遣责南韩派军舰穿越他们的海疆引起紧张状态,警告将来的入侵将会激起报复。

    In October , North Korea 's navy accused South Korea of sending warships across their maritime border to stir tensions , and warned that further incursions could spark retaliations .

  25. 骑在队伍前列的人高举的旗帜已然湿透,垂挂下来,看不清晰。但来人都穿着蓝紫色的披风,海疆城的银色飞鹰纹章在肩头飞扬。

    The banner in the hand of the foremost rider hung sodden and limp , but the guardsmen wore indigo cloaks and on their shoulders flew the silver eagle of Seagard .

  26. 中国北与俄罗斯接壤,西北边疆存在诸多动荡因素,东与日本隔海相望,南中国海与东南亚国家海疆直接相连,在地缘战略方面处于可能被包围的潜在危机状态。

    Neighboring Russia in north , Japan in east and southeastern countries in south , China is in latent danger of geopolitical besiegement and has many unstable factors in Northwestern border area .

  27. 海防除保卫海疆安全外,另一主要任务就是为沿海地区营建和谐安定的社会环境,谋求沿海社会的经济、政治等各方面的全面进步。

    Besides protecting the safety of coastal areas , coast defense attempted to build a harmonious and stable society environment for coastal areas and buck for the all-sided advancement of coastal areas .

  28. 节目的最后还是要提醒您,明天同一时间继续跟我们一起万里海疆行。

    At the end of this program , we 'd still like to remind you to continue to be with us tomorrow at the same time for a happy journey across china .

  29. 本文阐述了墨卡托投影的优越性,并以实例为基础,对“切”与“割”园柱投影在我国海疆国的应用进行了分析。

    This Paper describes the advantages of the Mercator projection Based on actual examples , it discusses the application of " slice " and " cut " of round projection to map-making in china .

  30. 明清时期,山东海疆行政区划经过逐步调整,趋于稳定,区域视觉鲜明;山东海岸线绵长,沿海岛屿星罗棋布,港湾众多。

    In the Ming and Qing Dynasties , being adjusted step by step , the coastal areas regionalism in Shandong tended to stability and had clear region vision . The coastline of Shandong was long , along which were plenty of islands and seaports .