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tiān yá
  • Tianya;the end of the world;the remotest corner of the earth
天涯 [tiān yá]
  • [end of the world;the remotest corner of the earth] 在天的边缘处。喻距离很远

  • 天涯若比邻。--唐. 王勃《杜少府之任蜀州》

  • 同是天涯沦落人。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  • 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。--元. 马致远《天净沙.秋思》

天涯[tiān yá]
  1. 可是很快的,我们便天涯陌路了。

    But soon , we have the End of the World strangers .

  2. 首先,向天涯论坛的管理员和版主们问好。

    First of all , to the End of the World Forum administrators and moderators who say hello .

  3. 让我变成美丽的骏马,和你驰骋在天涯。

    Let me turn the beautiful steed , gallops with you in the horizon .

  4. 海上生明月,天涯共此时。

    As the bright moon shines over the sea , From far away you share this moment with me .

  5. 德国是中国最亲密的西方合作伙伴,两国都对美国的大规模监听活动感到厌恶。这些监听活动是由目前仍亡命天涯的前美国情报机构承包商爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)曝光的。

    Germany is China 's closest western partner and both countries share a common disgust with the extensive US surveillance activities unveiled by Edward Snowden , the fugitive former US intelligence contractor .

  6. 我承认我的英文水平在天涯的大家族中不是最好的,仅仅是CET-6而已,但毕业之后一直。

    Actually , my EG Level wasn 't the highest in TIANYA , just CET-6 ( Professional Certificate ) . but after graduated . I Continue to learn English By Training .

  7. 我看出我们同是天涯沦落人。

    I saw both of us sailing in the same boat .

  8. 远在天涯的善胜过近在咫尺的恶。

    Good at a distance is better than evil at hand .

  9. 但我曾走遍天涯探访世界的五个角落…

    But I 've traveled to the five corners of the world

  10. 天涯寻梦是佳华网的最新奉献。

    JiaHwa Dating is JiaHwa 's newest contribution to Chinese-speaking people .

  11. 我只在故乡呆了六年,以后就离乡背井,漂泊天涯。

    I lived in my home village for only six years .

  12. 他是战神、火星与天涯神之一。

    I am Tiu , god of the sky and war .

  13. 而她,是他遗失在天涯的花。

    And she , when he is lost in the flowers .

  14. 只可惜,我也知道你转去另一个天涯。

    I really wanna tell you that 's not a joke .

  15. 我自己也要从此亡命天涯了。

    And , I will also run for my own life .

  16. 祝天涯各位朋友圣诞快乐,新年愉快!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone on Tianya !

  17. 唉,同是天涯沦落人。

    Okay , it 's a bad day for all of us .

  18. 事实上,太空署不再是单枪匹马走天涯。

    In particular , the agency is no longer alone .

  19. 如果你带他走,就得亡命天涯

    If you take him , you 'll be on the run ,

  20. 一杯酒,梦断天涯路。

    A glass of wine , World Road West Side .

  21. 没人知道你在哪,比邻还是天涯。

    Nobody knows where you are , how near or how far .

  22. 天涯漂泊落浔阳,伤心泪滴。

    End of the World Xun Yang drifting down , tear drop sad .

  23. 亡命天涯是93年票房第三名的影片。

    The fugitive was the third top-grossing movie of1993 .

  24. 差异与融合&从《曾在天涯》看新时期留学生文化身份的重新书写论转型期海峡两岸的中国留学生文学

    On Chinese Overseas Student Literature during the Transformation Period

  25. 观积雪融兮,叹与君各在天涯。

    Snow flakes have melted into water , we are no more together .

  26. 为爱走天涯,奖赏却无价。

    Your quest will be perilous , yet the reward is beyond price .

  27. 天涯无奈,爱,终让我们走到一起来。

    Any barriers helpless , but love , finally let us come together .

  28. “振作起来吧,天涯何处无芳草。”

    " Snap out of it , you can find another girlfriend . "

  29. 萨拉告诉他,她愿意跟着他们一块亡命天涯。

    Sarah told him that she would like to run away with them .

  30. 邦·乔威乐队的公园表演《亡命天涯》

    Bon Jovi in the garden . " Wanted Dead Or Alive . "