
tiān shòu
  • bestowed by heaven
天授 [tiān shòu]
  • [be given by Heaven] 指上天所授予;天赋

  1. 分析他在人物画方面具有极高的天资即天授异禀,以及他那种对古味有一种发自内心的与生俱来的自觉追求。

    It will analyze he has a very high figure and innate talent conscious pursuit .

  2. 索尔将其命名为“王之珍宝”,视其为天授王权的象征。

    Thror named it " The King 's Jewel . " He took it as a sign , a sign that his right to rule was divine .

  3. 宋仁宗宝元元年(1038),元昊正式称帝,改元天授礼法延祚元年,国号大夏,史称西夏。

    In the 1st year of Baoyuan ( 1038 ) , Li Yuanhao formally assumed the imperial title , designating his reign Yanzuo , and his dynasty , the Great Xia , was also known as the Western Xia in history .

  4. 公元690年(天授元年),武则天宣布改唐为周,以洛阳为神都,降唐睿宗为皇嗣,自称皇帝,史称“武周革命”。

    In 690 , Wu Zetian declared to change the Tang into the Zhou Dynasty , made Luoyang the deity capital , Tang Ruizong the royal heir , herself the Empress.The historical event was referred as " Wu Zhou Revolution " in history .

  5. 除了“古往今来最伟大的作家”和“最为超凡的音乐天才”之外,他还坐拥“天授神传的光荣统帅”、“21世纪的启明星”与其他法定头衔200余个。

    Apart from being " the greatest writer who ever lived " and " greatest musical genius " , he was , by diktat , the glorious general from heaven , the guiding star of the 21st century , and more than 200 other things .