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tiān biān
  • horizon;beyond the horizon;the ends of the earth;remotest places;the remotest places as the ends of the earth
天边 [tiān biān]
  • [the remotest places as the ends of the earth;beyond the horizon] 无限的空间

  • 你从哪里来的,亲爱的小东西?从天边来到这里

天边[tiān biān]
  1. 她看见天边闪现一片银色——大海!

    On the horizon , she saw a flash of silver ─ the sea !

  2. 天边乌云密布。

    Dark clouds massed on the horizon .

  3. 他们消失在天边的雾霾中。

    They vanished into the haze near the horizon

  4. 一片白帆沿着天边移动。

    A white sail moves along the horizon .

  5. 天边只留下一抹残照。

    Only a trace of sunset glow remained on the horizon .

  6. 一抹残霞渐渐在天边消逝。

    A few stray rosy clouds faded from the horizon .

  7. 天边扬起的尘土说明骑兵来了。

    A cloud of dust on the horizon announced the arrival of the cavalryman .

  8. 草原一直伸展到遥远的天边。

    The prairie stretches to the distant horizon .

  9. 最后,利用RMR和GSI以及霍克-布朗准则,确定了东戈壁露天矿露天边坡抗剪强度参数。

    Finally , the shearing strength parameters of East Gobi open pit slope are identified with the RMR , GSI and Hawk-Brown criterion . 2 .

  10. 我们就在阳台上看着月亮从天边一点点升上当空

    Now , those things are just not important for me anymore

  11. 你们像雨点一般从天边落下。

    You like the raindrop falling from the fringe of sky .

  12. 我恨不得逃到天边才好!

    I wish myself at the uttermost ends of the earth !

  13. 漂泊的风从远方吹来,空寂的天边。

    Wandering the wind blowing from afar , the empty horizon .

  14. 财宝远在天边,而晚上的玩耍近在眼前。

    The sure fun of the evening outweighed the uncertain treasure ;

  15. 碧蓝如洗的天空延伸到一望无际的天边;

    Big blue skies that stretch uninterrupted from horizon to horizon ;

  16. 你看天边那云是雨云吗?

    Do you think those are rain clouds on the horizon ?

  17. 金色大海明镜展,横在彤红长天边,

    The golden sea its mirror spreads Beneath the golden skies ,

  18. 一颗非常明亮美丽的星星从天边滑落下来。

    A very bright and beautiful star fell from the sky .

  19. 会东铅锌矿露天边坡的综合治理

    Comprehensive Control of Open pit Slope at Huidong Lead Zine Mine

  20. 傍晚,天边的彩云美极了。

    The rosy clouds in the sky at sunset are amazing .

  21. 他看到天边一幢建筑物的轮廓。

    He saw the outline of a building against the sky .

  22. 我们期待看到天边的第一道曙光。

    We look forward to seeing the first light of day .

  23. 星星也在天边照耀着布列瑟侬。

    Are they shining over Bressanone and upon the other side .

  24. 天边地平线上隐约出现一堆乌云。

    A dark bank of cloud loomed on the horizon .

  25. 今生,我站在寂寞左岸,你伫立海角天边。

    This life , I stood lonely Left you standing Cape horizon .

  26. 顿时天边红彤彤的,好像那里着了火。

    Red sky at once , there seems to fire .

  27. 太阳远在天边,罗琳娜。

    The sun 's far down the sky , lorena .

  28. 他没有注意到天边飘来的乌云。

    He didn 't notice when clouds began to form .

  29. 英国天边的云,不知道哪一朵是故乡的云。

    Clouds of English , I wonder which one was from hometown .

  30. 在《天边外》,人生的意义是无望的希望;

    It is a hopeless hope in Beyond the Horizon ;