
yùn jiè
  • implicit;temperate and refined;cultured and restrained;be cultured and restrained
蕴藉 [yùn jiè]
  • [be cultured and restrained] 含而不露

  • 荣被吸儒衣,温恭有蕴藉。--《后汉书.恒荣传》

  • 广德为人,温雅有酝藉。--《汉书.薛广德传》

  • 末句情长情短,大有蕴藉。--《平山冷燕》

蕴藉[yùn jiè]
  1. 在对于情感、心意的传达方面,琵琶以直接的情志流露、抒发为主,而古琴却带有含蓄蕴藉的特征。

    Power on the emotion and intention expression , pipa give priority to direct sentiment reveal , while guqin have the temperate and refined characteristics .

  2. 他的剧作含蓄蕴藉,韵味无穷,富含浓郁的诗情。

    His play has endless charm , is implicit and poetry-rich .

  3. 他的五言小诗清新自然、含蓄蕴藉、风神摇曳。

    Five-character verses of his fresh and natural , implicit .

  4. 论文学活动的话语蕴藉特征

    On the Characteristics of Discourse Implication in Literary Activity

  5. 民族习惯语在其形成、传承及流变中,蕴藉着丰厚的文化内涵。

    National habits have deeper cultural meaning in its formation , spread and evolution .

  6. 他善于比喻,富于变化,含蓄蕴藉,生动活泼,是中国文学史上的语言大师。

    That is why he is regarded as a linguistic master in Chinese literary history .

  7. 它的审美特征就蕴藉在不同于日常和科学用语的话语体系中。

    Its aesthetic feature lies in the discourse system that differs from daily and scientific terms .

  8. 她的小说文化视野开阔、思想蕴藉深广,受到广泛关注和好评。

    Because of the broad cultural vision and rich connotation , her novels received widespread concern and well evaluation .

  9. 对含蓄蕴藉的文外之美的张扬&论王士禛神韵诗的审美追求

    Expression of Implicit Beauty out of Poem & On aesthetic pursuit of Wang Shizhen 's poem with beautiful rhythms

  10. 黄卫民的书法,秉承传统,追求古韵,蕴藉经典。

    Huang Weimin 's calligraphy bases on the tradition , to seek the aroma and be full of classic .

  11. 在语言上,刘诗语言精警含蓄,既有斗争的锋芒,又有艺术的蕴藉。

    In art , LIU Shi-language insights implicitly , both the struggle of the edge , another art by Yun .

  12. 蕴藉在荷花意象里的诗意笔墨&徐若鸿中国画评析

    The Poetry and Artistic Conception Contained in the Lotus Image & Comment and Analysis of Xu Beihong 's Chinese Painting

  13. 而文人画本身亦以其简淡写意、虚白空灵、缥缈清远、灵动超逸等含蓄蕴藉的审美特征表达出一种禅趣、禅思、禅境。

    While scholar 's painting itself presents the interest , thinking , realm of Zen through its implicit pregnant aesthetic characteristics .

  14. 这些诗和当时一些格调低下的艳情诗不同,写得形象美丽,蕴藉含蓄,富有朦胧美。

    Different from some then amorous poems , these poems are veny beautiful , refined , implicit and fall of hazy beauty .

  15. 微型小说不等同于“小故事”,它要求作品的内涵要深藏隽永,对“意境”、“蕴藉”的追求成为其美学原则。

    Unlike a short story , it requires profound and meaningful connotations and to seeks artistic conception and embodiment is its aesthetic principle .

  16. 中国古典诗歌话语蕴藉与天人合一的中华审美文化精神

    The implication of utterances in the Chinese classical poetry and the aesthetic spirit of integration of heaven and man in the Chinese culture

  17. 民间艺人在长期的艺术实践中形成了自己一整套的程式法则,制作出的朱仙镇木版年画蕴藉着丰富的民俗文化内涵。

    Fold artists have formed a model language in formulating the design through generations of practice , and the product contains rich folklore culture .

  18. 于词律开始纠正明代守律不严的弊病,于词体崇尚秾丽蕴藉。

    He started to correct the shortcomings of Cilv in the Ming Dynasty and was pursuing of the resplendent but restrained style of Ci .

  19. 能指就是意象中的象,所指就是意象蕴藉的意。

    Like the sign being the unit of the signifier and signified , the image is the compounded unit of the picture and the poetic meaning .

  20. 第二节把其诗歌的艺术风格概括为绮靡婉至、深宏蕴藉,并简要论述了其形成原因。

    Section II of the artistic style of his poems summarized as " Gorgeous Circumbendibus Profound meaning ", and briefly discusses the reasons for its formation .

  21. 其含蓄蕴藉的象征,精辟的比喻,辛辣的讽刺等照示了《围城》的话语特色,增强了文本细读方法解读其文学魅力。

    The symbolic implication , the incisive metaphorization and the sharp satire expose the special linguistic color and contribute to understanding the literary charm by careful reading .

  22. 很多人仅针对沈从文作品中的上述因素指出他的反现代性,这不仅忽视了他作品背后所蕴藉的现代理性精神,更忽视了中国现代文学现代性的特质。

    Many people propose him against modernity only from above-mentioned factors in his works , and have ignored the modern rational spirit and characteristic in his works .

  23. 整个中国文学活动带有话语蕴藉的性质,追溯其根源,这是受中华天人合一的审美文化精神的影响。

    Greatly influenced by the aesthetic spirit of integration of heaven and man in the Chinese culture , the Chinese literature is characterized with the implication of utterances .

  24. 湖州以山水清远、民风淳朴著称,湖州人特有的清丽、蕴藉、严谨、醇厚的品格深深地影响着赵孟的人生态度和书法审美思想。

    His attitude towards life and calligraphy aesthetics is profoundly influenced by the lucid and elegant , cultured and restrained , careful and unsophisticated manner of people in Huzhou .

  25. 人们在自然中找不到蕴藉。一些人被自然摧毁,一些人生活在忧郁中,一些人疏离了它。

    Human beings can find no solace in nature , with some of them destroyed by it , some living in melancholy in it and some alienating from it .

  26. 而理性世界观强调人生的意义在于无止境的追求科学知识。《悲剧的诞生》一书具有多重话语蕴藉。

    Rational view of the world emphasizes the meaning of life by the endless pursuit of scientific knowledge . " The Birth of Tragedy " has multiple discourse implications .

  27. 日本人传统上更注重蕴藉内敛,不够直率,但东京居民山名清贵说,这并不意味着日本人不懂浪漫。山名清贵在婚姻破裂后发起了这项名为“喊出你的爱”的活动。

    " The dominant image of Japanese men is of overworked businessmen , but I wanted to tell people around world that Japanese men are actually very romantic ," Yamana said .

  28. 诗歌既有清新自然、颇具理趣的山水诗,也有深沉练达、含蓄蕴藉的咏怀诗。

    There were scenic poems in fresh and natural style and with reason and bright characteristics , as well lyric poems of deep and sophisticated thoughts and of implicit and gentle patterns .

  29. 构筑文学本文的媒介和工具是语言,但是,文学作品中的语言已经不是普通的日常语言和科学语言,而是具有着非凡的陌生化的美、蕴藉化的美和形象化的美的语言。

    Language is the medium and tool of constructing literary text , but the language in literary works is already not the normal dai " accumulative beauty " and " pictorialized beauty " .

  30. 口语叙事的纯朴美、含蓄蕴藉的弹性美、节奏鲜明的音乐美和隽永深刻的思辩美是舒婷诗歌语言的主要审美特征。

    The main aesthetical characteristics of language in Shu Ting 's poetry are the simplicity of oral narrative , elasticity of rich connotation , music of distinctive rhythm and theorization of deep reasoning .