
  1. 人生没有如果,只有如此。

    If , only so that there is not life .

  2. 如果,没有如果,会是怎样的局面。

    If not , how would it if the situation .

  3. 没有如果你想要给孩子最好的生活和机遇

    Nope . If you want to give this kid its best chance

  4. 你怎么知道她没有如果他们认为是你做的呢

    How do you know she didn 't ? What if they think you did it ?

  5. 但是世界上没有如果,理想很饱满,现实很骨感。

    But there is no if , the ideal is full , the reality is very skinny .

  6. 很多孩子经历了每天都会经历一个“什么时候,没有如果”这样的紧张感,担心他们的父母会成为下一个。

    Many children experience a " when , not if " type of anxiety on a daily basis , fearing their parents will be the next statistic .

  7. 如果没有如果,时间是否会为我们停留?曾经看过的夕阳,听过的潮落,都被时间掩埋,幻成泡沫。

    If no if , for our time would stay ? Have seen before sunset , heard of the tide , were buried , unreal time into bubble .

  8. 利比亚内战可能结束了,也可能还没有如果拿伊拉克作为指示器,显然利比亚内战远未结束但对于美国来说,无论如何,这场战争的花费肯定要继续上升。

    The Libyan civil war may or may not be over if Iraq is any indicator , it is far from over but the cost of the war to the United States is sure to rise in any event .

  9. 因此,可以写一些Java™代码或PHP代码来检查所有输入字段并决定哪些字段具有有效输入,哪些字段没有,如果它们无效,则向客户机发送回一个消息。

    So , some Java ™ code or PHP code can be written that will check all the input fields and decide which ones have valid input and which ones don 't and then send a message back to the client if they aren 't valid .

  10. 有能力的人的词典里面没有“如果”和“但是”这些字眼。

    A competent person has to ifs and buts in his vocabulary .

  11. 你有没有想过如果袭击是真的话。

    Has it occurred to you that if this threat is real .

  12. 杰西卡:没有,如果他约我怎么办?

    Jessica : No , but what if he does ?

  13. 我没有事如果你不在乎的话

    I 'm all right I don 't mind if you don 't mind

  14. 没有但如果我们把她带回这里

    No , but if webrought her back in ,

  15. 没有,如果他们的狗再来,我会报警。

    No , if their dog comes again , I 'll call the police .

  16. 还没有。如果来了,我会通知你。

    No , not yet . When it is in , I 'll call you .

  17. 有没有关于如果你们谁如果交到女朋友后的约定?

    Penny : Is there anything in there about if one of you gets a girlfriend ?

  18. 这个权利我没有,如果我有,我一定比上帝慈仁。

    I do not have this right , if I had , I certainly Cihren than God .

  19. 你想过没有,如果我们到了那里后,会是什么景象吗?

    Do you ever think about what it 's going to be like when we get there ?

  20. 如果你想要钱,我没有,如果你想要的生活,我有一个!

    If you want money , I have no ; If you want life , I have one !

  21. 没有。如果我有女朋友的话,我会这样做的。

    No , never ! But if I had a girlfriend , I would do that for her .

  22. 不,我没有,如果我看这部电影的话我会觉得很有罪恶感……罪恶感,为什么?

    No I don 't.I 'll feel really guilty if I watch it ... Feel guilty ? Why ?

  23. 你曾想过没有,如果世界上用尽了石油,你的生活会发生什么样变化呢?

    Have you ever stopped to think how your life would change if the world ran out of oil ?

  24. 可是,如果她没有,如果她愿意带我回去,那就告诉我。

    But , if she didn 't , if she would take me back she should let me know .

  25. 没有,如果我锻炼我会感觉饿,结果是我会吃得更多。

    No , if I exercise , I get hungry , and then I end up eating too much .

  26. 这个是她弟弟,一点爱心也没有-如果你信报纸上的话。-

    That 's the brother . No love lost there , - if you can believe the papers . -

  27. 但你有没有想过如果你快乐购物条件如何破坏这种疗法可能得到?

    But have you ever thought that if you condition happiness with shopping then how destructive this therapy could possibly get ?

  28. 不过你有没有发现如果你经常运动首先肌肉真的有记忆的

    But even don 't you notice if you work out a lot , first of all , muscle does have memory .

  29. 事务默认超时时间取决于事务系统,也有可能没有,如果事务系统不支持。

    Transaction timeout defaults to the default timeout of the underlying transaction system , or to none if time outs are not supported .

  30. 但是我真的没有-如果他真的想到中国去,他当然值得别人对他的祝福。

    But I wasn 't being sarcastic-if the guy wants to move to China and get a job he deserves to be wished luck .